The romantic image of the trusty
postman, delivering letters to the farthest-flung corners of the land, makes the
reform of postal services a sensitive subject. This is especially true when the
impetus for reform comes from the European Union. This month the European
Parliament starts work on a directive, drawn up by the European Commission, to
remove the last monopolies in postal markets by 2009--the final stage in a slow
and laborious liberalisation that began in 1992. Directives in 1997 and 2002
chipped away at the centuries-old monopolies enjoyed by national operators, and
the proposed new law will open the whole market to competition by abolishing the
"reserved area" on mail weighing less than 50 grams. But although the
legislative wheels are in motion, some countries are as sceptical as
ever. The A. appealed, B. repealed. C. aggravated. D. consolidated. [判断题]毛坯的形状误差会影响后工序的加工精度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]本务机车( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]攀登高度80m以上铁塔宜沿有护笼的爬梯上下。如无爬梯护笼时,应采用绳索式安全自锁器沿()上下。
A. 主材 B. 脚钉 C. 交叉铁 D. 大斜材 [单选题]电动工器具的电气部分经维修后,应进行绝缘电阻测量及绝缘耐压试验,时间应维持( )min。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多选题]根据《施工现场临时建筑物技术规范》(JGJ/T 188-2009),下列说法不正确的是( )。
A. 自备发电机电源必须与城市供电线路电源连锁,宜并列运行 B. 宿舍每居室电源插座的数量应按使用要求确定,且不应少于 2 个 C. 接地装置宜采用共用接地网,接地电阻值应按设备要求的最大值确定 D.临时建筑应设总等电位联结 E.食堂的用电设备终端配电回路应装设剩余电流动作保护器 [单选题]742. 742.TYJL-Ⅲ型计算机联锁屏幕上的轨道区段显示()光带,表示进路在锁锁闭状态。(C、4、Z)[030404]
A.红色 B.白色 C.绿色 D.黄色 [单选题]一体化机车信号主机连接板上使用了( )个双极保持型继电器隔离接入I/II端信号,防止使用单个多组接点继电器故障引起无法切换问题。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 我来回答: 提交