Task 2
Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.
Some people think that the time to begin studying a foreign language is in childhood, and that the younger you are, the easier it is to learn another language. There is little evidence, however, that children in language classrooms learn foreign languages any better than adults (people over age 15 ) in similar classroom situations. In fact, adults have many advantages over children: better memories, more efficient ways of organizing information, longer attention spans, better study habits, and greater ability to handle complex mental tasks. Adults are often better motivated than children: they see learning a foreign language as necessary for education or career. In addition, adults are particularly A. time and age B. talent and age C. ability and sex D. time and motivation [单选题]DH36Z35钢种色唛标识颜色为()
A.黄色 B.蓝色 C.白色 D.黄+蓝 [多项选择]未申请上市或不符合在证券交易所挂牌交易条件的证券称为( )。
A. 场外证券 B. 场内证券 C. 非上市证券 D. 非挂牌证券 [判断题]在潮湿地点施焊时应在下面垫干木板等绝缘物体,防止触电。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 县及以上供电营业场所实行无周休日制度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列人员中,可以委托诉讼代理人的是()。
A. 被告人 B. 公诉人 C. 自诉人 D. 证人 [单选题])该患者目前最主要的治疗措施是:
A.抗生素控制感染 B.应用镇咳药 C.使用利尿剂 D.给予镇静剂 E.使用支气管扩张剂 [填空题]Educational Values
Life is rather hectic for students during the first week at North American universities. However, students even the foreign students will find a great many differences in classroom dynamics from course to Course throughout their university careers. Ⅰ. Two requirements for students as follow. 1) active student (1) : (1) ______ A. courses frequently designed to include a large amount of (2) ; (2) ______ B. oral participation frequently (3) and included in (3) ______ students final mark 2) to learn for the sake of learning: A. (4) likely given but not discussed; (4) ______ B. the written assignments expected to be completed Without (5) . (5) ______ Ⅱ. Two characteristics of the teacher-student relationship. 1) one characteristic: the rela [判断题]评价一个人的社会健康状况大多采用客观评价方法。
A.MTOW B.MTW C.MZFW D.MLDW [单选题]在劳动力市场均衡分析图形中,如果劳动力供给曲线不变,出口下降导致劳动力需求曲线向左移动,则可能出现的情况是()。
A.均衡工资率下降,均衡就业量上升 B.均衡工资率上升,均衡就业量下降 C.均衡工资率和均衡就业量同时上升 D.均衡工资率和均衡就业量同时下降 [判断题]值乘司机不熟悉运行区段的有关行车规定或线路、信号设备时,应安排熟悉运行区段相关情况的司机带道或组织值乘司机提前看道。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下述除哪项外均是网织红细胞计数时可选用染料
A.煌焦油蓝 B.新亚甲蓝 C.结晶紫 D.天青 B E.中性红 [单项选择]“师者,人之楷模也”,这句话说明教师的劳动具有()。
A. 特殊的复杂性 B. 独特的复杂性 C. 鲜明的示范性 D. 显效的长期性 [单项选择]癫痫患者的病理改变多样化,最主要的是()
A. 异形神经元 B. 齿状回颗粒细胞弥散增宽 C. 苔藓纤维出芽 D. 神经元脱失 E. 毛细血管增生 [填空题]步长是由()、()和着地缓冲距离三部分组成。
[单选题]行进时听到立定口令,左脚再向前大半步着地,脚尖向外约( )度。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [单选题]办理特种设备变更登记时,如果特种设备产品数据表中的有关数据发生变化,使用单位应当重新填写()。变更登记后的特种设备,其设备代码保持不变。
A.使用登记表 B.产品合格证 C.产品数据表 D.材料一览表 [单项选择]下列措施不是控制人为噪声的措施有()。
A. 进入施工现场不得高声喊叫 B. 进入施工现场不得甩打模板 C. 让处于噪声环境下的人员使用耳罩 D. 限制高音喇叭的使用 [多选题]对下面油画作品的作者和名称判断正确的一项是( )。
A.拉斐尔的《蒙娜丽莎》 B.达*芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》 C.拉斐尔的《大公爵的圣母》 D.达*芬奇的《大公爵的圣母》 [判断题]在调车作业中,单机运行或牵引车辆运行时,前方进路的确认由司机负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]‘转贷易’产品荣获2016年度青岛银行业小微企业金融服务‘优秀创新产品’称号。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]特快旅客列车原则上应在正线办理通过。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交