We all know that science plays an important role in the societies in which we live. Many people believe, however, that our progress depends on two aspects of science. The first of which is the machines, products and systems of applied knowledge that scientists and technologists develop. Through technology, science improves that structure of society and helps man to gain increasing control over his environment. 61) The second aspect is the application by all members of society from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.
62) Human beings have distinguished themselves from other animals, and in doing so ensured their survival, by the ability to observe and understand their environment and then either to adapt to that environment or to control and adapt it to their own needs. The process of careful observation, perception of a pattern in the phenomena observed, followed by
The Xinhua bookstore chain, China’s
largest official publishing enterprise, has become a surprising flash point for
interest among foreign venture capital investors. "We are actively promoting the process of shareholding reform. Every day, we receive lots of offers from domestic and foreign investors interested in getting involved and may pick one or two to do so in the next two to three months," Zhang Yashan, the leading cadre of the head store’s office said. According to a company insider who requested anonymity, several securities firms are overseeing Xinhua bookstore’s reform and the company could list on the domestic stock market once reforms are reported to the government in May and then completed. The source would not reveal the specific names of the firms involved or details of the reform. "We will stipulate that we must remain the A. Largest. B. Official. C. Private. D. Prosperous. [简答题]什么叫自感和自感电动势?怎样判定自感电动势的方向?
[单项选择]This can result due to reductions in overmanning and improvements in other types of ______ management procedures.
A. timid B. tedious C. suspicious D. slack [多选题]采用全液压传动的场车,其传动系统一般由以下哪些部件组成?( )
A.液压油泵 B.液压马达 C.离合器 D.液力变矩器 [简答题]汽车行驶的充分必要条件是什么?
[多选题]制度维护保障包括以下( )工作。
A.制度评价 B.制度修订 C.制度清理 D.制度废止 [简答题]小型锂电池在列车上发生冒烟处置关键点有哪些?
[单选题]消防员隔热防护服面料外层阻燃性能的要求为:续燃时间不大于2s,损毁长度不大于( )mm,且无熔融、滴落现象。
A.60 B.80 C.100 D.120 [单项选择]女性,40岁。因常规体检发现血糖高并诊断糖尿病病史3年,体重下降10kg,因服用格列齐特240mg/d,空腹血糖控制在9~10mmol/L,餐后两小时13mmol/L左右,HbAlc8.5%,尿检查酮体反复阳性,改用胰岛素治疗2月余,HbAlc下降至7%。父亲患糖尿病,BMI21.3kg/m2,ICA阴性,GAD抗体阳性此例患者最可能的诊断是()。
A. 缓慢进展1型糖尿病 B. 2型糖尿病,磺脲类药物失效 C. 特发1型糖尿病 D. MODY E. 无法分型 [简答题]工作执行人的责任有哪些?
[填空题]埋刮板输送机启动时,空载( ),可进行投料。
[多项选择]从收益类型来看,组合投资类理财产品可以分为( )。
A. 保本浮动收益型 B. 不保障本金型 C. 非保本浮动收益型 D. 保障本金型 E. 期次型和滚动型 [简答题]简述导游员的基本职责。
[单选题] 小型民用爆炸物品储存库每个储存库至少配备两个( )公斤以上磷酸盐干粉灭火器。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 我来回答: 提交