Standard English is the variety of English which is usually used in print and which is normally taught in schools and to non-native speakers learning the language. It is also the variety which is normally (1) by educated people and used in news broadcasts and other (2) situations. The difference between standard and nonstandard, it should be noted, has (3) in principle to do with differences between formal and colloquial (4) ; standard English has colloquial as well as formal variants.
(5) , the standard variety of English is based on the London (6) of English that developed after the Norman Conquest resulted in the removal of the Court from Winchester to London. This dialect became the one (7) by the educated, and it was developed and promoted (8) a model, or norm, for wider and wider segments of society. It was also the (9) that was carried overseas, but not one unaffected by such export. Today, (10)
A. to
B. in
C. as
D. for
{{B}}Text{{/B}} Liwan is the name of Guangzhou’s southwest district, bordered by Renmin Lu to the south and west. Not so long ago, in the{{U}} (26) {{/U}}1900s, this area of the city was renowned{{U}} (27) {{/U}}its Cantonese restaurants, gardens, teahouses and boat rides on{{U}} (28) {{/U}}many waterways. This was at a time{{U}} (29) {{/U}}the Liwan area was{{U}} (30) {{/U}}into a new town in much the same way{{U}} (31) {{/U}}the Tianhe area is now becoming the place to be in Guangzhou. Today, though, the Liwan district{{U}} (32) {{/U}}rapid development{{U}} (33) {{/U}}new high-rise apartment buildings are mushroomin A. fine-carved B. fine-carving C. finely-carved D. finely-carving [多选题]
常见的连接线上添加图形符号的形式有(____)。 A. 短斜线 B. 曲折线 C. 符号要素 D. 波浪线 [多项选择]出版物常用的分发方法有()
A. 预定分发 B. 流动分发 C. 预先分发 D. 主动发货 E. 被动分发 [单项选择]下列选项中,营养体为无隔菌丝的真菌属于()
A. 接合菌亚门 B. 子囊菌亚门 C. 担子菌亚门 D. 半知菌亚门 [单项选择]
测定补体含量常用( )
A. Western Bloting B. 细胞毒实验 C. 溶血空斑实验 D. E花环实验 E. PHA淋巴细胞转化实验 [简答题]亚硫酸钠浓度:(
A. 血块梗阻 B. 肾挫伤 C. 双侧输尿管碎石梗阻 D. 急性肾小管坏死 E. 急性肾盂肾炎 [单选题]松软土质的杆坑深度超过( )m时,应有防止塌陷措施。
A.0.6 B.1 C.1.5 D.2 [单项选择]因患者失眠较重应加用
A. 酸枣仁汤 B. 天王补心丹 C. 朱砂安神丸 D. 柏子仁汤 E. 以上都不合适 我来回答: 提交