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A. 预防 B. 检测 C. 威慑 D. 修正 [判断题]受弯构件的纵筋配筋率是钢筋截面面积与构件的有效截面面积之比。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]治疗要获得患者的知情同意,其道德价值应除外()
A. 保护患者自主权 B. 维持社会公正 C. 解脱医生责任 D. 协调医患关系 E. 保证医疗质量 [简答题] 日本的生产设备和公共设施在第二次世界大战中遭到了破坏,剩下的都是些不仅陈旧而且性能差的设备。为了恢复日本经济,必须重新进行设备投资,可是这需要大量的资金。(3点)
A. 线性分析法 B. 趋势分析法 C. 统计分析法 D. 因素分析法 E. 综合分析法 [单选题]Text 3 Employees are often said to be a company's biggest resource.It is equally true that they are its biggest liability.Scarcely a week goes by without a company falling victim to employees-turned-cnemies-or-embarrassments.The most familiar type of enemy within is the fraudster.The Economist Intelligence Unit conducts a regular poll of senior executives on the subject of fraud committed by insiders.Two year ago the poll discovered that about 70%of companies had suffered from at least one instance of fraud,up from 61%in the previous survey.Fraud is often petty.But fraud can also be more harmful:think of former employees setting up rivals using stolen technology and purloined client lists.Even more dangerous is the vandal.Thieves at least have a rational motive.Vandals are driven by a desire for revenge that can know no limit.A company that specialises in corporate investigation gives a detailed account of the story of a British manufacturing company that was under restructuring.A member of the infonnation technology department discovered that his name was on the list of people whose services would no longer be required.He built a"backdoor"into the company's IT system from his home computer and set about causing damage.What can companies do to reduce the threat from these wolves in sheep's clothing?A lot depends on which particular sorts ofwolves you are dealing with.Yet three principles are always worth bearing in mind.The first is that firms need to focus on the people who have the greatest capacity to do harm-those who control the money and information.The more complicated companies become,the harder it is to identify where power really lies.But one thing is clear.The more dependent on information firms get,the more IT specialists can compromise the whole business.The least companies can do is to keep a careful watch on the IT department.The second is that the human touch is still invaluable.Companies can certainly strengthen their hand by installing software that can identify unusual behaviour or monitor e-mail,or by employing professionals to double-check the accounts.The best way to avoid these problems is to treat our employees with respect.The biggest problem with trying to do more with less is that you can end up tuming your biggest resources into your biggest liabilities.
The word"liability"(Para.1)suggests_____
A.employees may cause problems to the company B.employees are the fortune of the company C.some employees are embarrassed by the company D.the company can rely entirely on employees [单项选择]利息简单讲是借贷资本的( )。
A. 收益 B. 现值 C. 损失 D. 成本 [多选题] 作战训练安全工作要严格落实( )要求。
A.一岗双责 B.在岗履责 C.齐抓共管 D.失职追责 [单选题]劳动者可以随时解除劳动合同的法定情形之一是,用人单位( )。
A.变更名称、法定代表人、主要负责人 B.发生合并或者分立 C.变更投资人 D.未依法为劳动者缴纳社会保险费 [单选题]施工企业计提安全生产费用的依据是( )。
A.目标成本 B.工程造价 C.预算成本 D.计划成本 [单选题] 某日,刘某到超市购物时,找到该超市保安队长周某,声称自己钱包被盗,要求通过查看监控录像资料找出扒窃嫌疑人。对此,下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 周某必须把录像资料复制给刘某 B. 周某必须把录像资料向刘某播放 C. 周某必须让刘某查阅录像资料 D. 周某可以拒绝刘某查看录像资料 [单选题]应急指挥小组现场事故总指挥是( )
A.IQ B.IP C.IE D.IO 我来回答: 提交