Today I would like to tell you about
the effects of old age on health. Actually today a lot of improvements have
taken place in the care of old people and old people’s health is not nearly so
bad as it used to be. Probably many of the fears that people have of growing old are greatly exaggerated(夸大). Most people, for example, dread becoming senile. But in fact very few people become senile Perhaps only about 15% of those over 65 become {{U}}senile{{/U}}. Actually much more common is in fact caused by doctors ourselves. And that is over-medication. Nearly 80% of people over 65 have at least one serious illness, such as high blood pressure, heating difficulty or heart disease And very often to combat these they take a number of drugs and of course sometimes there are interactions among those drugs. And this can cause a lot of compli A. quiet B. healthy C. ill D. old [判断题]机动车的方向盘应转动灵活,操纵方便,无卡滞现象。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Sociologists use "power" to refer to the capacity of people to control or influence the actions of others. Sociologists study power to (31) not only who exercise it, but also why it’s exercised and who benefits from its use.
Of wealth, power and prestige, power is the hardest to measure. Most studies are nothing more than an average of (32) about where power is found. Many forms of power are so (33) hidden that only its holders know the source. Because it’s so hard to (34) , and tied to ideology, the subject of power is a source of much (35) in sociology. Some maintain that power in America is concentrated in the (36) of a few people who have a common (37) and who tend to act together. Wright Mills (38) that America is (39) by a "power elite". Others believe that power in America is (40) among many groups and people. Sociologists do agree that real power may not alw A. stage B. scene C. appearance D. reality [单选题]电能计量装置配置原则中,(____)以下电压互感器一次侧安装0.5~1A的熔断器。
A.220kV B.110kV C.35kV D.10kV [单选题]标准工时制. 法律规定的,一般职工从事的工作时间制度,即()?
A. 每天 8 小时,每周五天制 B. 每天 9 小时,每周五天制 C. 每天 8 小时,每周六天制 D. 每天 9 小时,每周六天制 [多项选择]下列关于个人存款实名制实施前开立的个人存款表述正确的是()。
A. 个人存款实名制实施前开立的个人存款账户需要延续使用的,客户到开户营业机构办理第一笔业务时,须出具拥有该存款的存款凭证和有效身份证件,对账户进行重新确认。 B. 个人存款实名制实施前开立的个人存款账户需要延续使用的,客户到开户营业机构办理第一笔业务时,不必出具拥有该存款的存款凭证和有效身份证件就可对账户进行重新确认。 C. 个人存款实名制实施前开立的个人存款账户不再延续使用的,客户也须出具拥有该存款的存款凭证和有效身份证件,办理销户。 D. 个人存款实名制实施前开立的个人存款账户不再延续使用的,客户无须出具拥有该存款的存款凭证和有效身份证件,但应予销户。 [不定项选择题]A.补肾纳气,降气平喘
A.温肾健脾,化痰利水 B.化痰降气,健脾益肺 C.清肺化痰,降逆平喘 D.涤痰、开窍、熄风 E.患者咳喘十余载,时轻时重,现咳喘气粗,胸满烦躁,痰黄难咳,身热微恶寒,咽干口渴,舌红苔黄腻,脉滑数。治疗宜用 [判断题]在中心距一定的情况下,加大传动比将导致小皮带轮上包角减小,使其工作能力增大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在设计或使用机器时,应力求缩短磨合期,延长稳定磨合期,推迟剧烈磨损的到来。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]临床上微小肝癌是指单个结节
A. 直径1cm B. 直径2~3cm C. 直径3~5cm D. 直径≤2cm E. 以上都不是 [简答题]论述企业市场需求的内容。
[判断题]建立质量体系的目的是为了更好地实施质量管理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]He usually goes to work on his bike ______ raining days.
A. except on B. except in C. except D. except for 我来回答: 提交