Ironically, the intellectual tools currently being used by the political right to such harmful effect originated on the academic left. In the 1960s and 1970s a philosophical movement called postmodernism developed among humanities professors (26) being deposed by science, which they regarded as right-leaning. Postmodernism (27) ideas from cultural anthropology and relativity theory to argue that truth is (28) and subject to the assumptions and prejudices of the observer. Science is just one of many ways of knowing, they argued, neither more nor less (29) than others, like those of Aborigines, Native Americans or women. (30) , they defined science as the way of knowing among Western white men and a tool of cultural (31) . This argument (32) with many feminists and civil-rights activists and became widely adopted, leading to the "political correctness" justifiably (33) by Rush Limbaugh and the "men
A. objective
B. subjective
C. cultural
D. relative
Researchers disagree whether the "use
it or lose it" philosophy holds for cognitive aging, but there is one evidence
that keeping mentally active can slow age-related declines. At Pennsylvania State University, Sherry Willis and her husband, K. Warner Schaie, have studied 5000 people, some since 1956. People lucky enough to avoid chronic diseases may also fare better in intellectual function, they find, perhaps because chronic diseases can restrict lifestyle and reduce mental stimulation. Similarly, those lucky enough to be relatively affluent also fare better, perhaps because money can buy intellectually stimulating A. physical exercises B. social interconnections C. rigid daily routines D. a healthy diet [单选题]乙肝疫苗初种的年龄是
A.1个月 B.2个月 C.3个月 D.4个月 E.刚出生 [多项选择]对在西部地区新办交通、电力、水利、邮政、广播电视的外商投资企业,主营业务收入占企业总收入70%以上且经营期在 10年以上的,可以享受企业所得税的优惠政策有( )。
A. 第一年至第二年免征企业所得税 B. 第一年至第五年免征企业所得税 C. 第三年至第五年减半征收企业所得税 D. 第六年至第十年减半征收企业所得税 [填空题]The very passion that excites football crowds (and once excited investors) often causes decisions to be taken ______.
[单选题]《Q/CSG-GXPG2054001-2021广西电网有限责任公司基建项目施工组织管理业务指导书》 3.1.2【配网工程项目部】注册二级建造师可负责总施工费在()万元以内的项目群(市区县域内,不得跨市县),注册一级建造师可负责某区域内所有配网基建工程的项目群。
A.500 B.1000 C.3000 D.5000 [填空题]If you (21) ____ smooth skin that glows with youth, the chances are that at some point you will have heard the exhortation to drink lots of water in order to (22) ____ those evil toxins and keep your skin healthy.
The exact amount people suggest varies. US – based advice (23) ____ eight glasses a day,while in hotter climates people are advised to drink to more to (24) ____ higher rates of sweating. But regardless of the exact volume of water suggested, the principle behind the advice remains the same --- taking extra water on board will keep your skin hydrated. In other words,water acts like a moisturizer, but from the inside out.
This is such a common idea you might be surprised at the (25) ____ to back up. You might expect there to be countless studies where people are(26)____ two groups,one assigned to sip water all day, the other to drink a normal amount. Then the smoothness of the skin could be (27) ____ a month or so later to establish whether sipping more lead to smoother skin
[单选题]接地线夹用于连接直径为( )的接地线。
A.Φ10~12mm; B.Φ12~14mm; C.Φ14~16mm; D.Φ16~18mm。 [单选题]下列属于化学性职业病危害因素的是()
A.粉尘 B.γ射线 C.微波 D.病毒 [单项选择]社会保险是指国家通过立法,多渠道筹集资金,在劳动者暂时或永久丧失劳动力以及其他原因中断工作,没有经济收入或劳动收入减少时,给予经济补助,使他们能够享有基本生活条件的一项社会保障制度。
A. 向老人、儿童、残疾人等人群提供的必要生活保障 B. 养老、失业、医疗、工伤、生育等保险 C. 对城市生活无着落的流浪乞讨人员救助 D. 最低生活保障、农村五保供养、特困户救助、灾民救助 [单选题]沈从文曾经执编过( )。
A.《申报》 B.《明报》 C.《大公报》 D.《新民晚报》 [判断题]直流隔离开关红外检测迎峰度夏期间每天1次
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列船舶在大风浪中的掉头操纵的叙述哪项不正确()?
A. 从顶浪转向顺浪时,掉头前应当适当减速 B. 掉头过程中,要求前冲距离要小,并减小转向中的横倾 C. 掉头过程中遇上大浪处于危急局面时,应急速回舵恢复原航向 D. 掉头过程中可适时使用短暂的快车满舵,缩短掉头时间 [单选题]关小电动往复泵排出阀可能导致________。
A.流量明显减小 B.发生“气穴现象” C.泵内发生液击 D.电机过载 [单选题](单选题).根及根茎类药材一般的采收时间是()
A.春末夏初 B.开花前 C.秋冬季节 D.茎叶生长最茂盛 [判断题]物资数量不够10个,但多余5个,可以不实行五五摆放。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]经查实,赵六销售伪劣卷烟金额100万元,根据刑法第一百四十条规定,应如何处罚?( )
A.处以死刑缓期执行,并处没收全部个人财产 B.处15年有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,并处销售金额50%以上2倍以下罚金或者没收财产 C.处7年以上有期徒刑,并处销售金额50%以上2倍以下罚金; D.处2年以上7年以下有期徒刑,并处销售金额50%以上2倍以下罚金; [单选题]当下颌余留前牙,前磨牙向舌侧严重倾斜时,常设计的铸造大连接体的形式是 ( )
A.后腭杆 B.舌连接杆 C.前腭杆 D.舌板 E.唇、颊连接杆 [判断题]综合自动化系统应建立缺陷管理制度和缺陷处理记录。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]茎呈方柱形,节稍膨大,单叶对生,叶上表面绿色,下表面灰绿色的药材是()
A. 鱼腥草 B. 紫花地丁 C. 淡竹叶 D. 穿心连 E. 肉丛蓉 [多项选择]制冷剂应具有的热力和物理性质中,下列哪些说法是正确的()。
A. 临界温度要低 B. 单位容积压缩功小 C. 热导率低 D. 绝热指数低 [单选题]依据《安全生产法》的规定,生产经营单位与从业人员订立的劳动合同,应当载明有关保障从业人员劳动安全和( )的事项。
A.防止职业危害 B.事故应急措施 C.安全技术措施 D.职业危害申报 [单项选择]在电路中,若电场力将电荷Q从a点移动到b点,所做的功为Wab,则功Wab与Q的()就称为该两点间的电压Uab
A. 乘积 B. 比值 C. 之和 D. 之差 [单项选择]茶碱属于()
A. CYP3A4抑制剂 B. CYP3A4诱导剂 C. CYP2C19底物药物 D. CYP1A2底物药物 E. CYP2D6抑制剂 [单项选择]有关宗教信仰自由的说法不符合宪法规定的是( )
A. 中华人民共和国公民有宗教信仰自由 B. 任何国家机关、社会团体和个人不得强制公民信仰宗教或者不信仰宗教,不得歧视信仰宗教的公民和不信仰宗教的公民 C. 国家保护宗教活动。任何人不得利用宗教进行破坏社会秩序、损害公民身体健康、妨碍国家教育制度的活动 D. 宗教团体和宗教事务不受外国势力的支配 [多选题]泡沫灭火剂分为()。
A.普通蛋白泡沫 B.氟蛋白泡沫 C.抗溶性泡沫 D.高倍数泡沫 [单选题]以下属于内部稽查内容的是( )
A.票库、票卡、现金、票务钥匙、票务备品、票务设备的管理情况 B.乘客违规使用优惠车票的检查 C.乘客无票乘车或者乘车途中丢失车票却强行出闸行为的检查 D.乘客利用造假证件违规出入边门乘坐地铁行为的检查 [填空题]瞭望距离不足100m时,应适当降低调车速度,在空线上牵引运行时不准超过()推进运行时不准超过()。
A.反相比例运算电路 B.同相比例运算电路 C.积分运算电路 D.微分运算电路 我来回答: 提交