Color is very important to most animals
for it helps them to get along in the world. Color (21) to
make an animal difficult for its enemies to (22) . Many
animals match their (23) so well that as long as they do not
move no one is (24) to see them. You probably have often
"jumped" a rabbit. If you (25) , you know how the rabbit
sits perfectly still (26) you are just a few feet
away. You (27) see the rabbit till it runs for its
(28) matches very closely the place where it is
(29) . Many times you may have walked past a rabbit
(30) didn’t run and you never knew it was there at
all. One of the most usual color schemes that helps animals to keep (31) being seen, is a dark back and light underpants. If an animal is the same color all (32) , there is always a A. do not B. had not C. did D. have [多项选择]测定药物的干燥失重,可采用的方法包括
A. 常压恒温干燥法 B. 干燥剂干燥法 C. 减压干燥法 D. 热重法 E. 差示扫描量热法 [单选题]下列哪一项不能作为行政诉讼的证据?()
A.县公安局作出罚款决定前对行政案件证人吴某所作的询 问笔录 B.县公安局作出罚款决定前对行政案件当事人所作的询问 笔录 C.行政处罚听证笔录 D.人民法院立案后行政机关自行向证人取证所作的笔录 [简答题]钢筋运输和安装过程中的安全注意事项有哪些?
[判断题]商品的价值量是由生产商品的社会必要劳动时间决定的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列不是汗疱疹的诊断依据的是()
A. 发生于手掌或手指侧面和指间 B. 位于表皮深处的圆形水疱 C. 2~3周皮损多自行消退 D. 冬季多发 E. 常伴手足多汗 [单选题]使用1 000V兆欧表(额定电压为100V以下时用500V兆欧表)测线圈对触点间的绝缘电阻不小于( )。
A.10MΩ B.5MΩ C.50MΩ D.20MΩ [单项选择]For existing ships,()is not an improvement to safety.
A. the reinforcement of the aft transverse watertight bulkhead B. the double bottom structure in way of the foremost cargo hold C. the introduction of a more rigorous survey regime and greater attention to operating procedures D. introduction of new and improved designs [判断题]因生产原因造成特种设备存在危及安全的同一性缺陷的,特种设备生产单位应当立即停止生产,主动召回。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下面关于报告的判断正确的一项是( )
A.报告必须事前行文 B.报告要求一事一文 C.报告必须事后行文 D.上级接到报告后一般不作答复 [单选题](47927)无缝线路作业中如发现轨向、高低不良,起道、拨道省力,轨端道碴离缝等胀轨迹象,必须( ),及时采取防胀措施。(1.0分)
A.停止作业 B.注意观察 C.拨道但不可起道 D.起道但不可拨道 [单选题]以南宁地铁3号线电客车为例,里程编码器安装在( )。
A.动车转向架1第一轴 B.动车转向架2第二轴 C.拖车转向架2第一轴 D.拖车转向架1第二轴 [多选题]进入监控中心人员不得携带或保管任何( )对技防设备正常运行构成威胁的物品。
A.易燃; B.易爆; C.腐蚀性; D.强电磁; E.辐射性 [判断题]细泥可以抢先吸附浮选药剂,因此它们具有最高的浮选速度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]D层温度升高,一定是煅烧带下移。
[单选题] 数字化预案技术支撑体系的层次不包括( )
A.显示层 B.应用层 C.网络层 D.数据层 [简答题]简述本体压力释放装置动作处理过程。(5.0分)
[单项选择] {{B}}Passage One{{/B}}