A. Thinks Positively.
B. Knows That Principles Are More Important than Rules.
C. Possesses a Sense of Humor.
D. Communicates Facts That Are Hard to Take.
E. Cares for Others and Their Well-being.
F. Has Integrity and Authenticity.
G. Order Is Important.
Much has been written about the tasks of leaders and the skills required for leadership. There has been considerable debate about the question of whether leaders are born or made. Likely behind these arguments is the difference between personal characteristics that some people have at birth and skills that one can acquire through education and practice. But the important personal characteristics, while they may seem innate in some people, can be cultivated, and indeed, require cultivation in all of us. For unless they are strengthened through conscious attention and cultivation, they can, for example, easily be forgotten or ignored in the craziness of activity often associate
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股本 [判断题]最大在线用户数就是最大并发用户数
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]苫盖易于损坏篷布的货物时,装车单位必须采取防护措施,( )由托运人提供。
A.防护材料 B.防磨材料 C.防洪材料 D.防护用具 [判断题]在进入室内等场所灭火进攻时,应预先熟悉撤退路线,进入时在门、窗一侧低姿缓慢开启门窗,或采取限位措施,也可边射水边开启门窗,防止门、窗开启瞬间发生轰燃、回燃、爆燃伤人,高层建筑还应防止穿堂风挟烟火伤人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 首长有权部属下达命令,命令通常( )下达。
A.越级 B.按级 C.直接 D.间接 [单项选择]患者,女,50岁,因交通事故致双下肢瘫痪,大小便失禁,其子女将其送到医院康复科进行治疗。首先进行的康复医疗活动是()
A. 临床用药 B. 手术根治 C. 康复评定与康复治疗 D. 保健体育 E. 心理治疗 [简答题]市标准定额站发布的材料价格信息是否已包括送到工地的运输费?
A. 蓼科 B. 豆科 C. 列当科 D. 茄科 E. 菊科 [单选题]根据《反间谍法》规定,当事人对行政处罚决定、行政强制措施决定不服的,可以( )向作出决定的上一级机关申请复议。
A.自接到决定书之日起六十日内 B.自接到决定书之日起七日内 C.自接到决定书之日起三十日内 D.自接到决定书之日起十五日内 [单选题]建筑设计单位和建筑施工企业对建设单位违反法律、行政法规和建筑工程质量、( )安全标准,提出的降低工程质量的要求,()。
A.可以予以拒绝 B.应当予以拒绝 C.不得予以拒绝 D.视情况决定拒绝与否 我来回答: 提交