{{B}}College Sports in the US{{/B}} College sports in the United States are a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball, basketball and hockey programs, and devote millions of dollars each year to sports. Most of them earn millions{{U}} (51) {{/U}}as well, in television revenues, sponsorships. They also benefit{{U}} (52) {{/U}}from the added publicity they get via their teams. Big-name universities{{U}} (54) {{/U}}each other in the most popular sports. Football games at Michigan regularly draw crowds of over 90,000. Basketball’s national collegiate championship game is a TV (54) on a par with(与……相同或相似)any other sporting event in the United States,{{U}} (55) {{/U}}perhaps the Super Bowl itself. At any given ti A. in B. on C. at D. around [多选题]分组比较就是根据( )等,将具有可比性的相似基金放在一起进行业绩的相对比较。
A.资产配置的不同 B.市场主体的不同 C.风格的不同 D.投资区域的不同 [判断题]( )“三超一疲劳”是指超速、超员、超载、疲劳驾驶。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]各种保护连接片、切换把手、按钮均应标明( )。
A. 名称; B. 编号; C. 用途; D. 切换方向。 [判断题]只要绿水青山不要金山银山写入了新党章。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. Directing a Film B. The Key to Success C. A Wonderful Experience D. Working with Film Stars [单项选择]推广年人均效益是推广项目年经济效益除以()
A. 推广的面积 B. 参加推广的人数 C. 年推广对象数 D. 年采用创新的推广对象数 [多选题]近年来,三明市积极培育“三优三巡三点”理论武装工作机制品牌,扎实推进学习型党组织建设,受到中央和省上的充分肯定。其中,“三优”是指()
A.优秀中心组 B.优秀学习范例 C.优秀调研文章 D.优秀党课教案 [判断题]普通铰杠主要用于攻工件凸台旁边的螺纹孔或机体内部的螺纹孔
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如何处理合成塔衬里泄漏?
A.主调节阀 B.手劫阀 C.换挡阀 D.单向阀 [简答题]对筛面的基本要求是什么?
A. 调试 B. 汇编 C. 编辑 D. 编译 我来回答: 提交