{{B}}A Wonderful
Chip{{/B}} It is tiny, only about a quarter of an inch square, and quite flat. Under a microscope, it resembles a stylized Navaho rug or the aerial view of a railroad{{U}} (51) {{/U}}yard. Like the{{U}} (52) {{/U}}of sand on a beach, it is made mostly of silicon,{{U}} (53) {{/U}}oxygen, the most abundant element on the surface of the earth. Yet this inert fleck (小片), still unfamiliar to the{{U}} (54) {{/U}}majority of Americans, has astonishing power. It is cheap to{{U}} (55) {{/U}}produce, fast, infinitely versatile and convenient. The miracle chip represents a quantum(重大的){{U}} (56) {{/U}}in the technology of mankind, a development that{{U}} (57) {{/U}}the past few years has acquired the fo A. drops B. particles C. grains D. fragments [单项选择]No sooner had we reached home______a violent storm broke out.
A. when B. that C. until D. than [单选题]发生劳动争议的劳动者一方在( )人以上,并有共同请求的,可以推举代表参加调解、仲裁或者诉讼活动。
A.三 B.五 C.八 D.十 [单项选择]贷款人应建立完善的(),落实具体的责任部门和岗位,全面审查流动资金贷款的风险因素。
A. 激励约束机制 B. 风险评价机制 C. 报告和纠正机制 D. 贷款操作规范 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Lawrence Curry When I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character. My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knew him,his hair was quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一 inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation of my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself. Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shopping lists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words. He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore. Lawrence Curry's cousin was much preferred by kids for_______. A.he often brought kids something they liked to eat B.he was an interesting man C.he was a rich businessman D.he loved kids more than Lawrence did [填空题]某学生常常选择一些大家都很难完成的成就任务,这表明该生的成就动机类型属()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]破拆玻璃窗或通过穿刺水枪向建筑内射水,降低室内温度、(),增加室内蒸汽量,预防轰燃发生。
A.烟气浓度 B.氧气浓度 C.可燃气体浓度 D.惰性气体浓度 [单项选择]下列对我国寿险公司资产负债管理的表述中,正确的是()。
A. 我国寿险公司在产品设计和定价过程中已做到以充分的投资能力分析为基础 B. 目前我国寿险公司的投资管理水平和产品发展水平均较高 C. 与我国寿险公司较高的投资管理水平相比,我国寿险公司的产品发展较为落后 D. 我国寿险公司的投资管理落后于产品的发展,资产负债管理的思想几乎没有体现在产品的设计与定价之中 [单项选择]下列有关胶剂的叙述,不正确的是()
A. 是块状内服制剂 B. 含水量与质量无关 C. “冬板”驴皮作原料产品最好 D. 应烊化服用 E. 浓缩收胶时加入豆油、冰糖和酒 [判断题]灭火战斗中,消防人员实施破拆主要目的是为了实施准确的火情侦察、抢救人命和疏散保护物资及控制火势发展。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]转向架上个制动圆销表面应进行()处理
A. A型行为 B. 消极情感 C. 只觉性控制低下 D. 自我效能低下 [判断题] 实现公平公义是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要任务。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Which of the following is NOT true about the Beatles according to the passage
A. They made the young people of their time very excited. B. They attracted a large following wherever they played. C. They were always pleased with their popularity. D. No other pop music group had ever played to bigger audience than they did. [单选题]甲为参加公务员面试,至主考官乙(某公安局局长)家中放下一块金表(价值人民币3万元)后离开,乙妻认为乙知道此事便将手表收好。乙回家后,乙妻将此事告知乙,乙未表态。下列说法正确的是【】。
A.乙不构成犯罪 B.乙和乙妻均构成受贿罪 C.乙构成受贿罪,乙妻不构成犯罪 D.乙妻构成利用影响力受贿罪 [多选题]气体物质燃烧分为( )。
A.预混燃烧 B.表面燃烧 C.蒸发燃烧 D.扩散燃烧 [单项选择]风牵偏视保守治疗多长时间可行手术治疗:
A. 2个月 B. 4个月 C. 6个月 D. 10个月 E. 12个月 [判断题]电动排烟机应根据使用场合或现场环境正确选择正压式或负压式排烟机及排烟机安放位置。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]>整车货物以每张货物运单为一批,跨装、爬装及使用游车的货物,每一车组为一批。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]颈内动脉系统短暂性脑缺血发作最常见的症状是()
A. 对侧上肢或下肢无力或轻偏瘫 B. 对侧偏身感觉障碍 C. 失语 D. 同侧单眼失明 E. 对侧偏瘫 [填空题]脱盐水外供PH:()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]急性胰腺炎术后并发症包括( )
A.胰腺癌 B.出血 C.胰瘘 D.肠瘘 [单选题]“学习悖论”是古希腊有名的悖论之一,其内容是:人们在学习时通常会面临两种情况,一是不知道要学习的内容,二是已经知道了要学习的内容。在这两种情况下,学习都是无意义的,因为前者学习没有目标,后者学习没有必要。其实破解这个悖论并不难,用我国古语中_的道理就能做到。
A.“谦受益”与“满招损” B.“知其然”与“知其所以然” C.“博观而约取”与“厚积而薄发” D.“学而不思则罔”与“思而不学则殆” [判断题])警察王某要为自己的儿子上学筹一笔钱,便找村民张某借钱。张某同意借钱,但条件是要有物品质押。王某将公务用枪交给张某质押。张某借给王某3万元现金,借期6个月。6个月后,王某无力偿还借款,张某持枪逼债,被公安机关发现。王某的行为构成非法出借枪支罪,张某的行为构成非法持有枪支罪。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]配合停电的交叉跨越或邻近线路,在线路的交叉跨越或邻近处附近应装设一组避雷器。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多选题] 我国已经建成了以宪法为核心,()为骨干的社会主义法律体系框架。
A. 民商法 B. 刑事法 C. 行政法 D. 诉讼法 [多项选择]民事诉讼中,当事人应当承担举证责任。但根据有关规定,下列事实当事人无需举证的有()。
A. 一方当事人对另一方当事人陈述的案件事实明确表示承认的 B. 众所周知的事实、自然规律及定理 C. 已为仲裁机构的生效裁决所确认的事实 D. 当事人及其诉讼代理人因客观原因不能自行收集的其他材料 E. 涉及国家秘密的材料 [多选题]从公文的紧急程度划分,可分为( )。(1级)
A.普通件 B.特急件 C.加急件 D.平件 我来回答: 提交