American cities are {{U}} (62)
{{/U}} other cities around the world. In every country, dries reflect the
{{U}} (63) {{/U}} of the culture. Cites contain the very {{U}} (64)
{{/U}} aspect of a society: opportunities for education, employment, and
entertainment. They also {{U}} (65) {{/U}} the very worst parts of a
society: violent crime, racial conflicts, and poverty.
American dries are changing, just {{U}} (66) {{/U}} American
society. After World War II, the population of {{U}} (67) {{/U}} large
American dries decreased; {{U}} (68) {{/U}}, the population in many Sun
Belt cities increased. Los Angles and Houston are dries {{U}} (69) {{/U}}
population increased. These population shifts to and from the city reflect the
changing values of American society. During this time, in the {{U}} (70)
{{/U}} 1940s and early 1950s, city residents A. enjoy B. acquire C. earn D. win [填空题]大范围降水形成的主要条件是:()、()、()条件。
A. 肌纤维 B. 胶原纤维 C. 网状纤维 D. 弹力纤维 E. 神经胶质纤维 [多项选择]对架空线应力有直接影响的设计气象条件是()。
A. 风速 B. 覆冰 C. 气温 D. 降雨量 [判断题]由于设备原因,接地刀闸与检修设备之间连有断路器(开关),在接地刀闸和断路器(开关)合上后,应有保证断路器(开关)不会分闸的措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在晶体管电路中,为了利用RC相移网络倒180°,至少要用()RC相移网络。
A. 一节; B. 二节; C. 三节; D. 四节。 [判断题]高热患者应每6小时测一次体温;体温降至38.5℃(口腔温度)以下时,改为每天测量3次;体温降至正常水平3天后,改为每天测量1次。
A. 收走花瓶 B. 送上鲜花 C. 点燃蜡烛 D. 送上茶水 [单选题]( )是指示列车运行及调车作业的命令,有关行车人员必须严格执行。
A.信号 B.信号机 C.闭塞 D.联锁 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Mt. Desert Island
The coast of the State of Maine is one of the most irregular in the world.A straight line running from the southernmost coastal city to the northernmost coastal city would measure about 225 miles.If you followed the coastline between these points,you would travel more than ten times as far. This irregularity is the result of what is called a drowned coastline._________(46)At that time,the whole area that is now Maine was part of a mountain range that towered above the sea. As the glacier(冰川)descended , however , it expended enormous force on those mountains,and they sank into the sea. As the mountains sank,ocean water charged over the lowest parts of the remaining land,forming a series of twisting inlets and lagoons(咸水湖).The highest parts of the former mountain range,nearest the shore, remained as islands._________(47)Marine fossils found here were 225 feet above sea level,indicating the level of the shoreline prior to the glacier. The 2,500-mile-long rocky coastline of Maine keeps watch over nearly two thousand islands. Many of these islands are tiny and uninhabited,but many are home to thriving communities.Mt. Desert Island is one of the largest,most beautiful of the Maine coast islands.Measuring 16 miles by 12 miles.Mt.Desert was essentially formed as two distinct islands._________(48) For years,Mt. Desert Island,particularly its major settlement,Bar Harbor,afforded summer homes for the wealthy.Recently though,Bar Harbor has become a rapidly growing arts community as well.But,the best part of the island is the unspoiled forest land known as Acadia National Park.Because the island sits on the boundary line between the temperate(温带)and sub-Arctic zones , the island supports the plants and ani- mals of both zones as well as beach , inland , and alpine(高山的)plants. _________( 49 ) The establishment of Acadia National Park in 1916 means that this natural reserve will be perpetually available to all people,not just the wealthy.Visitors to Acadia may receive nature instruction from the park naturalists as well as enjoy camping,cycling,and boating. Or they may choose to spend time at the archeological museum,learning about the Stone Age inhabitants of the island. The best view on Mt.Desert Island is from the top of Cadillac Mountain._________(50)From the sum- mit,you can gaze back toward the mainland or out over the Atlantic Ocean and contemplate the beauty created by a retreating glacier. _________(47) A.This mountain rises 1,532 feet,making it the highest mountain on the Atlantic seaboard. B.It is split almost in half by Somes Sound,a deep and narrow stretch of water,seven miles long. C.The wealthy residents of Mt.Desert Island selfishly kept it to themselves. D.Mt. Desert Island is one of the most famous of all the islands left behind by the glacier. E.The term comes from the activity of the ice age. F.It also lies in a major bird migration lane and is a resting spot for many birds. [多选题]危化品储罐灾害事故处置中,核查灾害事故类型下列正确的是( )。
A.泄漏 B.火灾 C.爆炸 D.毒害 E.腐蚀 [简答题]中国工人运动第一次高潮中的三次罢工有
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 列车在调试中禁止()
A. 开门行驶或者向外抛洒物件 B.危及行车安全处理故障 C.不经确认,盲目下达动车指令 D.车上人员无故鸣笛 [简答题]朔州最近几年在生态环境治理方面有很大的改善,但还是存在很多的问题,对此你有什么好的建议
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