When a 13-year-old Virginia girl
started sneezing, her parents thought it was merely a cold. But when the sneezes
continued for hours, they called in a doctor. Nearly two months later the girl
was still sneezing, thousands of times a day, and her case had attracted
worldwide attention. Hundreds of suggestions, ranging from "put a clothes pin on her nose" to "have her stand on her head" poured in. But nothing did any good. Finally, she was taken to Johns Hopkins Hospital where Dr. Leo Kanner, one of the world’s top authorities on sneezing, solved the baffling (难以理解的) problem with great speed. He used neither drugs nor surgery for, curiously enough, the clue for the treatment was found in an ancient superstition about the amazing bodily reaction we call the sneeze. It was all in her mind, he said, a view which Aristot A. using Aristotle’s method B. giving her psychological treatment C. practicing superstition D. treating her tuberculosis [单项选择]下列哪一种药物不适用于治疗心力衰竭()
A. 异丙肾上腺素 B. 卡托普利 C. 硝普钠 D. 哌唑嗪 E. 硝苯地平 [多选题]列车运行时( )负责列车安全运行,下一站对标停稳、开门作业完毕,( )司机下车,接车司机开始( )作业。
A.全员 B.到达 C.接车 D.站台 [单选题]医务人员发现“不明原因肺炎病例”时,应主动询问流行病学史,包括:
A.病死禽的接触史 B.野生动物的接触史 C.高危职业史(禽类从业人员、实验室工作人员、医务人员等) D.周围有无其他类似病例发病 E.以上都是 [单选题]如果发送方使用的加密密钥和接收方使用的解密密钥不相同,从其中一个密钥难以推出另一个密钥,这样的系统称为( )。
A.公钥加密系统 B.单密钥加密系统 C.对称加密系统 D.常规加密系统 [判断题]明代以八股取士制度进一步强化了科举制度。
A. 10% B. 30% C. 50% D. 75% [单选题]钩端螺旋体病最常见的临床类型是
A.单纯型(流感伤寒型) B.肺大出血型 C.黄疸出血型 D.胸膜炎型 E.肾功能衰竭型 [多项选择]下列项目中,会影响企业年末未分配利润的有( )。
A. 年初未分配利润 B. 当年净利润 C. 用盈余公积补亏 D. 提取盈余公积 [判断题]碳酸盐岩中的晶粒,按结晶颗粒的大小可分为粗砂、中砂、细砂、微砂。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 一病人精神紧张、烦躁不安、面色苍白、尿量减少、脉压小。此时治疗上应首先给( )
A.血管收缩药 B.血管扩张药 C.静脉补液 D.强利尿剂 E.5%碳酸氢钠溶液 [填空题]在自动控制电路中,根据晶体管受控方式可分为()和()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]任一掘进工作面绝对瓦斯涌出量大于( )立方米/分钟的矿井为高瓦斯矿井。
A.2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 我来回答: 提交