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"There is a senseless notion that children grow up and leave home when they are 18, and the truth is far from that," says sociologist Lary Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin. Today, unexpected numbers of young adults are living with their parents. "There is a major shift in the middle class," declares sociologist Allasn Schnaiberg of Northwestern University, whose son, 19, moved back in after an absence of eight months.
Analysts cite a variety of reasons for this return to the nest. The marriage age is rising, a condition that makes home and its pleasantness particularly attractive to young people. A high divorce rate and a declining remarriage rate are sending economically pressed and emotionally hurt survivors back to parental shelters. For some, the expense of an away-from-home college education has become so excessively great that many students now attend local schools. Even after graduation, young people find their .wings
A. They should adjust themselves to sharing the family expenses
B. Children should leave their parents when they are grown up
C. Adult children should visit their parents from time to time
D. Parents should support their adult children when they are in trouble
Paul Straussmann, retired vice
president of Xerox,, indicates in his book Information Pay-off that" almost half
of the U. S. information workers are in executive, managerial, administrative
and professional positions. " He further states that "managers and professionals
spend more than half of their time in communicating with each other. " In other words ,people are a corporation’s most expensive resource. For a typical office, over 90 percent of the operating budget is for salaries, benefits and over head. With this investment, is it any wonder that managers are focusing more and more attention on employee productivity They realize that the paper jungle cannot be tamed simply by hiring more people. To receive a return on their investment, wise corporate executive officers are realizing what industrialists and agriculturists A. The quantity of products will be considerably increased. B. The cost of computers will be decreased. C. The per document cost of information processing will be reduced. D. The newest information will be easier to obtain. [单选题]L221N113B负极一分分切金属屑工艺标准为()
A.不允许 B.≤20μm C.≤30μm D.≤40μm [判断题]525、对限流进行操作或恢复,以及在限流运行区间办理司机换乘交接时,随车机械师须到场确认,双方在“动车组技术状态交接簿(单)”上签认;对需采用“牵引手柄限位卡”的动车组列车,由随车机械师与司机办理“牵引手柄限位卡”交接。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]装置不开减压的情况下常底液面用()控制阀调节。
[单选题]轨道车调车作业要准确掌握速度,接近被联挂的车辆时,不准超过( )。
A.10km/h B.5km/h C.3km/h D.2km/h [单选题]“四个意识”指的是:政治意识、( )、大局意识、看齐意识。
A.思想意识 B.认同意识 C.核心意识 D.全局意识 [多项选择]提起附带民事诉讼应具有的条件是()。
A. 应以刑事诉讼的提起和存在为前提 B. 提起附带民事诉讼的范围限于造成物质损失 C. 物质损失须是被告人犯罪行为直接造成的 D. 只有被害人本人才有权提起附带民事诉讼 [单选题]继电器的同种类接点齐度误差,普通接点与加强接点间应不大于( )mm。
A.0.05 B.0.1 C.0.2 D.0.5 [判断题]运送被逐出境者无人数限制
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Woman: Did you watch our Professor Stiller on TV last night
Man: I almost missed it! But my mother just happened to be watching at home and gave me a call.
Question: What does the man mean
A. Turn down the volume. B. Help the man study for the test. C. Play a different kind of music. D. Speak louder. [单选题] 1升浓度为10%的食盐溶液,如果从其中取出100毫升,那么这100毫升食盐溶液的浓度是( )。
A.1% B.10% C.90% D.50% [填空题]()车间、仓库等出入口与主次干道或辅助道路间连接的道路。
[单选题]依据《安全生产法》,事故调查处理应当按照( )的原则,查清事故原因,查明事故性质和责任。
A.实事求是、尊重科学 B.公开、公正、公平 C.及时、准确、合法 D.科学严谨、依法依规、实事求是、注重实效 [单选题]以下关于项目经济费用效益分析的说法中正确的是:
A.经济费用效益分析应考虑沉没成本 B.经济费用和效益的识别不适用“有无对比”原则 C.识别经济费用效益时应剔出项目的转移支付 D.为了反映投入物和产出物真实经济价值,经济费用效益分析不能使用市场价格 [单项选择]对于法律规定的不要式行为,当事人可以在法律允许的范围内选择( )。
A. 口头形式 B. 书面形式 C. 其他形式 D. 口头形式、书面形式或其他形式 [单选题]判断题:曲线半径越大,其正矢越大,反之则正矢越小。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]利率管理体制
A. 立即行MRI检查明确是出血还是梗死 B. 脑电图检查 C. 经颅多普勒超声 D. 降血压治疗 E. 甘露醇125ml加压静滴 [判断题]触头断开后,触头之间如果电弧已熄灭,则电路实际上没有被切断。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]全循环是对于干,立,支管都设回水管道。
A. 国家药品监督管理部门 B. 卫生部 C. 省级药品监督管理部门 D. 国家工商行政管理部门 E. 设区的市级药品监督管理部门 [单选题] 《中国药典》2020 版四部凡例中规定,精密称定是指称取重量应准确至所取重量的( )。出处[《中国药典》2020 版四凡例]
A. 百分之一 B. 千分之一 C. 万分之一 D. 十万分之一 [多选题]煤气事故的类型有( )。
A.着火 B.轻伤 C.煤气中毒 D.爆炸 [单选题]劳动法所规定的劳动标准,属于强行性法律规范,是( )。
A.最低劳动标准 B.一般劳动标准 C.最高劳动标准 D.特殊劳动标准 [单项选择]It was Japan ______ launched the war against China.
A. that B. when C. whom D. which [填空题]长期从事高温作业的人员应( )的工作时间,注意休息,保证充足的饮用水,并佩带好( )等防护用品。
A.15° B.20° C.25° D.30° [单选题]甲购买手机一部,交给同事乙保管。乙将该手机赠予了其朋友丙,丙受赠时并不知道手机不为乙所有,后小偷将此手机偷走了。则手机应该归( )。
A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.小偷 [单项选择]柜员制办理人民币单位银行结算账户通存通兑业务时,()负责原始凭证审查、现金收付和业务信息确认,是办理人民币单位银行结算账户通存通兑业务的第一责任人。
A. 录入员 B. 确认员 C. 接柜柜员 D. 运营主管 我来回答: 提交