1000人,2006年度有关生产经营业务如下: (1)全年实际占地共计60000平方米,其中厂房占地50000平方米,办公楼占地 4000平方米,医务室占地1000平方米,幼儿园占地2000平方米,厂区内道路及绿化占地3000平方米。 (2)销售空调取得收入15000万元(不含税价格);购进原材料取得增值税专用发票,注明购货金额6000万元、进项税额1020万元;支付购进原材料的运输费用200万元、装卸费和保险费50万元,均取得运输公司及其他单位开具的运费发票或普通发票。购销货物及相关费用的票据均通过主管税务机关的认证。 (3)产品销售成本为9000万元;销售费用1800万元,其中含广告费用1400万元;财务费用、管理费用共计2300万元(财务费用中含向关联企业借款4000万元所支付的年利息费用240万元,管理费用中不含城镇土地使用税)。 (4)计入成本、费用中的实发工资总额1500万元(每月均为125万元),并按照实发工资总额和规定的比例计算提取了职工工会经费、职工福利费和职工教育经费277.5万元,取得了缴纳工会会费的相关票据。 (5)3月份该企业购进机器设备一台并于当月投入使用,取得增值税专用发票,注明价款30万元、增值税5.1万元,企业自己负担的保险费和安装调试费4.9万元,该台设备企业全年计提的折旧费7.6万元已列人产品销售成本中。按照税法规定,该设备应采用直线折旧法,期限为10年,残值率为5%。 (城镇土地使用税税额4元/平方米;同期银行贷款利率6%;人均月计税工资标准上半年800元,下半年1600元;企业所得税税率33%,不考虑外购设备所得税的抵免) 根据上述资料和税法相关规定,回答下列问题: |
甲、乙两人互发电子邮件协商洽谈合同,甲称:“我有笔记本电脑一台;东芝牌九成新,1万元欲出手。”乙回电称:“9000元可要。”甲回复:“可以,8月17日到我这儿来取。”乙又回电:“同意”。甲于当日收到。上述电子邮件为甲乙二人分别在A地、B地所收发,甲的经常居住地为 C地,乙的经常居住地为D地。8月17日乙到甲处取电脑,发现甲的电脑运行速度明显比正常的慢,自己无法使用,便拒绝接受,甲遂降低价格,以5000元出手,乙同意并取走电脑“,此时乙尚未付款。请回答以下问题。 |
What kinds of people often give drugs to their children Where in the world do people take drug before going to work The answers are simple—ordinary people, just about (26) .
And the drug (27) question is caffeine. Scientists estimate that over 70% of the world’s population takes caffeine daily. (28) drink it in tea and coffee. Children drink in tin Coca Cola and (29) soft drinks. It is also found in chocolate. (30) , most people in the most places at any time are under the (31) of the drug.
There have been many scientific investigations (32) the exact effects of caffeine. Most people agree that it (33) the nervous system and helps the body make efficient use of energy. This is why many people (34) Asia drink tea with food and why westerners often end their meals (35) a cup of coffee.
Because the effect of caffeine is so (36) , there have been (37) attempts to s
A. crossing
B. passed
C. across
D. cross
In the jungle (丛林) you may get hopelessly lost within five minutes after starting. That is (36) you should always carry a compass (指南针). In open country, during the day, you can (37) which way to go by studying the (38) . At night, the stars are sure (39) to direction. In most places the jungle rooftop (顶) is so (40) that it is (41) to see the sun or the stars. (42) you must check your position by the (43) . Keep watchful (注意的,警惕的). Watch the ground in front of you carefully. (44) and listen now and a gain. Avoid (45) , and rest often. In a place (46) is hot and damp, the person who walks fast will soon become (47) . A steady (稳定的), slow step is wisest in the long run. If you (48) your way, don’t be scared (恐惧的). Try to (49) how long it has been (50) you were sure of your position. Make a mark (51) you are on a tree. Put the marks on (52) of the trees, so t
A. say
B. look for
C. tell
D. walk