Should anyone much care whether an
American boy living overseas gets six vicious thwacks on his backside So much
has been argued, rejoined and rehashed about the case of Michael Fay, an
18-year-old convicted of vandalism and sentenced to a caning in Singapore, that
an otherwise sorry little episode has shaded into a certified International
Incident, complete with intercessions by the U. S. head of state. An
affair has outraged American libertarians even as it has animated a general
debate about morality East and West and the proper functioning of U.S. law and
order. Which, to all appearances, is what Singapore wanted. The question of whether anyone should care about Michael Fay is idle. though Singapore officials profess shock at the attention his case had drawn, they know Americans care deeply about the many sides of this issue. Doe A. legislative measures. B. its balancing policies. C. property safeguard. D. its cultural values. [判断题]4C装置不需指定专业人员管理即可使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某投资者在3个月后将获得一笔资金,并希望用该笔资金进行股票投资。但是,该投资者担心股市整体上涨从而影响其投资成本,在这种情况下,可采取()策略。
A. 股指期货的空头套期保值 B. 股指期货的多头套期保值 C. 期指和股票的套利 D. 股指期货的跨期套利 [单选题]标准牌周围( )米内无杂草
A.2 B.1.5 C.1 D.0.5 [单选题]轴流风机型号为L-80中80代表( )
A.杨程 B.风量 C.风速 D.风扇叶的直径 [单选题]‘ 年 1 月 1 日起实施的《运营事故调查处理管理规定》中规定,全部责任是指负有事故损失及不良影响( )的责任。
A.100% B.70% C.50% D.30% [单项选择]下列各项中,标志着我国企业内部控制规范建设取得重大突破和阶段性成果的是发布()。
A. 《企业内部控制基本规范》 B. 《企业内部控制应用指引》 C. 《企业内部控制评价指引》 D. 《企业内部控制审计指引》 [单选题]起吊重物时 ,钢丝绳与物件的夹角宜为 ( ) ,且不得小于 30°。
A.30°~45° B.45°~~60° C.30°~60° D.60°~75° [判断题]武汉通老年卡730次用完后,凭该卡刷卡乘车可享9折优惠。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]急性糜烂性胃炎伴低血压时首选
A. 补充血容量 B. 药物治疗 C. 消除病因 D. 手术 E. 随访 [简答题]
【题干】 答题要求:请围绕以上主诉,口诉该患者现病史及相关病史应询问的内容。 [单选题]下述属于孔子主张的是()。( )
A.兼爱 B.“学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆” C.复归人的自然本性 D.化民成俗,其必由学 我来回答: 提交