初步诊断是() As human children are unusually
dependent for an unusually long time, it’s obvious that every society must
provide a domestic context in which the children are brought up and educated. In
present day English, the word ‘family’ has two meanings: firstly, the
(1) group of parents and children; and secondly, a
(2) of relations who might be expected to (3)
at a wedding or a (4) . At the first level, my
brothers and sisters and myself are all in the same (5) as
children, but in different ones as parents; but at the second (6)
, we’re all in the same family from start to finish. As nuclear families become more (7) , families of relations become more dispersed (分). The young mother can still talk to her Mum on the phone, but she can’t ask her to (8) for a few minutes to wat A. adequate B. challenged C. isolated D. excessive [简答题] 什么是危害?
A. 70%:30% B. 60%:40% C. 30%:70% D. 40%:60% E. 50%:50% [多选题]中国统一规定暴雨标准是按照雨量多少区分为( )。
A.小暴雨(20.0-49.9毫米) B.暴雨(50.0-99.9毫米) C.大暴雨(100.0-249.0毫米) D.特大暴雨(大于或等于250.0毫米) [判断题]通电时间增加,人体电阻因出汗而增加,导致通过人体的电流减小。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性患者,70岁,慢性萎缩性胃炎病史30年。1个月前开始出现不规则上腹痛,进食差,体重减轻约6kg,今晨突发呕血,量约100ml。
该患者可能出现的体征是 A. 肝掌 B. 蜘蛛痣 C. 腹壁静脉曲张 D. 上腹压痛 E. 黄疸 [判断题]体育是戒除恶习,改善不良社会生活的有力措施,越来越多的科学证据表明,
进行体育锻炼可以增进健康,并能防止慢性及非传染性疾病的发生。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]承运人的义务是( )。
A.确保铁路运输安全正点 B.为旅客提供良好的旅行环境和服务设施不断提高服务质量文明礼貌地为旅客服务 C.对发生的旅客身体损害予以赔偿 D.对因承运人过错造成旅客随身携带物品损失予以赔偿 [单项选择]苏子降气汤的功用是()
A. 降气定喘,清热平喘 B. 降逆化痰,益气和胃 C. 降气平喘,化痰润肺 D. 降气平喘,祛痰止咳 E. 补肺益肾,止咳平喘 [单项选择]以下有关纵隔淋巴瘤的描述中哪一项是错误的()
A. 常表现为两侧对称性淋巴结肿大 B. 常有融合成团的趋势 C. 侧位X线片常见两侧肺门之下份密度增高相连 D. 出现钙化较淋巴结结核多见 E. 对放疗敏感 [填空题]卷筒的构造通常为()形,有单层卷筒和多层卷筒两种。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]蒸汽往复泵运行中,( )的故障,会产生异响。
A.A 汽门阀板、阀座接触不良 B.B 阀关得不严 C.C 缸套松动 D.D 填料压盖没上紧 [单选题]线路中断,旅客在中途站要求退票时,已乘区间不足起码里程时,按( )计算。
A.退还全部票价 B.实际里程 C.起码里程 D.未乘区间里程 [判断题][T]A-A-013 4 1 3
空斗墙作填充墙时,与框架拉结筋的链接处以及预埋件处要砌成空心墙。 A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交