When TV news programs report wars or disasters, the
editors rarely use the most horrifying pictures of dead or wounded victims
because they don’t want to upset their viewers. Even so, viewers are usually
warned in advance that they "may find some of these scenes disturbing", so they
can look away if they choose. But the men and women whose job is to record those
scenes — the TV cameramen — have no such choice. It is their duty to witness the
horrors of the world and record them no matter how gruesome and unpleasant they
may be. A. depressing B. satisfying C. demanding D. encouraging [单项选择]串级控制系统从总体上看,仍然是一个()控制系统。
A. 定值 B. 比值 C. 前馈 D. 滞后 [单选题]下列哪种光纤接续方式损耗最小( )。
A.冷接 B.活动连接 C.快速连接 D.熔接 [单项选择]男性60岁,右腹股沟出现肿块不能回纳已4h,呕吐3次,诉右腹股沟已有可复性肿块5年,神志清,腹胀,查右腹股沟扪及8×5×3cm大小椭圆形包块,有压痛反跳痛,肠鸣音亢进,应考虑为
A. 抬高患肢,早期活动 B. 禁止按摩 C. 使用弹力袜 D. 理疗 E. 患肢制动并按摩肢体 [单项选择]
A king once (1) seriously ill. His doctors and wise men tried cure (2) cure. But nothing (3) . They were ready to (4) hope when the king’s old servant spoke up. He said, "If you can find a happy man, take the shirt from his back and (5) it on the king, then he will (6) "So the king’s officials rode (7) throughout the kingdom, yet nowhere (8) a happy man. No one seemed (9) ; everyone had some complaints. If a man was rich, he never had enough. If he was not rich, it was someone else’s (10) . If he was (11) , he had a bad mother-in-law. If he had a good mother-in-law, he was catching a cold. Everyone had something to complain about. (12) , one night the king’s own son was passing a small cottage (13) he heard someone say, "Thank you. I’ve finished my daily labor, and helped my fellow man. My family and I have eaten our fill, and now we can (14) and sleep in peace. (15) more could I want" The prince was very happy (16) a happy man at [单选题]根据《关于开展受限空间、高处作业安全专项治理的通知》管理要求,与受限空间相通的管线、设备必须全部实施()隔断
A.沙土 B.盲板 C.水封 D.阀门 [多项选择]地税机关核发发票准购证,需要纳税人提供的资料包括( )
A. 单位法人代表的身份证 B. 税务登记证副本 C. 税务登记表 D. 单位印鉴 [单选题]关于急性心肌梗死并发症,下列哪项正确?
A.乳头肌断裂多见于二尖瓣前乳头肌 B.心脏破裂多见于室间隔穿孔破裂 C.心室壁瘤发生于心梗后三个月 D.急性心梗早期即可伴发肺梗死 E.心梗后综合征发生率约为1%~2% [判断题]横越线路时,应一站、二看、三通过。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,28岁。右上臂被刀多处砍伤后右手活动受限。查体:右肘关节活动可,右拇、示、中指不能屈曲,拇指不能外展和桡侧三个半手指掌背侧均无感觉。最可能损伤的神经是()。
A. 尺神经 B. 桡神经 C. 正中神经 D. 腋神经 E. 肌皮神经 [单项选择]在内源性和外源性凝血途径中共同起作用的凝血因子是()。
A. 因子Ⅷ B. 因子Ⅴ C. 因子Ⅶ D. 因子Ⅹ E. 以上均不正确 [判断题]高压试验的试验装置和测量仪器应符合试验和测量的安全要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]金融资产价值以所以等于资金时间价值加风险价值是因为金融资金具有()。
A. 不稳定性 B. 不确定性 C. 时间性 D. 收益性 E. 现实性 [填空题]中控系统服务器、操作员工作站、通信网络设备、数据存储设备应采用冗余配置,并应配置()工作站、打印输出等设备。
[单选题]过水断面是指( )。
A.与流线平行的断面 B.与流线正交的横断面 C.与流线斜交的横断面 D.与迹线正交的横断面 [单项选择]消防工作“三会”的内容是:一会报警;二会使用岗位消防器材;三会()火灾的方法。
A. 预防 B. 扑救 C. 控制 [判断题]《石油化工可燃气体和有毒气体检测报警设计标准》规定有毒气体探测器宜带一体化的声、光警报器,可燃气体探测器可带一体化的声、光警报器,一体化声、光警报器的启动信号应采用第一级报警设定值信号。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交