Passage 5 Darkness approached and a cold, angry wind gnawed at the tent like a mad dog. Camped above treeline in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming, the torrents of air were not unexpected and only a minor disturbance compared to the bestial gnawing going on behind my belly button. In an attempt to limit exposure of my bare bottom to the ice-toothed storm, I had pre-dug a half dozen catholes within dashing distance. Over and over, through the long night, the same scenario was repeated: out of the bag, out of the tent, rush, squat, rush back. "Everyone can master a grief," wrote Shakespeare, "but he that has it." Diarrhea, the modern word, resembles the old Greek expression for "a flowing through." Ancient Egyptian doctors left descriptions of the suffering of Pharaohs scratched on papyrus even before Hippocrates, the old Greek, gave it a name few peo A. the former attacks the intestine walls but the latter does not B. the former causes dehydration but the latter does not C. the former makes the patient physically weaker than the latter D. the former is more dangerous than the latter [单项选择]“低流量麻醉机”的氧流量是()
A. O.01~0.02L/min B. 0.02~0.03L/min C. 0.03~0.04L/min D. 0.04~0.05L/min E. 0.05~0.06L/min [单项选择]Bonfires can cause localized air pollution and annoy neighbours. Follow the bonfire guidelines to reduce nuisance to others.
There are no specific laws governing the use of bonfires although under the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1990, a statutory nuisance includes "smoke, fumes or gases emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance". If bothered by smoke, approach your neighbour and explain the problem. You might feel awkward, but they may not be aware of the distress they are causing and it will hopefully make them more considerate in the future. If this fails, contact your local council’s environmental health department. The National Society for Clean Air and Environmental Protection (NSCA) factsheet "Pollution, Nuisance and the Law" explains the situation in more detail. If the fire is only occasional it is unlikely to be considered a nuisance in law. Under the Highways Act 1980, anyone lighting a fire and allowing smoke to drift acr A. Air pollution. B. Bonfires. B. Solid waste. C. Bonfires and the law. [判断题]但基础的长度≥10b时,是条形基础。
[单选题]在抗震防区,天然地基上建造高度为60m的18层高层建筑,基础为箱形基础,按现行规范,设计基础埋深不宜小于( )m。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [判断题]银行业金融机构应坚持对账与业务办理在人员、岗位、职责方面严格分离原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全标志中提示标志的图形标志,其基本形式是( )。
A.带斜杠的圆边框 B.正三角形边框 C.圆形边框 D.正方形边框 [判断题]不同的时代,不同的社会,道德观念有所不同;不同的文化,道德标准也有所差异。
A.尽量简短,不超过10~15分钟 B.避免或减少非语言信息 C.尽量使用短句进行沟通 D.打断患者的陈述转变话题 E.与语言障碍患者进行沟通时应 [多选题]动车组牵引系统的组成包括 等。
A.牵引变压器 B.牵引变流器 C.高压断路器 D.牵引电机 [单项选择]“安吉白茶”属于哪一类茶?()
A. 青茶 B. 绿茶 C. 红茶 D. 白茶 [单项选择]My pain ______ obvious the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked me pitifully, "Are you feeling all right"
A. must be B. could be C. must have been D. could have been [单项选择]监理工程师要对施工质量做出独立判断,必须应用( )手段取得依据。
A. 承包单位自检 B. 平行检验 C. 承包单位互检 D. 交叉检验 [单项选择]当发包人、采购人在招标过程中,委托监理单位代理招标时,发包人、采购人与监理单位之间因签订代理合同而产生( )法律关系。
A. 合同 B. 委托 C. 代理 D. 监理 [单项选择]用于早期宫颈癌普查()
A. 阴道涂片 B. 宫颈刮片 C. 腹腔镜检查 D. 诊断性刮宫 E. 子宫颈活体组织检查 [判断题]继续使用假设包括了资产将按现行用途继续使用,或将转换用途继续使用。( )
[判断题]严禁工作负责人和工作许可人不在工作现场时作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()是指电子银行系统出现宕机、错账、遭到攻击或破坏的各类事件。
A. 业务风险事件 B. 技术风险事件 C. 市场风险事件 D. 系统管理风险事件 [单选题]在杆塔上水平使用梯子时,应使用特制的专用梯子。工作前应将梯子两端与固定物可靠连接,一般应( )在梯子上工作。
A.A.不超过两人 B.B.由一人 C.C.两人 D.D.不超过3人 [填空题]教学过程中领会知识,包括使学生()教材和()教材。
[判断题] 公安机关之间以及各警种、部门之间,应当按照职责分工,紧密配合,互相支持,协调一致开展工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]东奔西走:奔走
A. 上和下睦:和睦 B. 左思右想:思想 C. 南腔北调:腔调 D. 日积月累:积累 [判断题]当原用人单位通过分立、合并、转让等方式发生变更后,新的继承单位应当承担原用人单位的工伤保险责任。( )921000000
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列要约为不可撤销要约的是哪些?()
A. 甲向乙发出要约,要约里声明,让乙l0日内给予答复 B. 甲向乙发出要约,要约里声明,该要约为不可撤销的要约 C. 甲向乙发出要约,按照交易习惯,乙虽然没有进行答复,但已经为履行合同做了准备工作 D. 甲向乙发出要约,并且该要约已经到达乙处 [单选题]使用他人营业执照的违法经营者提供商品或者服务,损害消费者合法权益的,消费者可以()要求赔偿。
A.A:向违法经营者要求赔偿,也可以向营业执照的持有人。 B.B:向违法经营者。 C.C:向营业执照的持有人。 D.D:向工商管理机关。 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]将十进制整数100转换为二进制数是
A. 1100100 B. 1101000 C. 1100010 D. 1110100 [单选题]氧化单元所选用的催化剂是( )。
A.AC B.Co-Mn-Br C.Pd/C [简答题]高压用户数据采集类型和采集数据包括哪些?
[判断题]CRH3A型动车组转向架齿轮箱传感器故障,如故障未消除,维持运行至前方站,下车检查点温,若实际齿轮箱温度值与其它齿轮箱温度相比未超过30℃,检查转向架齿轮箱正常,限速200km/h 运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 演习记录包括( )、参加人员。
A.班组 B.日期和时间 C.工况和演习速度 D.存在问题及讲评 [多项选择]关于X连锁无丙种球蛋白血症哪项是正确的是()
A. 反复细菌感染 B. 常并发恶性淋巴瘤、白血病和类风湿关节炎等 C. 对原虫、病毒和真菌的抵抗力可以正常 D. 血中免疫球蛋白仅IgG减低,其余正常 E. 骨髓涂片、淋巴结活检均可找到大量浆细胞 我来回答: 提交