Self-esteem is a private, individual matter. It goes
up and down from day to day, or even from hour to hour. Thus, strengthening
self-esteem is no easy task. But managers can help improve employees’
self-esteem in the following ways. Firstly, they must create a work environment that invites people to feel good about themselves and the work they do. They must not damage or lower the self-esteem of others. Managers should avoid something said or done to someone that wears away their feelings of self worth and satisfaction in performance. For example, it is unacceptable to greet a lazy employee with comments like "Late again! You win the prize for being the least reliable person here." Secondly, they must develop ways of communicating real respect and concern to the employees by actively helping them improve their self-image and to feel bette A. kept as it is for a long time B. not fixed C. easy to improve D. the most important [简答题]人文主义文学有哪些特征?
A. 缺墨,更换墨盒 B. 喷嘴堵了,用打印清洗功能清洗 C. 缺墨,用打印清洗功能清洗 D. 喷嘴堵了,更换墨盒 [填空题]食品安全突发事件是指对成品酒具有危害的食品安全事故。食品安全突发事件按危害程度不同可分为“( )”、“( )”和“( )”三个级别,每个级别对应一套应急处理措施。
A.特别重大 B.重大 C.较大 D.一般A类 [单项选择]下列支出中,属于人员经费支出最主要的项目是()。
A. 办公费 B. 职工福利费 C. 工作人员差旅费 D. 工资 [单选题]《南昌铁路局高铁动车组旅客站车专项服务标准》(南铁客〔2014〕334号)规定:为商务座旅客提供餐食,用餐时间前(),专项服务人员到座了解商务座旅客用餐需求
A.1小时 B.20分钟 C.30分钟 D.40分钟 [单项选择]万维网(WWW) 信息服务是Inernet上的一种最主要的服务形式,它进行工作的方式是基于 ______。
A. 单机 B. 浏览器/服务器 C. 对称多处理机 D. 客户机/服务器 [判断题]岩石圈的水平运动通常称为造陆运动,垂直运动一般成为造山运动。
A.公诉案件的被告 B.有经济困难的自诉案件的当事人 C.盲聋哑残疾人、未成年人 D.可能被判死刑的被告人 [单项选择]骨盆骨折合并腹膜后出血,若经积极抢救未能使休克好转且血压继续下降,脉搏继续加快或渐微弱,可采用何种治疗 答案ABCDE
A. 骨牵引 B. 皮牵引 C. 手法复位及石膏外固定 D. 介入疗法(髂内动脉造影及栓塞) E. 骨盆兜悬吊牵引法 我来回答: 提交