Johnny Holly came into the bank and went up into one of the clerks. "I want to cash these travelers’ checks, please--one hundred pounds," he said. The bank clerk took the cheeks and then asked Johnny for his passport. After looking in all his pockets Johnny remembered that he’d left it back in the hotel. "But surely you know who I am even if I don’t have my passport, he said. I’m Johnny Holly--the singer. You’ve probably heard my records and seen me on TV dozens of times." Just then the manager of the bank appeared and the situation was explained to him. "It’s quite simple, "said the manager. "The only way to show us that you’re really Johnny Holly is to sing us one of your songs." Johnny picked up the checks and put them back in his pocket. "K I sang to you for only a hundred pounds, then you could be quite certain that I wasn’t Johnny Holly, ’he said, as he walked out of the bank.
A. To show them his records.
B. To fetch his passport.
C. To sing for them.
D. To pick up the checks.
Stage plays, at first, seem a lot like
films. Both use actors and dialogue and scenery. But if you try to make a film
by setting up a camera in front of the stage, you will find it won’t work. A
film made in this way will leave the audience cold. And even worse you’ll be
wasting a powerful tool—the camera. A stage is actually a box. One side of the box has been removed so the audience can see what’s going on inside. The actors remain at a fixed audience. In the film, however, the camera can bring the audience up close and fix their attention on small but important things: a frightened look, a whisper, a trembling of hands. The camera offers the film maker freedom allowing him to move easily across barriers (界 限) of time and space. He can show his action in real cities and on real A. It can move easily. B. It can make small things look larger. C. It can show things in the future. D. It can give us a scene of realism. [单选题]变压器电源侧引线发生故障,变压器的()应动作。
A. 过电流保护 B. 气体保护 C. 过负荷保护 D. 电流速断保护 [单项选择]中年男性,脑梗死后右侧肢体瘫痪,入院时右上肢肌力0级,通过治疗后能抗重力和一定的阻力运动,按Lovett分级法评定标准应评为()
A. 1级 B. 2级 C. 3级 D. 4级 E. 5级 [判断题]相互利用职权或者职务上的影响为对方及其配偶、子女及其配偶等亲属、身边工作人员和其他特定关系人谋取利益搞权权交易的,给予警告或者严重警告处分;情节较重的,给予撤销党内职务或者留党察看处分;情节严重的,给予开除党籍处分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]资本主义国家的内部职能主要是进行社会管理。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )所谓暧色,指红、黄、橙等色,给人温暖热烈的感觉。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]腐食酪螨体长0.3mm~0.4mm,卵圆形,()色,半透明。
A. 赤褐 B. 乳白 C. 鲜红 D. 黑褐 [多选题]如果养殖场中出现大范围的不育提示可能是(13)
A.传染性不育 B.寄生虫性不育 C.医疗错误性不育 D.外伤性不育 [单选题] GB21861-2014《机动车安全技术检验项目表》中,对于适用车辆类型为"非营运小型、微型载客汽车"的,"○"对应的检验项目_______。
A.仅适用于面包车 B.仅适用于7座及7座以上车辆 C.适用于面包车、7座及7座以上车辆,以及使用年限超过10年的车辆 D.适用于面包车、7座及7座以上车辆,以及使用年限超过15年的车辆 [单选题]出生后至1岁以内的城市婴儿需进行几次健康检查
A.1年检查1次 B.每半年检查1次 C.每季度检查1次 D.每1个月检查1次 E.只在婴儿有病时,进行检查 [填空题]《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》指出,大学生思想政治教育坚持教书与育人相结合,坚持教育与自我教育相结合,坚持政治理论教育与社会实践相结合,坚持()相结合,坚持教育与管理相结合。
A. 高热量 B. 低蛋白 C. 高维生素 D. 不能进食的可以鼻饲 E. 必要时可以全胃肠外营养 [单项选择]舌淡胖嫩而见黄滑润苔,其主病为()
A. 湿热不化 B. 痰湿内停 C. 内有食 D. 阳虚水湿不化 E. 脾虚运化无权 [多选题]对于规模体量大、内部结构复杂的建筑场所,应
A.划分片区、合理编组、逐层实施 B.充分利用热成像仪等装备 C.合理运用联线、扫描等搜救技术,搜寻遇险和被困人员 D.做到全覆盖、无遗漏 E.眼 F.手 [单项选择]某国2004年经济增长率为6.8%,其中总资本投入量的增长与总劳动投入量的增长均为6.4%,资本和劳动力对经济增长贡献的权数均为0.5,则全要素生产率(TFP)为( )。
A. 0.4% B. 0.6% C. 0.3% D. 0.5% [单项选择]确定T10平面脊髓损伤的感觉平面是
A. 脐水平 B. 剑突水平 C. 腹股沟中点 D. 小指 E. 腋窝顶部 [单选题]根据《劳动合同法》,用人单位与劳动者已建立劳动关系,未同时订立书面劳动合同的,应当自用工之日起()内订立书面劳动合同。
A.1个月 B.2个月 C.3个月 D.半年 我来回答: 提交