玻璃板块加工完成后,应在温度(),湿度()以上的干净室内养护。 Ever since AL Gore invented it, the
Internet has been a paradise for those with a creative attitude to facts.
Students, for example, commission and sell essays with such ease there that
online "paper mills" devoted to this trade are one of the few domain name
business models still thriving. With a few clicks of a mouse, a student can
contract out any academic chore to "research" sites such as {{U}}Grader-saver.
Com{{/U}} or the Evil House of Cheating. One market opportunity, however, frequently creates another. The past few months have seen a rapid rise in interest in software designed to catch the cheats. The subscriber base of Turnitin, a leading anti-plagiarism (防止剽窃) software house based in Oakland, California, has risen by 25 percent since the beginning of the year. Around 150 000 students in America alone are u A. Turnitin’s anti-plagiarism software can be well-accepted by Harvard University B. the anti-plagiarism software may create some computer virus which is like nuclear bomb in Harvard University C. there must be much academic cheating in Harvard University’ in Dr. Barrie’s opinion D. Harvard University will adopt the software in a short time [单项选择]水泵内的三大损失分别是()。
A. 摩擦损失、容积损失和水力损失 B. 摩擦损失、容积损失和电力损失 C. 机械损失、容积损失和电力损失 D. 机械损失、容积损失和水力损失 [判断题]手持式(便携)通信设备及附属配件维修项目及周期规定要求,无线对讲通信设备维护为集中检修。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]为了增加颜色对比度不同券别的假币“假币”印章使用印油的颜色不同100元假币使用蓝色印泥、50元假币使用红色印油。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]各级调控人员和厂、站运维人员应熟悉继电保护装置的基本原理及其接线,熟悉继电保护运行规程规定,并按规程规定和职责分工分别对继电保护装置进行( )。
A.A.监视 B.B.操作 C.C.运行检查 D.D.动作记录 [单选题]登陆公安网人脸识别系统,可输入图片、姓名 、( )进行比对
A.. 年龄 B.. 性别 C.. 身份证号 D.. 户籍地址 [判断题]( )使用食品添加剂的目的之一是为了掩盖食品的已有缺陷。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述骨质疏松的处理原则。
[单选题]确非检修维护或设备质量原因发生的雷害故障,定( )故障。
A.非责任 B.责任 [单选题]( )258.依据《安全生产法》的规定,某公司安全生产管理人员在检查本公司的安全生产状况和事故隐患工作时,下列做法正确的是()。
A.对检查中发现的安全问题立即处理,同时向主管的负有安全监管职责的部门报告,检查处理及报告情况如实记录在案 B.对检查中发现的安全问题立即报告本公司有关负责人,同时向主管的负有安全监管职责的部门报告,报告情况如实记录在案 C.对检查中发现的重大事故隐患,立即向本公司主要负责人报告,有关负责人不及时处理的,可以向主管的负有安全监管职责的部门报告 D.对检查中发现的重大事故隐患,立即处理并向本公司主要负责人报告,同时立即向主管的负有安全监管职责的部门报告 [单选题]在装配图中标注( )以反映机器(或部件)的性能、规格、安装情况、部件或零件间的相对位置、配合要求等。
A. 说明 B. 必要尺寸 C. 术要求 D. 明细 [单选题]极限偏差是( )
A.加工后测量得到的 B.实际尺寸减基本尺寸的代数差 C.设计时确定的 D.最大极限尺寸与最小极限尺寸之差 [单项选择]女,32岁,素体羸弱,患有慢性胃炎10余年,胃脘冷痛喜按,口淡不渴,舌淡嫩,苔白,脉沉迟,最有意义的诊断是()
A. 脾阳虚证 B. 寒滞胃肠证 C. 寒湿中阻证 D. 胃阳虚证 E. 脾虚肝郁证 [单选题]运营中隧道因电气化改造落底时,其原有排水沟应同时下落,沟底至铺底或仰拱底面不得小于( )m,必要时边墙基础亦应下落
A.0.3 B.0.4 C.0.5 D.0.6 [单项选择]Television, which first appeared in the 1920s, really changed the () people viewed the world.
A. idea B. direction C. method D. way [简答题]Another characteristic of our landscape is its exquisite moderation. It looks like the result of one of those happy compromises that make our social and political plans so irrational and yet so successful. It has been born of a compromise between wilderness and tameness, Between Nature and Man. In many countries you pass straight from regions where men have left their mark in every inch of ground to other regions that are desolate wilderness. Abroad, we have all notice how abruptly most of the cities seem to begin; here, no city; there, the city. With us the cities pre tend they are not really there until we arc well inside them. They almost insinuate themselves into the countryside. This comes from another com promise of ours, the suburb. There is a great deal to be said for the suburb. To people of moderate means, compelled to live fairly near their work in a city, the suburb offers the most civilized way of life. Nearly all Englishmen are at heart country gentlemen. The suburban
[简答题]10日,经工商行政管理部门批准,减少注册资本100 000元,以银行存款付给投资者。
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