Every living thing has what scientists
call a biological clock that controls behavior. It tells plants when to{{U}}
(62) {{/U}}flowers and insects when to leave protective cocoon (茧)and
fly away. And it tells animals and human beings when to{{U}} (63)
{{/U}}, sleep and seek food. It controls our body temperatures, the{{U}}
(64) {{/U}}of some hormones and even dreams. Events{{U}} (65) {{/U}}the plant and animal affect its actions. Scientists recently found that a tiny animal called Siberian hamster changes the color of its{{U}} (66) {{/U}}because of the number of hours of{{U}} (67) {{/U}}. In shorter days of winter its fur becomes white. The fur becomes gray-brown in longer{{U}} (68) {{/U}}of daylight in summer. {{U}} (69) {{/U}}signals control other biological clocks. German scientists found that some internal one se A. days B. lights C. times D. hours [单项选择]
密度测定时需进行两次平行试验,并求二者的算术平均值,但二者的平行差值不得大于(),否则应重做 A. 0.01g/cm3 B. 0.02g/cm3 C. 0.03g/cm3 D. 0.04g/cm3 [单项选择]何先生的信用卡账单日是每月10日,到期还款日是每月30日。3月10日银行的对账单显示何先生3月5日有一笔2000元的消费,如果何先生3月30日前偿还银行200元,则何先生4月10日账单显示的循环利息为()元。
A. 9.9 B. 33.9 C. 25 D. 34.9 [单项选择]( )是衡量银行资产质量的最重要指标。
A. 资本利润率 B. 资本充足率 C. 不良贷款率 D. 资产负债率 [单项选择]周女士,22岁,未婚,面部有典型蝶形红斑,诊断为系统性红斑狼疮。护理措施错误的是()
A. 避免烈日下活动 B. 外出时戴宽边帽 C. 局部用清水冲洗 D. 脱屑处用碱性肥皂清洗 E. 勿用刺激性化妆品 [单选题]甲状腺大部切除术后声音嘶哑提示
A.术后窒息 B.喉上神经内支损伤 C.喉上神经外支损伤 D.喉返神经损伤 [单项选择]
It was 2:05 in the afternoon. When I entered the classroom, I was surprised to see a video camera. Our class teacher was operating the camera, and my classmates were all talking among themselves slowly. Most of us had never been in front of a video camera before, so we were quite nervous. As for of myself, I had once faced one at home, my uncle was shooting when we were celebrating my sister’s birthday. But this was completely different. We had to talk about our articles as if we were reading news on TV. The funny thing was that every time I tried to face the camera and talk about my article, I forgot the article and couldn’t resist looking down at it. It was a completely different experience for me, thanks to our class teacher. What was the writer’s feelings to his class teacher ( )A. Nervous. B. Afraid. C. Thankful. [填空题]某绝缘材料的绝缘等级为“E”级,其极限工作温度为( )。
[多选题]关于死刑的适用,下列说法正确的是 ( )。
A.甲犯罪时已满75周岁,一律不适用死刑 B.妇女乙审判时怀孕,不适用死刑 C.丙在犯罪时不满18周岁,不适用死刑 D.丁被判处死刑缓期执行,在死刑缓期执行期间,若无故意犯罪且有重大立功表现的,减为15年以上20年以下有期徒刑 [判断题] 胶结、焊接钢轨作业属于Ⅱ级维修项目。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]建设单位应当自领取施工许可证之日起3个月内开工,因故不能按期开工的,应当在期满前向发证机关申请延期,并说明理由:延期以( )为限,每次不超过3个月。
A. 2次 B. 3次 C. 4次 D. 5次 [判断题]未关闭车门行车,系指客运列车客室门未关闭或未关闭好(两侧门缝隙大于30mm)发车,故障车门已越出站台或进入区间。不含车门故障无法关闭,已设置防护栏或专门工作人员随车在故障车门处进行监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]编制人工定额时,由于工作面准备工作做的不好造成的停工时间应计入( )。
A.多余和偶然时间 B.施工本身造成的停工时间 C.非施工本身造成的停工时间 D.不可避免中断时间 [简答题]砂浆车50小时保养要做些什么?
A.国家标准 B.行业标准 C.地区标准 D.执行标准 [填空题] Although there are many skillful Braille readers, thousands of other blind people find it difficult to learn that system. They are thereby shut (61)______ from the world of books and newspapers, having to (62)______ on friends to read aloud to them.
A young scientist named Raymond Kurzweil has now designed a computer which is a major (63)______ in providing aid to the (64)______ . His machine, Cyclops, has a camera that (65)______ any page, interprets the print into sounds, and then delivers them orally in a robot-like (66)______ through a speaker. By pressing the appropriate buttons (67)______ Cyclops’’s keyboard, a blind person can "read" any (68)______ document in the English language.
This remarkable invention represents a tremendous (69)______ forward in the education of the handicapped. At present, Cyclops costs $50,000. (70)______ , Mr. Kurzweil and his associates are preparing a smaller (71)______ improved version that will sell (72)______ less than half that pric
A. A.on B.at C.in D.from [单选题]教育指战员热爱人民群众,遵守 和民族宗教政策,严格执行群众纪律和交往规定。( )
A.社会公德 B.法律法规 C.条令条例 D.规章制度 [单选题]6. 【布置在民用建筑内的柴油发电机房应符合下列规定叙述正确的是:--(建筑设计防火规范G
B500.16.-201.4.(201.8.年版))第5..4..13.条】 A.宜布置在首层或地下一、二层 B.不宜布置在人员密集场所的上一层、下一层或贴邻 C.应采用耐火极限不低于2..50.h的防火隔墙和1..00.h的不燃性楼板与其他部位分隔,门应采用甲级防火门 D. 应设置自动喷水灭火系统 [单项选择]三仁汤主治证候中最具特征的是()
A. 身重疼痛 B. 胸闷不饥 C. 午后身热 D. 苔白不渴 E. 身热不扬 [多选题]劳动保障监察主要以( )等形式进行。
A.日常巡视检查 B.审查用人单位按照要求报送的书面材料 C.接受举报 D.接受投诉 [多项选择]某10kV中性点不接地系统发生单相接地,在所有线路轮流拉路一遍后仍然没有找到故障线路,可能原因有()。
A. 两条或两条以上线路同时同相发生单相接地 B. 母线或母线上设备发生单相接地 C. 主变压器110kV侧绕组发生单相接地 D. 10kV侧发生两相接地 [判断题]小型煤矿,可不装备防治水抢险救灾设备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]可引起明显干咳的药物是
A.钙通道阻滞药 B.β受体阻断药 C.M受体阻断药 D.血管紧张素转化酶抑制药 E.利尿药 [判断题]信息系统检修前,应检查检修对象及受影响对象的运行状态,并核对运行方式与检修方案是否一致。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]队列人员之间的间隔(两肘之间)通常约 () 厘米。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单选题]按照《消防给水及消火栓系统技术规范》 GB50974-2014的规定,附设在建筑物内的消防水泵房,应采用耐火极限不低于2.0h的隔墙和1.50h的楼板与其他部位隔开,其疏散门应直通安全出口,且开向疏散走道的门应采用()。
A.特级防火门 B.甲级防火门 C.乙级防火门 D.丙级防火门 [单项选择]朱砂入药的正确炮制方法是()
A. 煅 B. 漂 C. 水飞 D. 炒 E. 润 我来回答: 提交