有限状态自动机可用五元组(∑,Q,δ,q0,Qf)来描述,设有一个有限状态自动机M的定义如下:∑=0,1,Q=q0,q1,q2,Qf=q2,δ定义为:δ(q0,0)=q1,δ(q1,0)=q2,6(q2,0)=q2,δ(q2,1)=q2。M是一个 (28) 有限状态自动机,所表示的语言陈述为 (29) 。
(28)处填()。 In the history of arts
patronage(资助,赞助), entrepreneurs-turned-connoisseurs(艺术品鉴赏家,行家) are a young
development. The world’s greatest museums the Louvre, Hermitage, Prado began as
lavish civilization-is-power statements by monarchs and emperors; private
individuals did not emerge as significant museum patrons before the 19th
century. Until a generation ago. those wanting to leave their mark in bricks
usually did so in a room of their own in a state museum: the Duveen Galleries at
Tate Britain, the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Gallery at New York’s Museum of
Modern Art. But in the past 15 years, that has changed: worldwide, collectors
seek immortality in glass and steel, through a museum of their own, designed by
an architect of their choosing. These are not latter-day Henry Tates or Pavel Tretyakovs, democratic visionaries who paid for buildings and dona A. Donations of the richest collectors. B. Patronage of private individuals. C. Collections of connoisseurs. D. Encouragements and approval by rulers. [单选题]无滑动部分、免维护是动车组转向架“ ” 的特点。
A.牵引装置 B.驱动装置 C.轴箱定位装置 D.弹簧悬挂装置 [单项选择]胎儿急性缺氧早期胎动特点是( )
A. 不变 B. 减少 C. 减弱 D. 躁动 E. 消失 [简答题]试述水轮发电机组振动的类型有哪些?
[多选题]自动化设备的计划检修和临时检修,应向调控机构办理自动化检修票并按规定履行( )、完工手续。
A.审核 B.批准 C.开工 D.延期 [单选题]一般适用于物料粘度较大的搅拌器形式有( )。
A.螺带式、浆式、锚式 B.框式、螺旋桨式、螺带式 C.涡轮式、锚式、框式 D.锚式、框式、螺带式 [多项选择]工程建设项目评标方法中的经评审的最低投标价法一般适用于( )的招标项目。
A. 具有通用技术 B. 招标人对其技术、性能没有特殊要求 C. 具有性能标准 D. 标准定制商品 E. 技术复杂 [单选题]根据《军人抚恤优待条例》,下列关于抚恤优待的说法,正确的是( )。
A.因病被评定为十级残疾的现役军人小张可享受抚恤 B.一次性抚恤金可发给烈士老李的祖父母、父母、配偶、子女和兄弟姐妹 C.实行义务兵役制以前入伍,后经批准从部队复员的小秦属于该条例规定的优待对象 D.服役期间患病,尚未达到评定伤残等级条件但有地方医院证明的退伍人员老王,属于该条例规定的抚恤对象 我来回答: 提交