Passage 3 Providing for a payment mechanism or the transfer of funds is one of the important functions performed by commercial banks, and it is increasing in importance as greater reliance is placing on the use of checks and credit cards. The increasing efficiency with which funds are managed is indicated by the gradual decline in money holdings relative to the gross national product over the years, despite the increase in the number of financial transactions. In recent years the only kind of money that has increased relative to national income is coin, primarily because of the growth of metering and vending machines. As we can see, at present check deposits are assuming a larger portion of the transaction load, and they are, being used more, efficiently. Most of the checks in the nation are cleared through the commercial ban [多选题]油品蒸气损耗和( )﹑储存条件﹑油面压力﹑作业环境及生产经营管理水平等因素有关。
A.油品的性质 B.油品密度 C.油品温度 D.控制时间 [单项选择]IBM wants ______ in the ad.
A. computer experts B. consulting talents C. managing talents D. sale talents [单选题]颅后窝骨折时,常发生_____。( )
A.鼻漏 B.耳漏 C.鼻漏或耳漏 D.均能发生 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定:动车组列车乘务员发现旅客吸烟应( )。
A.予以指责 B.予以制止 C.进行宣传 D.及时劝阻,并由公安机关依法查处 [多选题]大额存单与普通存款有什么区别?( )
A.起存门槛较高 B.拥有不同的固定期限品种 C.在存款到期前支持质押、提前支取和赎回 D.没有区别 [单项选择]导流建筑物级别划分时,当使用年限为3~1.5年时,导流建筑物的级别为()级。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [判断题]为旅客办理分票手续时,按分票的张数核收手续费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]头皮裂伤后感染,伤口不愈的原因
A.机体低抗力低下 B.应用抗生素不足 C.换药间隔时间较长 D.创口异物存留,引流不畅 E.以上都不对 [判断题]警务辅助人员自残或者自杀的,不能认定为工伤或者视同工伤。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]判断题】设备检修时,回路中的各来电侧刀闸操作手柄和电动操作刀闸机构箱的箱门应加挂机械锁。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在安全技术检查工作中,应做到“请”字开头,“谢”字结尾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]直流断路器不能满足上、下级保护配合要求时,应选用带(____)特性的直流断路器。
A.过负荷长延时保护 B.短路瞬时保护 C.短路短延时保护 [单项选择]肝气郁结型郁证治法为()
A. 疏肝理气解郁 B. 清肝泻火,解郁和胃 C. 养心安神 D. 健脾养心,益气补血 E. 滋阴清热,镇心安神 [单项选择]旅客在()办理车票改签时,应收回原票换发新票,票面打印“始发改签”字样。
A. 始发站 B. 中转站 C. 发站 D. 到站 [单项选择]患儿,7岁,下颌右侧第一乳磨牙远中邻面深龋,穿髓,经根管治疗后,应采取的治疗措施是()
A. 金属全冠 B. 金属嵌体 C. 树脂嵌体 D. 牙体充填术 E. 塑料全冠 我来回答: 提交