There is no question that the old style
of air pollution could kill people. In one week following the infamous
"peasouper" fog in December 1952,4,700 people died in London. Most of these
people were elderly and already had heart or lung diseases. A series of these
killer fogs eventually led to the British Parliament passing the Clean Air Act
which restricted the burning of coal. Fortunately the effect of smog on the lungs is not so dramatic. Scientists have now conducted a number of laboratory experiments in which volunteers are exposed to ozone inside a steel chamber for a few hours. Even at quite low concentrations there is a reversible fall in lung function, an increase in the irritability of the lungs and evidence of airway inflammation. Although irritable and inflamed lungs are particularly seen in people with asthma (哮喘) A. The burning of coal B. Long-term exposure to smog C. Exposure to nitrogen dioxide D. Attending school camps [多选题]操作人员除完成本职工作之外,还应做好( )。
A.自主解决出现问题 B.工用具和设备的检查 C.验收设备 D.清洁保养工作 [多选题]下列关于分水器设置的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.同一分水器前的水枪阵地标高差不宜超过10m。 B.进入闷顶的水枪,不宜与室外地面水枪合用分水器。 C.两支水枪间的距离相距80m以上时,不宜合用分水器。 D.实施向纵深进攻的水枪,不宜与室外水枪阵地合用分水器。 E.同一分水器前的水枪阵地标高差不宜超过20m。 [判断题]开工前,工作负责人或工作票签发人应重新核对现场勘察情况,发
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 预付卡机构在向购卡人出售记名预付卡或一次性金额()以上的不记名预付卡时,应当识别购卡人身份,登记购卡人身份基本信息,核对购卡人有效身份证件,并留存购卡人有效身份证件的复印件或者影印件。
A.人民币1000元 B.人民币2000元 C.人民币5000元 D.人民币1万元 [单选题]在三角形接线中,线电流与相电流相位关系为()。
A.线电压超前相电压30° B.相电压超前线电压30° C.同相位 [判断题]《铁路交通事故调查处理规则》规定,列车运行中碰撞轻型车辆.小车.机械等应列为一般C类事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]氧化剂应储存于清洁、阴凉、通风、干燥的厂房内。远离火种、热源,照明设备可以用非防爆的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]涵洞洞口检查中不包括( )的检查。
A.洞口前端 B.排水沟 C.翼墙 D.护锥 [单选题]ABJ005513
在以下单位变换中,正确的是( )。 A.1伏=1000微伏 B.1毫伏=0.001伏 C.1千伏=100伏 D.1微伏=0.01毫伏 [单项选择]年老体弱、久病及妇女胎前产后便秘者应使用( )。
A. 温里药 B. 补益药 C. 峻下逐水药 D. 润下药 E. 攻下药 我来回答: 提交