The safety of ships at sea does not
depend only on the arrangements made in the ships themselves. Dangerous coasts
and rocks may be seen in the daytime, (51) they are a threat
to safe navigation at night. Lighthouses are therefore erected at such places
to (52) sailors of the danger. Modern lighthouses are put up
at all dangerous places near the courses (53) by ships. On
some rocky coasts several lighthouses may be built not far from each other,
and (54) the sailors on a ship may know which is which, they
have (55) arrangements of lights. One lighthouse will
give a single flash at regular (56) , another may give two
flashes; a third may give two followed by one; and so on. (57)
watching the lights the navigator is able to decide exactly where he
is, and he can set his (58) with confidence. In A. way B. course C. voyage D. journey [单项选择]Who have found a protein called M2
A. Scientists from a Belgium University. B. Drug-makers in Belgium. C. Doctors in a Belgium hospital. D. it is not mentioned. [单选题]下列( )不是接头病害的整治方法。
A.接头捣固 B.调整轨缝 C.对鞍形接头进行打磨 D.螺栓涂油 [单项选择]锅炉低温腐蚀是()腐蚀。
A. 碱性 B. 酸性 C. 中性 [单选题]除普通单程票(含废票)外,车站所有票卡的开封、清点须由( )与车站人员双人共同在车站票务室监控可视范围下完成。
A.当班客运值班员 B.当班行车值班员 C.当班客运值班员及以上 D.当班值班站长及以上 [单项选择]义过了十分钟,杨灵儿仍然没有什么{{U}}动静{{/U}}。
A. 动作 B. 情况 C. 声音 D. 安静 [判断题]波纹管布缆材料有波纹管、过路盒、管卡、波纹管双通。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]新文化运动的基本口号是( )。
A.民主和科学 B.新道德和新文学 C.民权和平等 [判断题]质权人没有妥善保管质物的义务,因保管不善致使质物灭失或者毁损的,质权人不应当承担民事责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]社会舆论所指的“无责不赔”是指,出险时,保险机动车一方承担()责任比例时,保险人不承担赔偿责任所引发()
A. 机动车损失险,无责 B. 机动车第三者责任险,全责 C. 机动车盗抢险,无责 D. 机动车第三者责任险,无责 [单项选择]患者,女,35岁,妊娠高血压综合征,剖宫产术前憋喘,不能平卧,全麻手术后入ICU,入室时处于药物镇静状态,气管插管机械通气,BP190/110mmHg,HR120bpm,两肺底吸气末可闻及大量湿啰音。目前宜采取的处理措施是()
A. 大量利尿+血管扩张剂+PEEP B. 利尿+加大镇静肌松剂剂量 C. 洋地黄+血管扩张剂 D. β受体阻断剂+洋地黄 E. 大量利尿,尽快撤离呼吸机并拔除气管导管 [单选题]安全带应定期检验,检验周期为()。
A.半年 B.1年 C.2年 D.1年半 我来回答: 提交