George Mason must rank with John Adams
and James Madison as one of the three Founding Fathers who left their personal
imprint on the fundamental law of the United States. He was the principal author
of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which because of its early formation
greatly influenced other state constitutions framed during the Revolution and,
through them, the Federal Bill of Rights of 1791. Yet Mason was essentially a private person with very little inclination for public office or the ordinary operation of politics beyond the country level. His appearances in the Virginia colonial and state legislatures were relatively brief, and not until 1787 did he consent to represent his state at a continental or national congress or convention. Polities was never more than a means for Mason. He was at all times a man of public spirit, but politics was ne A. Mason, a responsible citizen, resisted for so long the obligation to represent his state in politics B. Mason, having so little political inclination, turned out to be such an influential statesman C. Mason was willing to leave home and family for public service D. Mason could be a devoted family man and a statesman at the same time [单选题]判断题]某工程公司在一大厦广场基础工程进行护坡桩锚杆作业。当天工地主要负责人、安全员、电工等有关人员不在现场。下锚杆筋笼时,班组长因故请假也不在现场,13名民工在无人指挥的情况下自行作业,因钢筋笼将配电箱引出的380V电缆线磨破,使钢筋笼带电,造成5人触电死亡。这起事故中,操作人员没有违规操作的行为。( )
A. 正确 B. 错误 [单项选择]The author provides an example of smallpox inoculation in the last paragraph in order to show that _________.
A. inoculation reflects the medical interaction between west and east B. Asian people learned immunization earlier than the Europeans C. the Europeans learned immunization earlier than Asian people D. immunization was practiced on people of upper class for some time in the eighteenth Britain [判断题]电流互感器电压等级是指互感器一次主绝缘的额定电压。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]入境废物必须在货物到达后即向口岸到达站检验检疫机构报检,并由检验检疫机构对货物实施卫生检验、检疫处理,实施环保项目的检验,合格后方可签发《入境货物通关单》办理通关放行手续。 ( )
A.不要逆烟流撤退 B.可以逆烟流撤退 C.不能乱跑,就地等待营救 [单项选择]建设工程中水土保持设施投产使用时间是()。
A. 水土保持设施通过验收后 B. 与主体工程同步 C. 整体工程通过验收并投入使用后 D. 工程投入使用前 [单项选择]药物吸收入血液由循环系统运送至靶部位后,并在该部位保持一定浓度,才能产生疗效;并且药物在体内分布是不均匀的,有些药物分布进入肝脏、肾脏等清除器官,有些药物分布到脑、皮肤和肌肉组织。关于药物与血浆蛋白的结合,说法错误的是()
A. 药物与血浆蛋白结合是可逆过程 B. 药物与蛋白结合后不能跨膜转运 C. 药物与血浆蛋白结合无饱和现象 D. 药物的蛋白结合会影响药物在体内的分布 E. 药物与血浆蛋白结合可以起到解毒功效 [简答题]影响工务设备安全的外单位作业,设备管理单位应派安全监督检查人员进行全过程监督发现危及行车安全时,必须果断采取限速或封锁线路措施,责令其停工,填发什么书?
A. 中心视野 B. OCT C. 闪光ERG D. 多焦ERG E. VEP 我来回答: 提交