Passage 7 A major reason for conflict in the animal world is territory. The male animal (1) an area. The size of the area is sufficient to provide food for him, his (2) and their offspring. Migrating birds, for example, (3) up the best territory in the order of "first come, first (4) ." The late arrivals may acquire (5) territories, but less food is available, or they are too close to the (6) of the enemies of the species. (7) there is really insufficient food or the danger is very great, the animal will not (8) . In this way, the members of the species which are less fit will not have offspring. When there is conflict (9) territory, animals will commonly use force, or a (10) of force, to decide which will stay and which will go. It is interesting to A. killer B. loser C. victor D. successor [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001—2015)第26.2.4.1条规定:禁止使用( )的脚扣和登高板。
A.金属部分变形 B.绳(带)损伤 C.金属部分生锈 D.以上都不对 [单项选择]下列哪项不是艾滋病/HIV感染的传播途径()。
A. 异性间性接触传播 B. 同性恋者之间性接触传播 C. 母婴传播 D. 蚊虫叮咬 E. 血液传播 [单选题] 施工用金属房外壳应( )。 (1.0分)
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A. 物理上扩充主存容量 B. 节省主存空间 C. 提高CPU效率 D. 实现主存共享 [简答题]简述住房公积金的使用及其管理费用的来源。
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A.李斯特 B.莫扎特 C.贝多芬 D.肖邦 [判断题]判断题 将停电的保护和自动装置投入时,应先投装置电源,再投压板。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The extension of the after part of the keel in a single-screw vessel upon which the stern post rests is called the().
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