Where Did All the Ships Go {{/B}} The Bermuda Triangle (本角区) is one{{U}} (51) {{/U}}the greatest mysteries of the sea. In this triangular area between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda in Atlantic, ships and airplanes{{U}} (52) {{/U}}to disappear more often than in{{U}} (53) {{/U}}parts of the ocean. And they do so{{U}} (54) {{/U}}leaving any sign of an accident or any dead bodies. It is{{U}} (55) {{/U}}that Christopher Columbus was the first person to record strange happenings in the area. His compass stopped working, a flame came down from the sky, and a wave 100 to 200-feet-high carried his ship about a mile away. The most famous disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle was the US Naval (海军的) Air Flight 19,{{U}} (56) { A. also B. no C. barely D. hardly [单选题]作业前,施工作业负责人和( )应对机具进行检查,机具状态不良或安全附件失效的机具严禁上线使用。
A.工长 B.班长 C.防护员 D.机具使用人员 [判断题]线路大中修,路基、桥隧涵大修及大型养路机械施工属于营业线施工项目。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]天窗点外维修作业必须制定计划,并根据有关规定由设备管理单位车间或段一级批准。上线作业时必须在车站《行车设备施工登记簿》内登记,车站值班员签认,必须按规定设置驻站联络员、现场防护员,联系中断时必须停止作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪一个不是队列的基本运算
A. 从队尾插入一个新元素 B. 从队列中删除第1个元素 C. 判断一个队列是否为空 D. 读取队首元素的值 [判断题]团体旅客是指20人以上乘车日期、车次、到站、径路相同的旅客。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]血栓性静脉炎()
A. 一般在产后3~7天出现症状 B. 又称为股白肿 C. 最为常见的感染 D. 产后1~2周内出现弛张热、下腹疼痛和压痛 E. 在产后7~14天出现症状 [判断题]曲轴的制造主要有锻造和铸造两种。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]带电作业工具使用前,仔细检查确认没有损坏、受潮、变形、失灵,否则禁止使用。并使用2500V及以上绝缘电阻表或绝缘检测仪进行分段绝缘检测(电极宽2cm,极间宽2cm),阻值应不低于( )MΩ。
A.400 B.500 C.600 D.700 [单项选择]生物起源说认为,教育的产生源于生物冲动或种族需要。这种观点的局限性表现在______。
A. 否认了教育的生物性 B. 否认了教育的心理化 C. 否认了教育的历史性 D. 否认了教育的社会性 [单选题]在超过6‰坡度的线路上调车时必须接通( )软管并进行自动制动机简略试验。
A.全部 B.1/2 C.1/3 [填空题]The 20th century has seen the rise and decline of a succession of industries in the U.S. The auto industry has had to struggle to meet the (26) of foreign competition. But many new industries have appeared. Many of them are among what are known as high technology or "hi-tech" industries because of their (27) the latest developments in technology.
Hi-tech industries tend to be (28) and thus to need fewer workers than traditional industries such as steel-making. As high hi-tech industries have grown and older industries have declined in recent years, the (29) of American workers employed in manufacturing has declined. Service industries now (30) the economy. Service industries range from banking to telecommunications to the (31) of meals in restaurants. It is said the United States has moved into a "post-industrial-era". No single factor (32) the successes of American business and industry. Rich re [判断题]消防产品销售者应当建立消防产品销售流向登记制度,如实记录产品名称、批次、规格、数量、销售去向等内容。(122号令第17条)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全施工方案交底应由( )负责完成。
A.技术负责人 B.编制人 C.审核人 D.安全负责人 [多项选择]下面关于活性炭用法的叙述,正确的是
A. 活性炭的用量应根据原辅料的质量而定 B. 一般为药液总量的0.1%-0.5% C. 一般为原料总量的0.1%-0.5% D. 应选用优质针用活性炭 E. 使用活性炭的注射剂其pH应控制在偏酸性 [多项选择]关于肩关节前脱位的治疗,下列哪些不对
A. 应首选手法复位,一般可在局麻下进行 B. 常采用Bigelow法复位 C. 复位成功,Dugas征由阳性转为阴性 D. 复位后次日,应立即开始活动肩关节,以防粘连形成肩周炎 [单项选择]People living on part of the south coast of England face a serious problem. In 1993, the owners of a large hotel and of several houses discovered,0 (21) their horror, that their gardens had disappeared overnight. The sea had eaten into the soft limestone cliffs (22) their gardens had been built. While experts were studying the problem, the hotel and several houses disappeared altogether, (23) down the cliff and into the sea.
Erosion of the white cliffs (24) the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years. Dozens of homes have had to be (25) as the sea has crept farther and farther inland. Experts have studied the areas most (26) and have drawn up a map for (27) people, (28) the year in which their homes will be (29) up by the hungry sea. (30) owners have (31) the Government to erect sea defenses to protect their homes. Gov A. Hungry B. Angry C. Hungarian D. hopeful 我来回答: 提交