Pregnancy mothers are getting a new
tool to help keep themselves and their babies healthy: pregnancy tips sent
directly to their cell phones. The so-called text4baby campaign is the first free, health education program in the U.S. to harness the reach of mobile phones, according to its sponsors. Organizers say texting is an effective means of delivering wellness tips because 90 percent of people in the U.S. have cell phones. "Especially if you start talking about low-income people, cell phones are the indispensable tool for reaching them and engaging them about their health," said Paul Meyer, president of Voxiva, a company which operates health texting programs in Africa, Latin America and India. Studies in those countries have shown that periodic texts can reduce smoking and othe A. A.take advantage of independent of C.produce an effect on D.expand the range of [单选题]. (单选题) 依据《胜利油田安全培训与安全能力提升管理细则》,领导层和管理人员应具备风险削减措施落实、隐患分级治理、()和安全引领等能力。 (1.0分)
A. 应急指挥 B. 应急处置 C. 现场处置 D. 应急演练 [多选题]下列哪些是应急响应相关要求
A.预先处置 B.响应启动 C.响应行动 D.响应调整 [单项选择]Today more and more people go to websites when looking for information. Although most readers go to websites for news and e-mail, a form of person-to-person news, or in the form of chatting, they also read books on the web. It’s called electronic book (e-book).
Electronic books could revolutionize reading, but people ought to consider their far-reaching impacts as well. "The e-book promises to cause a slow tragedy on life as we know it," Jason Ohler, professor of technology assessment, university of Alaska Southeast In Juneau, warned the World Future Society, Bethesda, Md. His assessment weighed the pros and cons (赞成和反对的理由) of e-book technology’s impact on social relationships, the environment, the economy, etc. Before you curl up (蜷曲) with an e-book, consider the disadvantages. They increase eyestrain due to poor screen resolution, replace a relatively cheap commodity with a more expensive one, and displace workers in print-book production and traditional publishing. E-books A. The society should ensure the poor have access to the technology. B. The society should ban the use of e-books if they cannot reduce eye fatigue. C. The society should approve of the use of e-books if they are made recyclable. D. The schools should solve the present problems of e-books. [单选题]三显示自动闭塞区间内的通过色灯信号机显示( ),要求列车注意运行,表示运行前方有一个闭塞分区空闲。
A.一个绿色灯光 B.一个黄色灯光 C.一个绿色灯光和一个黄色灯光 D.一个红色灯光 [单选题]专业技术组织及其有关人员对所实施的检验、检测、检疫结论承担()
A.法律责任 B.行政责任 C.经济责任 D.技术责任 [单选题]尖轨、心轨顶铁与轨腰的间隙均应( )。
A.不小于1mm B.不大于1mm C. 等于1mm [单项选择]
Wesley Autrey can’t fly, but he is still being called a real-life Superman! Last week, the brave 50-year-old rescued Cameron Hollopeter, 20, from being hit by a train. The train was entering a subway station in New York City. The young man had fallen from the station’s platform and onto the train tracks a few feet below. [单选题]企业职工一方与用人单位可以订立劳动安全卫生、女职工权益保护、工资调整机制等()。
A.专项集体合同 B.综合性集体合同 C.专项劳动合同 [多项选择]A市李某驾车送人前往B市,在B市甲区与乙区居民范某的车相撞,并将后者打伤。B市甲区公安分局决定扣留李某的汽车,对其拘留5日并处罚款300元。下列选项正确的是( )。
A. 李某可向B市公安局申请行政复议 B. 对扣留汽车行为,李某可向甲区人民法院起诉 C. 李某应先申请复议,方能提起行政诉讼 D. 范某可向乙区人民法院起诉 [单选题]在一般茶艺服务接待中, 当规范的茶艺接待方式不适应宾客时, 下列处理方法 中较为恰当的是( )
A.可适当运用他们的礼节、 礼仪, 以表示对宾客的尊重和友好 B.尽可能展示我国茶文化的礼仪 C.可以不考虑我国的礼宾规程,完全适应他们的风俗 D.为了表示对宾客的友好,完全采用他们的礼节 [单选题]下列有关脑膜炎奈瑟菌的叙述,正确的是( )
A.革兰阴性杆菌,在体外存活力强 B.革兰阴性双球菌,在体外存活力低 C.革兰阴性球菌,在体外存活力强 D.革兰阳性双球菌,在体外存活力低 E.革兰阳性双球菌,在体外存活力强 [单选题]电气化区段微机交流计数电码自动闭塞设备,发码器U3的6脚应为2kHz±0.5kHz方波,幅值( )。[311010103]
A.不大于4V B. 不小于4V C. 不大于8V D. 不小于8V [单选题]依据《安全生产法》的规定,下列关于《安全生产法》适用范围的说法中,正确的是( )。
A.有关法律、行政法规对非煤矿山另有规定的,不适用《安全生产法》 B.铁路交通安全的有关法律、行政法规没有规定的,适用《安全生产法》 C.有关法律、行政法规对烟花爆竹、民用爆破器材安全另有规定的,不适用《安全生产法》 [单项选择]对于某蒸汽压缩式冷水机组,产品样本上给出该机组名义工况下制冷量为550USRt,电功率为386kW,则该冷水机组名义工况下的制冷性能系数约为()。
A. 3.00 B. 4.00 C. 5.00 D. 6.00 [单选题]患者男,65岁。患慢性支气管炎,近几日咳嗽加剧,痰液黏稠,不易咳出,给予氧气雾化吸入治疗。以下操作不正确的是
A.将药液用生理盐水稀释至5ml B.氧气湿化瓶内放冷蒸馏水1/2~2/3满 C.调节氧气流量为6~8 L/min D.嘱患者深长吸气,屏气1~2秒,再轻松呼气 E.雾化结束,先取出雾化瓶,再关闭氧气开关 [简答题]关键信息基础设施的运营者应如何保证外包服务安全,防范服务商?
A.小于 B.大于 C.等于 D.不等于 [单选题]国家安全生产监督管理总局管理的国家安全生产应急救援指挥中心,是国家安全生产应急救援协调指挥执行机构,成立于( )年。
A.2004 B.2005 C.2006 D.2007 [判断题]工作负责人应组织执行工作票所列安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]调质热处理后的工件,表面硬度增高,切削加工困难,故应该安排在精加工之后,光整加工之前进行。
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