地区 | A产品 | B产品 | C产品 | 会计 | |
东部 | 1000 | 900 | 1200 | ||
西部 | 800 | 600 | 1240 [单选题]集团在人才建设方面出台的制度及配套激励政策不包括:( )
A.《集团培训管理办法 》、《集团内训师管理办法 》 B.《《集团职称内部聘任管理办法》 C.《员工违章违纪责任追究办法》 D.《集团工人技能等级鉴定管理办法及实施细则》、《在职高中学历员工上统招大专十问十答》 [单选题]作业人员应在( )的保护范围内作业。
A.开关 B.接地线 C.闸刀 D.负荷开关 [单选题]客户申请存贷通贷款的个人借记卡如果存在签订双利丰、( )等第三方业务则不能办理。
A.定期子帐户 B.基金帐户 C.储蓄国债帐户 D.聪明账 [单项选择]下列关于诸子百家的代表人物,阐述错误的是( )
A. 儒家的代表人物是孔子、孟子、荀子 B. 道家的代表人物是老子、庄子 C. 法家的代表人物是墨子、商鞅 D. 兵家的代表人物是孙武 [单项选择]天然水中的胶体有两类:一类是()矿物质胶体,另一类是由动植物腐烂后的腐殖质形成的胶体。
A. 硅、镁、钙等 B. 硅、镁、钾等 C. 硅、钙、钾等 D. 硅、铁、铝等 [判断题]现场工作开始前,应检查已做的安全措施是否符合要求,运行设备和检修设备之间的隔离措施是否正确完成,工作时还应仔细核对检修设备名称,严防走错位置
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列生物中属于非细胞生物的是()。
A. 细菌 B. 放线菌 C. 病毒 D. 支原体 [单项选择]知识经济指的都是以()支持,以高技术产业为支柱的经济。
A. 自然资源 B. 社会资源 C. 人际资源 D. 智力资源 [多选题]在轨道电路空闲状态下,电子接收器输出给执行继电器的电压为( )V在合格范围内。
A.15-18V B.18-24V C.20-26V D.22-28V [单选题]征信服务中心应当在接受异议申请后( )个工作日内,向异议申请人或转交异议申请的中国人民银行征信管理部门提供书面答复。
A.7 B.10 C.15 D.30 [单选题]4个月健康男婴,现采用人工喂养,此时护士 应指导家长添加的辅食是
A.肉末 B.米饭 C.饼干 D.蛋黄 E.馒头 [判断题]电流继电器线圈导线细、阻抗大。()
[多选题]甲国因其领海海域海盗猖獗向联合国安理会请求国际社会在打击海盗上予以协助。安理会通过了他国军舰可进入乙国领海打击海盗活动的决议。乙国军舰在甲国附近公海登临一疑为海盗的船只时,因该船置之不理而使用了武力,造成了该船的损失。后查明该船并非海盗船。依国际法的相关规则,下列选项正确的有哪些?( )
A.尽管有决议,外国军舰进入甲国领海仍然属于侵略行为 B.安理会的决议并不能使外国军舰进入他国领海打击海盗成为国际习惯法 C.军舰在公海有合理根据认为某船从事海洋法公约所列不法情况时,有登船检查的权利 D.乙国应对乙国军舰对被临检船造成的损失承担赔偿责任 [判断题]公安刑事司法的基本原则,是公安机关进行刑事司法工作所必须遵循的基本行为准则。 ( )
A. 下端平对第3腰椎 B. 下端平对第4腰椎 C. 下端有神经组织构成的终丝连在尾骨上 D. 脊髓表面被覆3层被膜,由外向内为硬脊膜、脊髓蛛网膜和软脊膜 E. 全长有一个膨大称脊髓圆锥 [单项选择]
A. -$200. B. -$175. C. $175. [多选题]规划() 类供电区域,一般采用直埋方式。
A.B B.C C.D D.E [多选题]事故隐患泛指生产系统中可导致事故发生的( )。
A.人的不安全行为 B.自然灾害 C.管理上的缺陷 D.物的不安全状态 [单项选择]党政联合发文,应标明()。
A. 行政机关的发文号 B. 党的机关的发文号 C. 所有机关的发文号 D. 根据具体情况临时规定的发文号 [多选题].下列哪些是有毒气体()。(易)
A.氯气 B.光气 C.溴甲烷 D.氰化氢 [不定项选择题]共用题干
1 The idea of rainmaking is almost as old as man,but it was not until 1946 that man succeeded in making rain.In ancient times,rainmakers had claimed to bring rain by many methods:dancing.singing-Kiiiing animals t including humans). 2 For a long time,men have understood where rain comes from.Water from the surface of oceans and lakes becomes part of the air,where it forms clouds from which rain falls.But exactly what starts the formation of raindrops was not known until quite recently.A man named John Aitken proved that drops of water gather around tiny bits of dust or other matter.The centers of the drops are so small that the human eye cannot see them.Without such centers,it seems raindrops do not form. 3 During World War Ⅱ,Dr.Irving Langmir,and his assistant Schaefer,were hired by the General Electric Company to study how and why ice forms on the wings of airplanes.They went to a mountain in New Hampshire,where snowstorms are common and cold winds blow.They were surprised to find that often the temperature of the clouds surrounding them was far below the freezing point,and yet ice did not form in the clouds. 4 After the War,Schaefer experimented with a machine that created cold,moist air similar to the air found in clouds.To imitate the moist air of a cloud,Schaefer would breathe into the machine.Then he would drop into the freezer a bit of powder,sugar,or some other substance.For weeks and months he tried everything he could imagine.Nothing happened.No crystals of ice were formed.None of the substances would serve as the center of a snow crystal or raindrops. 5 One July morning,Schaefer was dropping in bits of various substances and watching the unsuccessful results.Finally,a friend suggested that they go to eat lunch and Schaefer went with him.As usual,he left the cover of the freezer up,since cold air sinks and would not escape from the box. 6 Returning from lunch,Schaefer found that the temperature of the freezer had risen to a point higher than that required for ice crystals to remain solid.There were two choices now.He could close the cover and wait for the freezer itself to lower the air temperature,or he could make the process occur faster by adding dry ice-a gas in solid form that is very,very cold.He chose the latter plan.As he dropped the steaming white dry ice into the freezer,he happened to breathe out a large amount of air.And there,before his eyes,it happened!He had made ice crystals,not by adding centers to the moisture,but by cooling the breath so much that the liquid had to form crystals!Then he began to blow his breath into the freezer and drop large pieces of dry ice through it to create crystals which became a tiny snowstorm falling slowly to the floor of his laboratory. 7 After planning carefully,Schaefer made an experiment by dropping dry ice from his plane to the clouds below him.As was expected,snow formed and fell from the bottom of the cloud.Schaefer succeeded.He made history. Man did not succeed in making rain until quite______. A.imaginatively B.recently C.carefully D.unscientifically E.accidentally F.satisfactorily [单项选择]