{{B}}Happy Earth
Day{{/B}} {{B}}The Good News{{/B}} Here’s the good news: our air is cleaner, our lakes are purer, our forests are healthier, endangered species are recovering, toxic emissions are down, and acid rain has diminished dramatically. And yet, if you’ve looked at a newspaper or watched the evening news lately, you might think our environment is under siege(围攻). Media coverage of the environment is heavy on doomsday, but the truth is not at all break: nearly all environmental trends in the United States are positive and have been for years--if net decades. Eco-legislation, green organizations, corporate cooperation and new inventions have all quietly steered our environment in a positive direction. We can’t afford to be complacent(自满的), though--especially when it comes to [单项选择]环境通常是指某个主题周围的情况和条件。当主题为居民时,其环境主要是指()。
A. 居住区 B. 商业区 C. 文教区 D. 综合区 [单选题]《施工升降机》(GB/T10054—2005)规定,施工升降机在动态试验时,应有超载()的能力。但施工升降机在正常作业时,不应超载运行。
A.10% B.20% C.25%(D)。30% [单项选择]循环语句“for(int i=0; i
B. n+1 C. n-1 D. 2n [判断题]计算任何三相制电路的有功功率均可用P=3UIcosφ公式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business. So he invented a very simple camera. He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden. That was the first photo.
The next important date in the history of photography (摄影术) was in 1837. That year, Daguere, another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room. He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly, even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype. In about 1840, photography was developed. Then photographers could take pictures of people and moving things. That was not simple. The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them, for example, some in the United States worked so hard. Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer. He took many pictures of great people. The pictures were unusual’ because they were very lifelike. Photographs also became one ki A. a Frenchman B. a photographer C. a kind of camera D. a kind of picture [单选题]认识主体与认识客体之间最基本的关系是( )
A.改造与被改造的关系 B.相互依存的关系 C.反映与被反映的关系 D.相互作用的关系 [单选题]顾客提出环境布置的要求,插花员小王采取了如下作法,请选出正确的作法 ( )。
A.按照顾客提出的环境布置要求进行构思 B.独出心裁地按自己的思路进行构思 C.在不了解环境具体情况的基础上,进行构思 D.认为是表现自己才能的机会,不管顾客的要求,进行构思 [单选题]为公益目的成立的非营利法人的教育设施、医疗卫生设施、办公场所和其他公益设施可作为我行抵押物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]焊接结构中应用最广泛的铝合金是()。(1.0分)
A. 锻铝 B. 防锈铝 C. 硬铝 [不定项选择题]以下关于梦的说法中,正确的包括( )。
A.一般发生在快速眼动睡眠阶段 B.梦境通常是连续的、协调的 C.梦被剥夺可能导致情绪低沉 D.梦能预示人生的吉凶祸福 [单选题](1693655)AutoCAD 2012中根据指定的端点绘制一系列直线段是( )命令。
A.LINE B.STARTUP C.CIRCLE D.LIMITS [单选题]根据运作机制的不同,将风险预警方法分为( )。
A.Ⅰ.Ⅲ.Ⅳ B.Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ C.Ⅱ.Ⅲ D.Ⅰ.Ⅲ [单选题] 李某将50元面额的人民币经过揭层加工后变为两张50元面额的人民币,并以此种方法制作了总面额4000元的人民币,后被查获对于甲的行为下列说法正确的是( )
A. 构成变造货币罪 B. 构成伪造货币罪 C. 构成持有假币罪 D. 不构成犯罪 [单选题]国家电网公司运维检修部是公司系统()归口部门。
A. 运维检修管理 B.机关管理 C.运维专业管理 D.变电检修管理 [多选题]《铁路旅客投诉处理管理暂行办法》(铁总运〔2017〕136号)规定,旅客投诉受理渠道主要包括()。
A.电话受理的投诉 B.互联网方式受理的投诉 C.信件方式受理的投诉 D.社会监督机构、上级单位和政府部门等转来的投诉 [单选题]厂站内作业时,工作票中的任何工作人员应在()的情况下,方可进入高压室、阀厅内和室外高压设备区内。(单选题)
A.有人许可 B.有人监护 C.办理工作票 D.办理操作票 [判断题]票务结算时间以AFC设备结算周期为准,结算周期从上一结算日凌晨2:00至本结算日凌晨2:00。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列对支配权的正确表述是,权利人行使支配权()。
A. 须请求他人为协助 B. 须以法律行为为之 C. 实质是支配义务人 D. 皆不需他人为协助 [多项选择]风险分析包括()等。
A. 风险事件 B. 风险原因 C. 风险发生的可能性 D. 可能产生的影响 [单选题]货车辅修更换车辆配件时,须更换为( )配件。
A.新型 B.同型号 C.同型号标准型 D.不限 [判断题]现场办理工作许可手续前,工作许可人应与工作票签发人核对线路名称、设备双重名称,检查核对现场安全措施,指明保留带电部位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对于密码,下面哪个描述是不正确的 ( )。
A.密码是一种用来混淆的技术 B.用以对通信双方的信息进行明文与密文变换的符号 C.登录网站、应用系统时输入的“密码”也属于加密密码 D.按特定法则编成 [单选题]依据《电网建设安全施工作业票(2012年版)》,《作业票》须由( )现场持有。
A.施工员 B.安全员 C.技术负责人 D.现场负责人 我来回答: 提交