People Express{{/B}} People Express, founded in April 1981, grew rapidly on the basis of low fares and no-frills service. It soon became a leading airline and {{U}} (19) {{/U}} changed the industry as firms constantly engaged in price wars to lure passengers. Then, People Express’ bubble {{U}} (20) {{/U}} because it overexpanded, consumer complaints mounted and other airlines matched its fares on popular routes. In 1986,People Express {{U}} (21) {{/U}} hundreds of millions of dollars and was forced to sell out to Texas Air, the owner of A. burst B. explode C. opened D. disappeared [多选题]某金店采取“以旧换新”方式销售24K纯金项链1条,并以同一方式销售某名牌金表1只,下列说法正确的有( )。
A.纯金项链只缴纳增值税 B.纯金项链只缴纳消费税 C.纯金项链缴纳消费税和增值税 D.金表缴纳消费税和增值税 E.金表只缴纳增值税 [判断题]铁路客货运输票据印刷费列铁路局成本。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列选项中,用于设置弹性盒子元素按轴方向逆序排列的是( )
A.flex-direction:row; B.flex-direction:row-reverse; C.flex-direction:column; D.flex-direction:column-reverse; [单选题] 粗溶剂储槽液位低于30%时,必须( )。
A.停搅拌 B.开出料泵 C.停循环水 D.停粗溶剂泵 [单项选择]急性胰腺炎病人血清淀粉酶常于起病后多少小时开始升高()
A. 1~2小时 B. 2~3小时 C. 3~4小时 D. 4~6小时 E. 6~8小时 [判断题]从行业上看,小型企业的实际规模在不同的行业差异是较大的。也就是说,不同的行业,小型企业的实际规模是不同的。()
A.协议库存需求预测计划 B.协议库存物资计划 C.协议库存需求计划 D.协议库存采购计划 [单选题]
临时搭设的建筑物区域内,每( )配备2只10L火机。, A. 80㎡ B. 100㎡ C. 120㎡ D. 150㎡ [判断题]国家标准GB/T19000-2000给出的质量定义将质量限定于产品和服务
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当磁铁处于自由状态时,S极指向北极,N极指向南极。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In C program, it is convenient to use a ______ to exit from a loop.
A. end B. break C. stop D. quit [单选题]道岔工电联合整治的质量标准中,要求尖轨翘头、拱腰或后靠不超过( )。
A.1mm B.2mm C.3mm D.4mm [判断题]苯、对二甲苯每次装车完毕后,应打开鹤管上氮气阀,吹出物料至车内以防冻凝。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Today, we have the longest peacetime expansion in our history. After years and years of deficits, we now have budget surpluses for years ahead. More people have a chance to realize the American Dream than ever before. More children have a chance to realize their full potential than ever before. We’ve laid a foundation to preserve our prosperity for future generations.
Now, as the budget deadline rapidly approaches this year, we face many of the same tough choices again. And once again, I think the answer is clear: To build a strong nation in the new century, we must continue to invest in our future. That means we must strengthen social security, secure and modernize medicare, and pay off the national debt in fifteen years, making America debt-free for the first time since 1835. And once again, it means we must invest in education, not sacrifice it. Months ago, I sent Congress a responsible budget to maintain our fiscal discipline and honor our commitment to our Children’s edu A. attempting to be mild B. trying to convince Republicans to come to his side C. appealing to the Republicans’ sense of fiscal responsibility D. trying to take the same position as the audience by attacking his rivals [单选题] 供电线.正馈线合架时,两线间距不得小于( )。
A.0.6m B.0.8m C.1m D.1.2m [多选题]电动工器具使用前应检查的事项有()。
A.外壳、手柄无裂缝、无破损 B.保护接地线或接零线连接正确、牢固 C.机械防护装置完好 D.是否有检测标识 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]布氏杆菌病的病原治疗可选用的抗菌药物有()
A. 氨基糖苷类 B. 利福平 C. 喹诺酮类 D. 复方新诺明 E. 多西环素 [单选题]在一起行政诉讼案件中,被告方某行政机关委托李律师担任诉讼代理人。李律师为使案件胜诉,诉讼期间调查收集了充分的证据材料。关于李律师的做法,正确的选项是( ) 。
A.合适,因为李律师有自行调查收集证据的权利 B.合适,因为李律师需要代为承担举证责任 C.不合适,因为李律师无自行调查收集证据的权利 D.不合适,因为李律师的调查未经人民法院同意 [单项选择]诊断试验被检对象确定为阳性结果时,表明他们确实有病的指标称()。
A. 阳性似然比 B. 特异度 C. 灵敏度 D. 阳性结果的预测值 E. 阴性结果的预测值 [单项选择]{{B}}Text 2{{/B}}