When researchers come up with a new
treatment that makes us feel or work better, it’s usually not just the truly
sick who end up going in for an upgrade. The progress in developing treatments
for illnesses that ravage memory and thought raises an important question: might
the same tools be used to improve the functioning of minds that by most
standards are already running fairly smoothly We may well be approaching an era
of designer brains, in which those of us feeling a little foggy or dull can have
our IQ, fast recall, and self-confidence inflated up via the prescription pad.
"Some brain-related conditions we think of as ordinary, "says one researcher,
"may eventually become disorders, too"—including perhaps less-than-razor-sharp
thinking. The notion of a prescription IQ lift is hardly new. According to polls, about one in 2 A. Researchers always bring forth new and upgraded cures for illness. B. Sick people are anxiously looking forward to new treatments. C. Normal people tend to use the new treatment to be healthier. D. New and upgraded treatment should make us feel or work better. [单选题] 缓冲区不应设置在( )或不作单独设计的桥上。
A.道岔两端 B.道口 C.直线上 D.曲线上 [单项选择]镉柱还原法测定海水中硝酸盐时,还原柱的活化方法为:用250ml活化溶液,以每分钟()ml的流速通过还原柱使之活化,然后再用氯化铵缓冲溶液过柱洗涤3次,还原柱即可使用。
A. 3~6 B. 7~10 C. 10~15 [单选题]男性,30岁,上腹疼痛伴反酸3年,昨天开始呕血,黑便总量约400ml,最大可能出血的原因是
A.胆道出血 B.胃癌出血 C.胃十二指肠溃疡出血 D.食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血 E.应激性溃疡出血 [多项选择]下列含有轻粉的中成药有
A. 牛黄清心丸 B. 三七伤药片 C. 附子理中丸 D. 砒枣散 E. 天王补心丹 [单选题]汽车行驶跑偏不可能的原因是( )
A.左右车轮制动力不相等 B.左右车轮驱动力不相等 C.前后车轮载荷不相等 D.左右前束的值不正确 [单选题] 三投影面体系通常由正立投影面、水平投影面和( )组成。
A.右侧立投影面 B.前立投影面 C.左侧立投影面 D.上投影面 [单项选择]建筑物的已使用年限与估计的尚可使用年限之和()耐用年限。
A. 等于 B. 大于 C. 小于 D. A、B、C均有可能 [单选题](52193)配电线路一般采用( )。(2.0分)
A.钢绞线 B.铜绞线 C.铝绞线 D.镀锌钢绞线 [判断题]在挂有接触网线路上停留的不宜使用人力制动机的车辆(无电气化区段专用闸盘),使用人力制动机紧固器。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]WT450/25型钻井泵由()组成。
A. 排量 B. 压力 C. 动力端 D. 液力端 [单选题]牵引列车的机车在出段前,必须达到运用状态。车轮踏面上的缺陷或剥离长度不超过40 mm,深度不超过( ) mm。
A.0.3 B.0.7 C.1 D.1.7 [单项选择]根据我国现行规定,企业支付给离退休职工的退休金应计入企业管理费中的( )。
A. 生产工人工资 B. 劳动保险费 C. 职工待业保险费 D. 办公费 [简答题]直流数字电压表检定规程对仪表检定周期有何规定?
A.同一城市 B.同一座建筑物内 C.同一园区 [判断题]( )苗期不是油菜去杂去劣的时期。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交