"I delight in Buckingham Palace", said
Queen Victoria, when she moved in three weeks after ascending to the throne.
Today the 40-acre secluded garden contains specimen shrubs, trees and a large
lake. Eight to nine thousand people visit it during the annual garden
parties. It took George Ⅳ, on becoming King in 1820, and John Nash, Surveyor-general to GeorgeⅣ when he was Prince Regent, many years to turn the house into a sumptuous palace. Nash demolished the North and South wings and rebuilt them. He constructed Marble Arch as a grand entrance to the enlarged courtyard. As work continued, Nash let his costs run away with him, and Parliament complained. Joseph Hume, an English politician and reformer fighting for financial retrenchment, said, "The Crown of England does not require such splendour. Foreign countries might indulge in frippery, but England A. (A) Investitures. B. (B) Government banquets. C. (C) Religious services. D. (D) Diplomatic receptions. [判断题]《关于加强和规范客运站车音视频记录仪管理的通知》中规定配备范围一是旅客列车,二是客运车站,三是其他客运乘务人员、车站客运人员应按需配备到位,但动车组商务座和车站贵宾室专职服务人员不宜佩戴。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]学生在校期间享有那些义务( )
A.努力学习,完成规定学业 B.按规定缴纳学费及有关费用,履行获得贷学金及助学金的相应义务 C.遵守学生行为规范,尊敬师长,养成良好的思想道德和行为习惯 D.遵守宪法、法律、法规 [单项选择]In a paper just published in Science, Peter Gordon of Columbia University uses his study of the Piraha and their counting system to try to answer a tricky linguistic question. The Piraha, a group of hunter-gatherers who live along the banks of the Maiei River in Brazil, use a system of counting called "one-two-many". In this, the word for "one" translates to "roughly one" (similar to "one or two" in English), the word for "two" means "a slightly larger amount than one" (similar to "a few" in English), and the word for "many" means "a much larger amount".
This question was posed by Benjamin Lee Whorl in the 1930s. Whorl studied Hopi, an Amerindian language very different from tile Eurasian languages that had hitherto been the subject of academic linguistics. His work led him to suggest that language not only influences thought but, more strongly, that it determines thought. While there is no dispute that language influences what people think about, evidence suggesting it deter A. the Dani’s thought was strongly restricted by their language B. the Dani could recognize more than they could name C. it is doubtful language influences what people think about D. there is considerable proof indicating language’s decisive role [多项选择]下面哪几项不是营业团队夕会的内容()
A. 根据网点计划进度完成情况、员工表现情况确定下一日的工作重点 B. 安排业务操作、服务规范等的培训与演练 C. 针对员工的优秀表现情况填写亮点时刻卡 D. 做好晨会前的各项准备工作 E. 收集营业条线中的优秀案例 [单项选择]按意识消失程度区分全麻深度最重要的优点()
A. 可避免术中知晓的发生 B. 不受肌松剂干扰 C. 容易监测 D. 不受临床体征限制 E. 以上均是 [单选题]( )97 屏蔽门继电器中R3R4代表()。
A.关门锁闭 B.开门 C.关门 D.互锁解除 [单选题](48253)发现胀轨跑道且无降温条件或降温无效时,应立即截断钢轨(普通线路应拆开钢轨接头)放散应
力,整正线路,夯拍道床,首列放行列车速度不得超过( ),并派专人看守、整修线路,逐步提高行车速 度。(1.0分) A.5km/h B.10km/h C.15km/h D.20km/h [填空题]目前,用树脂砂制芯时主要有3种硬化方式,即()、()和()。
[单选题]土建施工时,机械开挖禁止人员进入挖斗内,禁止在( )通过或逗留。
A.施工现场 B.机械侧方 C.围栏内 D.伸臂及挖斗下面 [多选题]拉斯韦尔的五W模式将传播活动解释为以下环节:( )。
A.传播者 B.传播内容 C.传播渠道 D.传播对象 E.传播效果 [单项选择]中央农村工作会议19日至20日在北京召开,会议指出,推进农业供给侧结构性改革,()放在更加突出位置
A. 提高农产品质量 B. 农业结构优化 C. 增加农民收入 [单选题]信赖不足风险影响的是:
A.审计效率 B.审计效果 C.审计结果 D.审计质量 我来回答: 提交