The function of the office is to
perform administrative work. First, it must provide the necessary communications
with customers, banks, government departments, and other outside organizations.
Second, it must service the information requirements within the company itself.
In order to meet these needs efficiently, the Office Manager must employ the
most appropriate business methods, systems and equipment. In an
efficient administrative structure, clerical operations are organized so that
they add to the profitability of the business. However, in many countries the
number of clerical staff has increased while the total number of workers
employed in production has fallen. In Britain, for example, the total workforce
in the years 1919-1976 went up by 25%, while the number of people who were
employed in clerical work increased by 150%. F A. provide the necessary information for the local authority B. keep a balance between production, marketing and administration C. assist management in making appropriate decisions quickly D. make sure that administrative work is performed efficiently
[单项选择]下列处理医际关系的原则不正确的是()。 A. 彼此平等、相互尊重 B. 彼此独立、相互支持和帮助 C. 彼此协作、力争最大的经济效益 D. 彼此信任、相互协作和监督 E. 相互学习、共同提高和发挥优势
[单项选择]Emotion is a feeling about or reaction to certain important events or thoughts. People enjoy feeling such pleasant emotions as love, happiness, and contentment. They often try to avoid feeling unpleasant emotions, such as loneliness, worry, and grief. Individuals communicate most of their emotions by means of words, a variety of sounds, facial expressions, and gestures. For example, anger causes many people to frown, make a fist, and yell. People learn ways of showing some of their emotions from members of their society, though heredity (遗传)may determine some emotional behavior. Research has shown that different isolated peoples show emotions by means of similar facial expressions. Charles Darwin, famous for the theory of natural selection, also studied emotion. Darwin said in 1872 that emotional behavior originally served both as an aid to survival and as a method of communicating intentions. According to the James-Lange theory of emotions developed in the 1880s, people feel A. Interpretation made. B. Responses produced. C. Feeling stimulated. D. Action taken.
[多选题]下列各项中属于政府财务会计要素的有( )。 A.净资产 B.所有者权益 C.收入 D.预算结余
[判断题]. 跌落式开关固定松动,支架位移、有异物属于严重缺陷。 ( ) A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]王某担任某县小学教师期间通过了硕士研究生入学考试,学校以王某服务期未满、学校教师不足为由不予批准王某在职学习。王某欲以剥夺其参加进修权利为由提出申诉,受理申诉的机构应当是()。 A. 当地县教育局 B. 当地县人民政府 C. 地市教育局 D. 省教育厅
[单选题]严重的Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者,不能吸人高浓度氧,是因为??? A.缺氧不是主要原因 B.可引起氧中毒 C.诱发呼吸性碱中毒 D.诱发代谢性碱中毒 E.降低二氧化碳兴奋呼吸中枢的作用
[单选题]巷道抽采法可利用上阶段回风巷( )处预埋的瓦斯管道进行抽采。 A.密闭墙 B.风门 C.风墙
[单项选择]革兰阴性菌细胞壁中不含有的成分是 A. 肽聚糖 B. 磷壁酸 C. 脂蛋白 D. 脂多糖 E. 特异性多糖
[单选题]承包商考核细则考核标准分( )类。 A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5
[单项选择]怀疑肺癌的病人应首选哪项检查 A. 纤维支气管镜检查 B. 痰脱落细胞检查 C. 胸部X线检查 D. 经皮肺穿 E. 剖胸探查术
[单选题] "根据《国家电网公司文书档案整理规范》(国网(办/4)923-2018),没有标题、标题不规范,或者标题不能反映文件主要内容、不方便检索的,应全部或部分自拟标题,自拟内容外加“( )”。 A.() B.{} C. [ ] D. <> "
[单项选择]In which of these phases is a customers network assessed to determine its system readiness? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。 A. plan B. design C. operate D. implement
[简答题][2022-03-06 16:49:16.785
[填空题] {{B}}Part One{{/B}} Questions 1-12
{{B}}Conversation One{{/B}} (Questions 1-4) ·Look at the
form below. ·You will hear a woman calling about a product
launch. For: Owen Park From: Sally
Porter Message: 1. She has been asked to{{U}}
(1) {{/U}}the decision on the launch of Diet Crus. She wanted to know
whether our present production{{U}} (2) {{/U}}could handle it.
2. If the board likes the idea, she would want to test-market the product
over a period of{{U}} (3) {{/U}}. And she will need about{{U}} (4)
{{/U}}bottles. 3. She would like to know if you have any
other ideas. Please call her back.
[多选题] 安全基础建设包括( )。 A.安全制度制定 B.安全人才 C.安全文化建设 D.安全设施设备
[判断题]两种或两种以上的任何元素组合成的金属,叫做合金。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]判断题:空调系统水泵包括补水泵和循环水泵。 A.正确 B.错误
[简答题]The atmosphere is usually very friendly, and the teachers have now accepted the idea that the important thing is to make the children happy and interested.
[单项选择]负责接收和保管所辖范围应当永久和长期保存的工程档案和有关资料的单位是( )。 A. 建设单位 B. 监理单位 C. 地方城建档案管理部门 D. 施工单位
[单选题]为防止损伤运行电缆或其他地下管线设施,在城市道路( )内不宜使用大型机械开挖沟(槽),硬路面面层破碎可使用小型机械设备,但应加强监护,不得深入土层。 A.A. 红线范围 B.
B. 警示线 C.
C. 绿化区 D.
D. 两侧区域
[单选题]医院环境分类中,属于I类环境的是( )。 A.层流洁净手术室 B.传染病房 C.导管室 D.供应室清洁区 E.普通病房隔离病人
[单选题]进入煤气区域下列行为正确的是()。 A.在煤气排水器旁休息 B.煤气区域作业,一人作业一人监护,并配带煤气表 C.煤气区域作业,单人作业
[判断题]某企业的产品包装抄袭了学生李某在网上展示的设计作品,这侵犯了李某的著作权。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]动脉导管未闭患儿脉压增宽主要是由于周围动脉 A. 收缩压升高 B. 收缩压降低 C. 舒张压升高 D. 舒张压降低 E. 收缩压、舒张压均增高,尤以前者明显
[填空题]HXD1机车微机控制系统的核心( )模块和司机需要经常操作的一些开关、按钮等分别设置在司机室内的两个后墙柜内。
[单项选择]瀑布的组成包括()。 A. 出水口、入水口、水潭; B. 背景、落水口、瀑身、承水潭; C. 水源、管道、石块等。
[多选题]国网公司系统内协作检修单位需要到设备运行管理单位担任工作票签发人、工作负责人时,应满足以下要求:( )。 A.高级技师证书 B.掌握检修设备的情况(如结构、缺陷内容等) C.掌握与检修设备有关的系统 D.持本单位考试合格、批准担任工作票签发人或工作负责人的书面证明
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