Years ago, a cigarette commercial asked if you were smoking more, but enjoying it less. That describes the way many of us live today. We are doing more, but enjoying it less. And when that doesn’t work, we compound the problem. In our frantic search for satisfaction, we try stuffing still more into our days, never realizing that we are taking the wrong approach.
The truth is simple; so simple it is hard to believe. Satisfaction lies with less, not with more.
Yet, we pursue the myth that this thing, or that activity, will somehow provide the satisfaction we so desperately seek.
Arthur Lindman, in his devastating book, The Harried Leisure Class, described the futility of pursuing more. His research focused on what people did with their leisure time. He found that as income rose, people bought more things to occupy their leisure time. But, ironically, the more things they bought, the less they valued any one of them. Carried to an extreme, he p
A. ten years ago
B. twenty years ago
C. more than twenty years ago
D. less than ten year ago
You have studied hard, and the day has
(21) come when you must write your exam. Try to arrive a few
minutes before the (22) starts. Avoid talking to other
students, especially those (23) are doing some last minute
cramming. These people will make you nervous and (24) your
concentration. If you can, choose a seat that allows you to (25) . Try to sit away from the (26) to the room so you are not (27) by students leaving before you are finished. Listen (28) to any verbal instructions from the teacher or any (29) written on the board. Here are five A. students B. concentration C. problems D. questions [单选题]电缆线路交叉互联箱和接地箱本体及其进线孔,不得选用(____)材料。
A.半导体 B.绝缘 C.铁磁 D.塑料制品 [多项选择]骨盆骨折的并发症是()
A. 腹膜后巨大血肿 B. 膀胱尿道损伤 C. 直肠损伤 D. 腰骶神经丛损伤 E. 脊髓损伤 [判断题]管线放空量的计算可按一般管线的通过能力公式进行计算。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]胸部摄影,中心线经( )
A.、第6胸椎入射 B.、第7胸椎入射 C.、第8胸椎入射 D.、第9胸椎入射 E.、第6、7胸椎入射 [判断题]会员单位应当建立并有效执行客户开发责任追究制度,明确客户开发人员、审核人员、服务人员、相关部门负责人、公司高级管理人员等相关期货从业人员的责任。()
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