The initial impact of computers was in
the area of entertainment. If you walked by a video arcade in the early 1980s,
you could not have failed to notice that the use of video games was growing at
what some considered an alarming rate. In 1981 the movie industry grossed $3
billion, video games took in an estimated $6 billion. That gives you some idea
of just how big the computer industry bad become. Video games employ the same
technology as personal computers, and indeed many who bought personal computers
did so primarily for playing games at home, thus saving their quarters. Though
video games are not as popular as they were a few years ago, they did provide
consumers with their first real reason to buy PCs. A more recent computer innovation, desktop publishing, supplies one good reason for those who write for a living to buy a PC. A. The compute may cause health problems for its users. B. The computer has led to a revolution in every aspect of life. C. The computer is financially within reach for most consumers. D. The influence the computer has on life is not as great as people have predicted. [判断题]CRH2A型动车组,,双日检按 5 名检修人员为 1 组,40 分钟检查完成 1 编组(8 辆时)为目标进行检修工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在工程项目进度管理中,下列有关工作定义说法正确的是( )。
A. WBS臣过子单元来表达主单元,每一工作的编码不是唯一的 B. 工作定义确定的最终成果是计划进行的工作,而不是可交付的成果 C. 工作定义的成果是一份工作清单、详细依据和修正的工作分解结构的更新 D. 在进行工作定义时,历史资料可有可无 E. 应借用历史资料、参照过去的模板 [单选题] 鉴别美洲钩虫与十二指肠钩虫丝状蚴的主要依据是
A.形态 B.大小 C.体色 D.咽管 E.口矛 [单项选择]下列合同中,不适用我国《合同法》调整的是( )。
A. 融资租赁合同 B. 收养合同 C. 财产赠与合同 D. 借款合同 [判断题]诚实守信是我们职业活动在社会中生存和发展的基础,也是职业道德规范的核心内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]私人举荐
[单选题]对灭火装置被破坏的燃烧罐(池),利用泡沫管枪、移动泡沫炮、泡沫钩管进攻或利用( )喷射泡沫等方法灭火。
A.水枪 B.机器人 C.无人机 D.举高消防车 [多选题]以下哪些人是地主阶级改革梦的主要代表?()
A. 康有为 B. 林则徐 C. 魏源 D. 梁启超 [单项选择]
Text [多选题]《供电营业规则》规定,供电企业与委托转供户应就(____)等事项签订协议。
A.转供范围 B.转供容量 C.转供期限 D.转供费用 [判断题]串级调节回路的调节器放大系数比简单调节回路小得多,因此克服干扰能力强。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Nearly all the illegal drug heroin in the United States come through ______.
A. Nigeria and Iran. B. Burma and Syria. C. Iran and Syria. D. Burma and Nigeria. [单选题]建立对公人民币结算套餐时,对于汇兑包月套餐收费,收费基数为按笔包月非累进等方式。笔数需分档设置,第一档上限为______。
A.包月部分笔数 B.10000 C.100000 D.999999999 [判断题]流量越大,则扬程越大()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下长坡时,控制车速除了刹车制动以外还有什么有效的辅助方法?
A.挂入空挡滑行 B.利用发动机制动 C.踏下离合器滑行 D.关闭发动机熄火滑行 [单项选择]企业自领取营业执照之日起多久,应申报办理税务登记()
A. 10日 B. 20日 C. 30日 D. 40日 我来回答: 提交