Niagara is an Indian word which means "roaring water". Indeed, the roar of the falling water of Niagara can be heard (1) a distance of 5 kms. Imagine (2) of water flowing over a cliff 90 feet high and you will get an idea of that terrible noise. And (3) tremendous power the Niagara River has! It moves big rocks about and throws them into the boiling water below. (4) ago an old ship without single person on board was put in mid-stream. It sailed down the river (5) a toy boat with great speed. Having reached the fall, the ship dropped into the boiling water, never (6) again. There were some people who wanted to become famous (7) swimming across the most dangerous part of the Niagara River. One of them was Captain Webb who said that he would try to swim cross the Niagara, which (8) crowds of people. On the evening of July 1st, 1893, Captain Webb came up to the river and (9)
A. being put
B. put
C. having put
D. putting
All truly great thoughts are conceived
while walking, observed Nietzsche, though I’ve always been a bit suspicious of
the eagerness with which writers and artists celebrate the inspirational power
of taking a stroll. Yet it seems to work. "methinks(我想) the moment my legs begin
to move, my thoughts begin to flow," was how Henry Thoreau described an
experience many of us have had, be it tackling challenging work or worrying over
problems. If we still don’t know why walking inspires clarity and creativity, it’s because there are too many possible explanations, not too few. An evolutionary psychologist might say we’re designed to thrive outside, not at a desk; a scholar of the psychological phenomenon of "priming" might point to studies suggesting that high ceilings-and also, perhaps, the sky—prompt unrestrained thinking. A study in the European Journal A. it will arouse a bit suspicion B. it is reasonable to accept it C. it derives from Henry Thoreau’s idea D. it only works for challenging work [单项选择]以鸟类迁徙为话题的纪录片《迁徙的鸟》向我们完美展示了一个自然界的奇迹,虽然大部分地表被人类改造得_________,但在天空中鸟儿仍然是主角。无论雪鹅、野鸭还是云雀,都自有其尊严。我们需要与自然界和平相处。因为人类不可能_________地生活在这个地球上。导演雅克贝汉如是说。依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()
A. 面目全非; 孤单 B. 支离破碎; 傲慢 C. 元气大伤; 自私 D. 体无完肤 ;麻木 [判断题]评估对人或事物的价值作出评量或估价结论具有笼统性。
[单选题]( )是人们对荣誉和耻辱的根本看法和态度
A.人生观 B.价值观 C.世界观 D.荣辱观 [单选题]在备用或直接飞行操纵法则下,飞机是否具有ALPHA FLOOR保护
A.具有 B.丧失 [单选题]避雷器是连接在电力线路和大地之间,使雷云向大地放电,从而保护电气设备的器具。当雷电过电压或操作过电压来到时,使其急速向()放电;当电压降到发电机、变压器或线路的正常电压时,则停止放电,以防正常电流向大地流通。
A.大地 B.避雷器 C.放电间隙 D.D.接地线 [单项选择]企业知识产权管理处于企业生产经营的()
A. 研发阶段 B. 采购阶段 C. 生产阶段 D. 贯穿全过程 [单选题]LKJ设备应按高于线路允许速度( )km/h紧急制动设置模式曲线。
A.3 B.5 C.8 [判断题][T]BF009425
正冲砂比反冲砂对井内砂堵的冲刺力大,携砂能力也强。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]治疗牙本质过敏的药物不包括
A. 麝香草酚 B. 75%氟化钠甘油糊剂 C. 10%氨硝酸银 D. 塑化剂 E. 2%碘酊 [简答题]什么是活性石灰?
A.术后镇痛 B.人工冬眠 C.支气管哮喘 D.麻醉前给药 E.心源性哮喘 [单选题]中国封建社会的政治制度是:( ) 。
A.高度集权的专制制度 B.高度集权的君主专制制度 C.高度集权的独裁专制制度 [判断题]在检修向煤气中喷水的管道及设备时,不用防止水放空后煤气倒流。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据票据法律制度的规定,下列有关在票据上签章效力的表述中,不正确的有()。
A. 出票人在票据上签章不符合规定的,票据无效 B. 承兑人在票据上签章不符合规定的,其签章无效,但影响其他符合规定签章的效力 C. 保证人在票据上签章不符合规定的,其签章无效,但不影响其他符合规定签章的效力 D. 背书人在票据上签章不符合规定的,其签章无效,但影响其前手符合规定签章的效力 [判断题] 热电阻是利用物质在温度变化时本身电阻也随着发生变化来测量温度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]When you cut yourself, you bleed; you may even bleed to death if nothing isdone to stop your bleeding, for your body cannot live without blood. The blood is carded in your arteries (动脉) and veins (静脉). Until doctors knew how blood moves round in the body, they could not tell accurately the different parts of the body function.
A. 助溶剂 B. 增溶剂 C. 防腐剂 D. 表面活性剂 E. 潜溶剂 [多选题]以下哪些属于正线集中站LATS服务器软件实现的功能?
A.联锁信号码位数据处理 B.送信号设备状态数据给车站HMI工作站显式 C.从中心接受最新的当天计划 D.据此前从CATS下载的本区域行车计划执行列车自动调度和自动调整功能 [判断题]蒸汽监督的主要项目是含盐量和杂质。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]血钾的正常值是3.5-5.5mmol/L。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述数据通信中,数据在线路中传播方式的分类
A. 完整性 B. 有效性 C. 合理性 D. 及时性 [单项选择]抑制胃酸分泌的物质是
A. 组胺 B. 乙酰胆碱 C. 生长抑素 D. 咖啡因 我来回答: 提交