Food and Health{{/B}} The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon (结肠). Different cultures are more likely to develop certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates (硝酸盐)commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives, accused cancer. Yet, these additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which [单选题]夹套式换热器的优点是( )。
A.传热系数大 B.构造筒单,价格低廉,不占器内有效容积 C.传热面积大 D.传热量小 [单项选择]外国企业常驻代表机构登记机关是()。
A. 国家工商局 B. 各级工商行政管理局 C. 省级工商局 D. 国家局或其授权的省级工商局 [判断题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,机动绞磨、卷扬机不应带载荷过夜。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高血压、高血脂及冠心病的营养防治均要求控制能量摄入。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下面哪一项不属于项目经理部安全事故处理原则()。
A. 事故原因不清楚不放过 B. 事故责任者和员工没有受到教育不放过 C. 事故责任者没有处理不放过和没有制定防范措施不放过"的原则 D. 事故责任制没有接受教训不放过 [简答题]FoolProof防呆改善的原则是什么?
A. 风险是未来结果的不确定性 B. 风险是损失的可能性 C. 风险是未来结果(如投资的收益率)对期望的偏离 D. 风险是未来结果的变化 [判断题]有毒有害物质沾染皮肤时,应立即去除衣物,用大量的水进行冲洗15分钟,并彻底洗消,情况严重或沾染强腐蚀性和剧毒物质必须及时就医。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]联锁试验必须在“天窗”内进行,同时影响上、下行( )的联锁试验,必须在垂直“天窗”内进行。
A.侧线 B.正线 C.专用线 D.货物线 [判断题]电力线路、光电缆、管路等跨越电气化铁路施工时,在接触网停电后即可进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )没有电压就没有电流,没有电流就没有电压。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]零件的()向基本投影面投影而得到的视图称为局部视图。标注局部视图时,局部视图的上方应标出视图的名称“³向”,并在相应的视图附近用箭头指明投影方向和注上相同的字母。
A. 全部 B. 某一视图 C. 某一部分 D. 某一个侧面 [判断题]报废终端设备、员工离岗离职时留下的终端设备应交由相关部门处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]焊缝无缺陷则称为优良焊缝。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]围岩体内位移(洞内设点)不应采用( )。
A. 洞内钻孔中安设单点位移计 B. 洞内钻孔中安设多点杆式位移计 C. 洞内钻孔中安设千分尺 D. 洞内钻孔中安设钢丝式位移计 [单选题]《安全生产法》“生产经营单位应当教育和督促从业人员严格执行本单位的安全生产规章制度和( );并向从业人员如实告知作业场所和工作岗位存在的( )、防护措施以及事故应急措施。”
A. 安全操作规程;危险因素 B. 安全操作规程;有害因素 C. 安全管理制度;危险因素 D. 安全管理制度;有害因素 [单项选择]MIS建设的主要作用不包括()。
A. 辅助分析 B. 规范化管理 C. 危机预防 D. 节省人力 [单选题]Text 1 Foreign cashiers and carers are now a fact oflife in Japan,especially in urban areas.The number of foreign workers has risen fast recently,t0 1.3m-some 2%of the workforce.Although visas that allow foreigners to settle in Japan are in theory mainly for highly skilled workers,in practice those with fewer skills may be admitted as students or trainees or as immigrants of Japanese extraction.In June the govemment announced that it would create a"designated-skills"visa in order to bring in 500,000 new workers by 2025,in agriculture,construction,hotels,nursing and shipbuilding.Japan has historically been cautious of admitting foreigners.It is one of the rich world's most homogenous countries:just 2%of residents are foreigners,compared with 4%in South Korea and 16%in France.The reasons for this attitude range from fears that outsiders will bring crime and damage societal practices,to concerns that Japanese residents will not be able to communicate properly with them.But Japan's population is old and getting smaller.To fill shortages in the labour force caused by the shrinking working-age population,govemment policy has focused on getting more women and old people into work,and using artificial intelligence.It has become apparent though that this is not enough;and businesses also want foreigners to help them remain competitive and to become more global.Indeed pressure from business is a big reason behind the change of tack.Over the past 20 years the number of workers under 30 has shrunk by a quarter.Another result of the greying population is the creation of ever more jobs,most notably as carers,that few Japanese want to do at the wages on offer.There are 60%more job vacancies than there are people looking for work.Industries such as agriculture and construction,as well as nursing,are increasingly dependent on foreigners.More exposure to foreigners,through a boom in tourism,has reassured Japanese,especially the young,that they can get along with them,too.Attracting the foreign workers Japan needs will not necessarily be easy.Language is a big barrier.Japanese-language abilities are not necessary for highly skilled workers wanting visas,but only a handful of companies work in English.Lowlier workers,who must pass a Japanese exam,are currallowed to bring their families and will not be able to under the"designated-skills"visa.Firms in which promotion is based on seniority rather than merit and in which long hours are the norm will find it hard to attract workers,too.Japan also needs to do more to help integrate foreigners.By accepting,for the most part,a small number of highly skilled workers,Japan has been able to get away without any inteUation policy.But as the number ofimmigrants rises,and especially as more low-skilled workers are admitted,this omission threatens to bring about some of the very concems that prompted the govemment to restrict immigration in the first place,such as ghettoisation and poverty.
According to the author,Japan's efforts to attract foreigners are_____
A.insufficient B.inefficient C.admirable D.encouraging [多项选择]进一步健全面向全体劳动者的职业培训制度,完善有利于劳动者成长成才的()。
A. 激励机制 B. 评价机制 C. 引导机制 D. 培养机制 [单项选择]某男45岁,体检发现左下肺有一直径2.5cm小块影,边缘有毛刺,应考虑为()
A. 肺结核球 B. 周围型肺癌 C. 错构瘤 D. 矽肺 E. 球形肺炎 [判断题]2.18 驾驶机动车超车应该提前开启左转向灯、变换使用远近光灯或鸣喇叭。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交