During the 9th century scientists
found that when certain parts of the brain of a man were{{U}} (36)
{{/U}} , he would lose the{{U}} (37) {{/U}} to do certain things.
And so, people thought that each part of the brain does a different{{U}}
(38) {{/U}} . But modern research has{{U}} (39) {{/U}} out that
this is not so, for it is not{{U}} (40) {{/U}} to say{{U}} (41)
{{/U}} what each part of the brain does. In the past fifty years there{{U}} (42) {{/U}} a great increase in the amount of research{{U}} (43) {{/U}} on the brain. Chemists and biologists have{{U}} (44) {{/U}} that the{{U}} (45) {{/U}} the brain works it is not so{{U}} (46) {{/U}} as people in general may think. Chemists tell us that 100,000 chemical changes{{U}} (47) {{/U}} in the brain every se A. suggest B. know C. guess D. mean [单选题]某病人,反复中上腹疼痛3年余,诊断为十二指肠溃疡,护士协助建立合理的饮食结构,下列哪项不妥( )
A..规律进食和少量多餐 B..可采用牛奶餐治疗,促进溃疡愈合 C..饮食温度以45℃左右为宜 D..选择营养丰富.易消化的食物 E..忌食刺激性强的食物 [单选题]关于对熔化焊操作中触电人员的急救措施,下列说法错误的是( )。
A.应创造条件,用装有冰屑的塑料袋作成帽状包绕在伤员头部,完全包围头部 B.如确有需要移动时,抢救中断时间不应超过30s C.移动触电者或将其送往医院,应使用担架并在其背部垫以木板,不可让触电者身体蜷曲着进行搬运 [单选题]糖皮质激素治疗严重感染是因为
A.抗菌作用 B.抗病毒作用 C.兴奋中枢,提高机体应激能力 D.通过其抗炎、抗毒、抗休克等作用缓解症状 E.提高机体免疫力 [单选题]紧急撤离时,当你负责的出口卡阻时,应当:( )
A. 继续尝试打开出口 B. 寻求乘客的帮助 C. 等待时机 D. 立即指挥乘客从其它出口撤离 [名词解释]铬当量
[多项选择]以下属于行政应急类型的是( )
A. 自然灾害 B. 安全事故 C. 经济危机 D. 社会冲突 [单选题]February18th
Ruth Walter
2921 Cypress Lane
Smith field,UT 00375
Dear Ms.Walter,
It has come to our attention that you have failed to remit payment for service provided during the two billing periods of 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 last year.
Our records indicate that multiple bills for these periods have been sent to your address with out reply.At this point.we are regrettably required to take stronger measures.If by April 15 we have not received payment in full,including all late fees charged,we will be forced to terminate service to your residence.
For further information about this action,or to verify the amount of your outstanding balance,please call our Customer Service Center at l—888—555—3802。or write to the following address:
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway 1 6
Logan,UT 00378
February 27th
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway l 6
Logan,UT 00378
Service representative,
I recently received a notification of outstanding charges on my account.I am very confused and distressed by the situation outlined in your letter.
First of all,I am certain that I paid for all services during the two billing period in question.The payments were on time and for the correct amount.I used your company’S automated telephone billing system and paid with my credit card.I am including transaction receipts from my credit card company that list these payments and the dates on which they were processed by your company.
After I had paid then,I did receive multiple bills for the periods 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 as stated in your letter.I tried repeatedly to report this error to your company via the customer service email system,but I never received a response.I am also attaching copies of these emails for your review.
These documents clearly show that I have made all payments in a timely fashion,and I hope they will help you resolve this situation.If you have any more questions for me,please contact me by phone(555-7690)or email(rwalt79@mzmail.com).
Ruth Walter
What will accompany Ms.Walter’s letter?
A.Credit card and email records B.Payment of late fees C.Her business card D.Copies of two billing statements [填空题]100病床以上医院应当设立()和()。
A.感知觉 B.智力 C.体力 D.记忆 [单选题]女,40岁。闭经、泌乳半年,磁共振发现垂体1.5cm×1.0cm占位病变。需要进行的激素检查中,不包括的是( )。
A.促甲状腺激素 B.生长激素 C.催产素 D.泌乳素 E.促肾上腺皮质激素 [多选题]按照履行时间的不同,建设工程材料设备采购合同可以分为( )。
A.即时买卖合同 B.非即时买卖合同 C.双务合同 D.有偿合同 E.诺成合同 [单选题]苯属于中等毒类危险化学品,其泄漏事故特点为( )。
A.易发生爆炸燃烧事故和处置难度 B.易造成大量人员中毒伤亡和污染环境,洗消困难 C.易发生爆炸燃烧事故;易造成人员中毒伤亡和污染环境 D.易造成交叉感染;政治影响大和救援难度大 [单项选择]学校有目的、有计划、系统地对学生进行德育的基本途径是()。
A. 思想品德课 B. 社会实践活动 C. 班主任工作 D. 共青团活动 [单选题]钢坯在加热时,炉压应由( )控制。
A.炉门 B.烧嘴 C.风机 D.烟闸 [单选题]可燃液体贮罐的清洗作业除严格执行设备内作业安全要求外,作业人员必须穿戴()服装,不得穿带钉子的鞋和不导电的胶鞋,不准使用硬质金属和塑料制品。应用铝、铜等软质金属及木质工具。
A.化纤类 B.橡胶类 C.棉布类 [单选题]绝缘电阻表测量用的导线,应使用相应的( ),其端部应有绝缘套。
A.A.裸铜线 B.B.绝缘导线 C.C.裸铝线 D.D.钢线 [单项选择]节能产品中315kVA非晶态钢类型变压器铁损数据为()。
A. 735W B. 380W C. 145W D. 4080W [判断题]多点式报警控制器,在多个报警回路之间应具有独立工作功能,以避免互相影响。可不必识别每路报警信号的位号
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
{{B}}INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES{{/B}} · There are thirty questions on this question paper. Instructions are given on the tape. · You can write on this Question Paper. · At the end of the test, you will be given 10 minutes to copy your answers onto the Answer Sheet. · You must write all your answers in pencil. {{B}}PART ONE{{/B}} {{B}}Questions 1-12{{/B}} · You will hear three telephone conversations. · Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. · You will hear each recording twice. {{B}}Conversation One{{/B}} · Look at the form below. · You will hear a man calling to order a printer. {{B}}
Purchasing Department{{/B}}
{{I}} Order From{{/I}} Date: 18, Nov. Customer Name: Samuel Publishing House Order No: [判断题] 呆小病是幼年时生长激素分泌不足。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]磁路的欧姆定律一般用来对磁路作()分析。
A. 定性; B. 定量; C. 定性和定量; D. 系统。 [判断题]所有工作人员可以单独进入、滞留在客户高压室和室外高压设备区内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列临床特征不是新生儿颅内出血所特有( )
A. 反复惊厥 B. 脑性尖叫 C. 呼吸不规则 D. 腹壁反射未引出 E. 拥抱反射消失 [单项选择]甲型溶血性链球菌可引起
A. 败血症 B. 菌血症 C. 毒血症 D. 脓毒血症 E. 内毒素血症 [单项选择]桥是种固定建筑物,一经造成,便屹立大地,可以千载不移,把它当作地面标志,应当是再准确不过的.《史记·苏秦列传》里有段故事:“尾生(人名)与女子期于梁下,女子不来,水至不去,抱柱而死.”他们所以约定在桥下相会,就因为桥是不会动的,但是,这里所谓不动,是指大动而言,至于小动、微动,它却和万物一样,是持续不断、分秒不停的.车在桥上过,它的重量就使桥身变形,从平直的桥身变为弯曲的桥身,就同人坐在板凳上,把板凳坐弯一样.板凳的腿,因为板的压迫,也要变形,如果这腿是有弹簧的,就可看出,这腿是被压短了.桥身的两头是桥墩,桥上不断行车,桥墩就像凳腿一样,也要被压短而变形.把板凳放到泥土上,坐上人,板凳腿就把人的重量传到泥土中,使泥土发生变形.桥墩也同样使下面的基础变形.桥身的变形表示桥上的重量传递给桥墩了,桥墩的变形表示桥身上的重量传递给基础了,基础的变形表示桥墩上的重量传递给桥下的土地了,桥上的重量终为地下的抵抗所平衡.物体所以能变形,是由于内部分子的位置有变动,也就是由于分子的运动.车在桥上高速行驶时,使桥梁整体发生震动.此外,桥还受气候变化的侵袭.在狂风暴雨中,桥是要摆动或扭动的;就是在冷暖不均,温度有升降时,桥也要伸缩,形成蠕动.桥墩在水中,经常受水流的压迫和风浪的打击,就有摇动、转动和滑动的倾向而在地基中发生移动.此外,遇到地震,桥还会受到水平方向和由下而上的推动.所有以上种种的动而引起的桥的变形,加上桥上重量和桥本身重量所引起的变形,构成全桥各部的总变形.任何一点的变形,都是那里的分子运动的综合表现.桥是固定建筑物,所谓固定就是不在空间有走动,不像车船行走.但是,天地间没有完全固定的东西,桥的平衡只能是瞬间现象,它仍是桥的运动的一种特殊状态.桥的运动是桥的存在形式.下列对本文中心的归纳,正确的一项是_____.
A. 桥在重力作用和各种外力的影响下会发生变形 B. 桥无时无刻不在运动,桥的运动就是桥的存在形式 C. 桥的平衡是桥的运动的一种特殊状态,是瞬间现象 D. 桥任何一点的变形,都是那里的分子运动的综合表现 [单选题]关于流行性脑脊髓膜炎哪项不正确?
A.儿童流脑,暴发型多见、病势凶险、死亡率高 B.婴幼儿流脑,其囟门紧张隆起,脑膜刺激征不明显 C.轻型最多见 D.在抗菌药物治疗同时要给予有效的物理降温 E.飞沫传播 [单选题]英文缩写API的含义:()。
A.公用信息模型 B.公用电网模型 C.组件接口规范 D.应用程序接口 我来回答: 提交