At the beginning of the twentieth
century, North American society held, as an ideal, the Nuclear Family. This
presumably perfect residential, social, and economic unit consisted of an adult
male, an adult female and their minor children. This structure was thought to be
stable and long lasting. However, a few decades later, the structure of that ideal family was being altered radically even while it was being touted as the structure to be aimed for. Popular magazines bemoaned the loss of the Nuclear Family and its replacement with inferior forms. There are a number of factors that are acting in concert to apply pressure on the Nuclear Family and generate a variety of new structures. Some of these are: The definition of marriage has changed somewhat in that few people now consider it to last "until death do us part." The concept of mo A. men have many wives while others have none B. people are very rich while others are very poor C. people have too much work to do while others have nothing to do D. people control others [简答题]什么叫贫油混合气?
A.利率 B.需求 D.收益 [单选题]GPWS有几种基本工作方式?
A.6种 B.7种 C.8种 D.9种 [单项选择]X1要求是非负整数,它的来源行是X1-5/3X4+7/3X5=8/3,高莫雷方程是()
A. -1/3X4-1/3X5<=2/3 B. X4-X5<=-2 C. X4+X5+S=2 D. -1/3X4-1/3X5+S=-2/3 [单选题]最容易引起细菌污染反应的血液制品是
A.浓缩红细胞 B.清蛋白 C.新鲜冰冻血浆 D.冷沉淀 E.浓缩血小板 [填空题]当机组发生起火时,运行人员应立即停机并(),迅速采取灭火措施,防止火势蔓延;当机组发生危机人员和设备安全的故障时,值班人员应立即拉开()断路器。
[单选题] 班组进行检查时发现危险化学品有包装破损,品质变化,泄漏等情况时,必须及时进行( )处理,并上报。
A.填埋 B.焚烧 C.报废 D.无害化 [简答题]简述制度创新推动经济增长的机理。
A.0.3mm B.0.4mm C.0.5mm D.0.6mm [判断题]在站内无空闲线路的特殊情况下,接入为排除故障、事故救援、疏解车辆等所需要的救援列车、不挂车的单机、动车及重型轨道车时,上述列车均应在进站信号机外减速。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]井下用风地点的回风再次进入其他用风地点的通风方式称为串联通风
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电流互感器二次回路开路的现象是()。
A.监控系统发出告警信息,相关电流、功率指示降低或为零 B.相关继电保护装置发出“TA断线”告警信息 C.本体发出较大噪声,开路处有放电现象 D.相关电流表、功率表指示为零或偏低,电度表不转或转速缓慢 [判断题]采用信用证付款方式的企业,在“其他货币资金”账户进行核算。()
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