I have just come home after viewing
some astonishing works of art that were recently discovered in Church Hole cave
in Nottinghamshire. They are not drawings, as one would expect, but etchings,
and they depict a huge range of wild animals. The artists who created them lived
around 13,000 years ago, and the images are remarkable on a variety of counts.
First of all, their sheer number is staggering, there are ninety all told.
Moreover, fifty-eight of them are on the ceiling. This is extremely rare in cave
art, according to a leading expert, Dr Wilbur Samson of Central Midlands
University. Wall pictures are the norm, he says, "But more importantly, the
Church Hole etchings are an incredible artistic achievement. They can hold their
own in comparison with the best found in continental Europe." I am not a student
of the subject, so I have to take his word for A. (A) They indicate that people from central Europe had settled in Britain. B. (B) They prove that ancient Britons hunted over large areas. C. (C) They reveal the existence of a single ice-age culture in Europe. D. (D) They suggest that people in continental Europe were more sophisticated than Britons. [多选题]降低线路损耗的技术措施有:( )。
A.用电普查 B.配电网技术改造 C.管理创新 D.提高电网功率因数 [判断题]非居民客户跨年度欠费部分,每日按欠费总额的千分之二计算电费违约金。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]砖墙的水平灰缝厚度和竖缝宽度,一般应为( )左右。
A.3mm B.7mm C.10mm D.15mm [单项选择]颗粒状和短路过渡电弧焊形成的焊缝形状宽而()。
A. 浅 B. 深 [单选题]对刑事案件的处理都要重证据,重调查研究,不轻信口供。下列表述不正确的是( )。
A.只有被告人供述,没有其他证据的,不能认定被告人有罪和处以刑罚 B.口供一般不具有证明力 C.没有被告人供述,证据确实、充分的,可以认定被告人有罪和处以刑罚 D.没有其他证据印证的口供不能作为定案根据 [多选题]随机接入的触发条件:
A.RRC_IDLE初始接入 B.无线链路断开时初始接入 C.切换时需要随机接入 D.RRC_CONNECTED状态下收到下行数据,需要随机接入,即UE被叫时失步 [单项选择]最基本、最常用的评估是( )。
A. 学习评估 B. 反应评估 C. 结果评估 D. 工作行为评估 [判断题]秦朝实施"以吏为师"的教育制度,提高了教学的效率,加强了民众的法制意识,因此是教育发展史上的一次大进步。
[单选题]《随园食单》是先秦时期文人徐珂所著。你认为这一说法: ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 国家建设行政主管部门针对建筑施工企业的行业管理特点和当时的形势提出12项安全生产条件。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交