The decline of civility and good
manners may be worrying people more than crime, according to Gentility Recalled,
edited by Digby Anderson, which laments the breakdown of traditional codes that
once regulated social conduct. It criticizes the fact that "manners" are scorned
as repressive and outdated. The result, according to Mr. Anderson director of the Social Affairs Unit, an independent thing-tank -is a society characterized by rudeness: loutish behaviour on the streets, jostling in crowds, impolite shop assistants and bad-tempered drivers. Mr. Anderson says the cumulative effect of these-apparently trivial, but often offensive-is to make everyday life uneasy, unpredictable and unpleasant. As they are encountered far more often than crime, they can cause more anxiety than crime. When peo A. acts rashly when he is young B. tends to be bad-tempered in old age C. behaves with a sense of appropriacy D. attaches importance to his status [单项选择]滚珠丝杠副轴向间隙调整与预紧方案中,便于调整且精度最高的方案是()
A. 双螺母螺纹预紧 B. 双螺母齿差预紧 C. 双螺母垫片预紧 [单项选择]下列泵中可以用来输送水的是()。
A. 齿轮泵 B. 叶片泵 C. 三螺杆泵 D. 单螺杆泵 [单选题]保证无缝线路长钢轨在冬天不被拉断、夏天不发生胀轨跑道事故的轨温是( )。
A.钢轨温度 B.中间轨温 C.锁定轨温 D.设计锁定轨温 [单选题]对于干荷蓄电池初次使用,只需按规定加足电解液后,静放( )即可装车使用。
A.24 小时 B.12 小时 C.1小时 D.20~30 分钟 [多选题]电缆敷设及接线,应注意以下事项()。
A.电缆敷设时应设专人统一指挥,指挥人员指挥信号应明确、传达到位 B.拐角处作业人员应站在电缆外侧,避免电缆突然带紧将作业人员摔倒 C.电缆通过孔洞时,出口侧的人员不得在正面接引,避免电缆伤及面部。上下竖井应系安全带 D.电缆剥皮应注意刀口方向及钢铠切口,防止划伤手掌;电缆剥皮还应注意不得伤及芯线绝缘层,防止直流失地 E.电缆绑扎牢固可靠,垂直敷设的电缆应重点检查绑扎的可靠性,防止绑扎位置松脱,导致大量电缆松脱引起人身及电网事故 [判断题]智力游戏是幼儿时期最典型的、做有特色的游戏,也是创造性游戏中最有代表性的一种。
A.学习 B.沟通联系 C.工作 D.协作 [判断题]隔离开关导电回路较正常运行或相邻间隔出现明显的异常放电声,定性为严重缺陷
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]不能接入综合接地系统的金属结构须装设接地装置,接地电阻一般不大于lOΩ。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]动车组经鉴定具备下列哪些条件时,可以申请整列或部分车辆报废( )。
A.车体结构变形、破损严重无法修复的 B.制动故障 C.牵引故障 D.动车组整列或部分车辆发生事故或遭遇意外灾害,修理费用超过其重置价70%的 我来回答: 提交