In science the meaning of the word
"explain" suffers with civilization’s every step in search of reality. Science
cannot really explain electricity, magnetism, and gravitation; their effects can
be measured and predicted, but of their mature no more is known to the modem
scientist than to Thales who first speculated on the electrification of amber.
Most contemporary physicists reject the notion that man can ever discover what
these mysterious forces "really" are. "Electricity," Bertrand Russell says, "is
not a thing, like St. Paul’s Cathedral: it is a way in which things behave. When
we have told how things behave when they are electrified, we have told all there
is to tell." Until recently scientists would have disapproved of such an idea.
Aristotle, for example, whose natural science dominated Western thought for two
thousand yea A. disapproved of by most modem scientists B. in agreement with Aristotle’s theory of self-evident principles C. in agreement with scientific investigation directed toward how things happen D. in agreement with scientific investigation directed toward why things happen [单项选择]《煤矿安全规程》规定,机电硐室深度不超过6m,入口宽度不小于1.5m,且无瓦斯涌出,()采用扩散通风。
A. 可以 B. 尽量 C. 禁止 D. 不可以 [填空题]截至2020年12月,我国网民规模达( )人,互联网普及率达( )。
A. 半牙螺丝、 B. 无牙螺丝 C. 全牙螺丝 D. 自攻螺丝。 [单选题]检修单位的工作负责人名单应事先送有关( )备案。
A.电力通信运维单位(部门) B.电力通信调度单位(部门) C.电力设备运维单位(部门) D.电力设备所属单位(部门) [单项选择]美国1787年宪法第一条第二款:“……众议院人数和直接税税额均应按本联邦所辖各州的人口比例分配于各州,各州人口数目指自由人总数加上所有其他人口的3/5。……人口的实际统计应于合众国国会第一次会议3年内以及此后每10年内依照法律规定的方式进行。”宪法中关于人口统计的规定()
A. 体现三权分立的原则 B. 改选众议员每十年进行 C. 保障公民的自由与平等 D. 协调各州之间的矛盾 [判断题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)道德是通过人们的良心、社会舆论等起作用的。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]CRH1A型动车组监控室IDU主机死机时打开监控室IDU电气柜,将IDU背面的电源插头(X1)松出,等供电电源切断后,再次接入。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]美国的“提前开端计划”是()
A. 1963年颁布的 B. 1964年颁布的 C. 1965年颁布的 D. 1966年颁布的 [多项选择]符合结核性脑膜炎患儿脑脊液检查结果的是( )
A. 压力增高 B. 毛玻璃状外观 C. 白细胞增多 D. 蛋白含量降低 E. 糖量降低 [单选题]党的十九大指出,经过长期努力,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,这是我国发展新的( )。
A..历史阶段 B..历史方位 C..历史时期 D..历史时代 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}