Sustainable development is applied to
just about everything from energy to clean water and economic growth, and as a
result it has become difficult to question either the basic assumptions behind
it or the way the concept is put to use. This is especially true in agriculture,
where sustainable development is often taken as the sole measure of progress
without a proper appreciation of historical and cultural perspectives. To start with, it is important to remember that the nature of agriculture has changed markedly throughout history, and will continue to do so. Medieval agriculture in northern Europe fed, clothed and sheltered a predom A. localised pollution B. competition from overseas C. the shrinking of farmland D. the decrease of biodiversity [判断题]A-A-A-003 4 1 3
职业道德的作用,它一方面具有社会道德的一般作用,另一方面它又具有行业的特殊作用。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列( )不是主要影响价值创造的因素。
A. 投资资本报酬率 B. 资本成本 C. 增长率 D. 利润额 [单选题]企业文化理念起源于(____)。
A.美国 B.日本 D.英国 [判断题]动车组为固定编组。单组动车组不得解编,两组短编组同型动车组可重联运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工作负责人应在每次巡检作业结束后的第二个工作日内前将相关变化情况报送工作许可人。
A.对 B.错 [单项选择]测量活塞在气缸内的间隙最好的方法系使用()。
A. 厚薄规 B. 千分表 C. 游标卡尺 D. 活塞量规及弹簧秤 [多项选择]下列费用不属于建设项目静态投资的是()。
A. 勘察设计费 B. 建设期货款利息 C. 新开征税费 D. 汇率变动部分 E. 建设单位管理费 [单选题]某公司在编制成本费用预算时,利用成本性态模型(y=a+b错),测算预算期内各种可能的业务量水平下的成本费用,这种预算编制方法是()。
A.滚动预算法 B.固定预算法 C.弹性预算法 D.零基预算法 [单选题]抗心律失常药分类和相应药物,不正确的是( )
A.ⅠA类:适度阻滞钠通道-奎尼丁 B.ⅠB类:轻度阻滞钠通道-利多卡因 C.ⅠC类:高度阻滞钠通道-苯妥英钠 D.Ⅲ类:延长动作电位时程药-胺碘酮 E.Ⅳ类:钙通道阻滞药-维拉帕米 [判断题]对重柴油的质量要求是要有适宜的粘度和含硫量小。
A.协助公司运检部开展检修日常管理和统计分析工作 B.协调跨省检修资源,组织跨省支援 C.负责公司重大设备事件及质量事件的调查 D.协调解决各类检修物资质量问题 [单项选择]低渗性缺水引起血压下降的主要原因是( )
A. 低血钠导致血管张力降低 B. 细胞内外液同时有大量丢失 C. 低钠和低钾使心肌收缩力减弱 D. 血管升压素分泌增加使细胞外液量更减少 E. 细胞外液量急剧减少导致循环血量降低 [填空题]各车间、工区(班组)要加强对电器设备的检查,严禁乱拉乱接电线,防止<--NRC-->。
A.按压冲击式,猛压,其效果差,且易导致骨折 B.放松时抬手离开胸骨定位点,造成下次按压部位错误,不会引起骨折。 C.放松时未能使胸部充分松弛,胸部仍承受压力,使血液难以回到心脏。 D.双手掌不是重叠放置,而是交叉放置。 [单项选择]The United States has historically had higher rates of marriage than those of other industrialized countries. The current annual marriage
in the United States—about 9 new marriages for every 1,000 people—is
higher than it is in other industrialized countries. However, marriage is
as widespread as it was several decades ago.
of American adults who are married
from 72 percent in 1970 to 60 percent in 2002. This does not mean that large numbers of people will remain unmarried
their lives. Throughout the 20th century, about 90 percent of Americans married at some
in their lives. Experts
that about the same proportion of today"s young adults will eventually marry.
The timing of marriage has varied
over the past century. In 1995 the average age of women in the United States at the time of their first marriage was 25. The average age of men was about 27. Men and women in the United States marry for the first time an average of five years later than people did in the 1950s.
, young adults of the 1950s married younger than did any previous
in U.S. history. Today"s later age of marriage is
the age of marriage between 1890 and 1940. Moreover, a greater proportion of the population was married (95 percent) during the 1950s than at any time before
Experts do not agree on why the "marriage rush" of the late 1940s and 1950s occurred, but most social scientists believe it represented a
to the return of peace and prosperity after 15 years of severe economic
and war.
A. and after B. or after C. or since D. ever since [简答题]根据《 中国银行股份有限公司冠字号码查询管理办法
》,涉及跨省(市)冠字号码查询,以下说法正确的有:_____。( )
[多选题]托儿所、幼儿园、养老院火灾扑救时,应根据火势发展和人员被困的具体情况开展作战行动,要首先选择距离被困人员最近的( )疏散救人和内攻灭火。
A.安全出口 B.疏散楼梯 C.电梯 D.消防电梯 [填空题]按“师带徒”管理的新职、( )、晋升人员上道进行实作技能培训及相关作业时,必须在师傅的监督下方可作业。
[填空题]在进行模块测试时,要为每个被测试的模块另外设计两类模块:驱动模块和承接模块(桩模块)。其中【 】的作用是将测试数据传送给被测试的模块,并显示被测试模块所产生的结果。
A. 空载电流; B. 负荷电流; C. 三相不平衡电流; D. 零序电流。 [多选题]下列关于ATS中站台门的描述正确的是?
A.站台门关闭且锁紧显示灰色实线 B.站台门打开显示绿色虚线 C.站台门互锁解除显示红色实线 D.站台门联锁中断显示灰色实线 [单项选择]治疗湿热泻痢,痔疮肿痛,宜选用()。
A. 青蒿 B. 胡黄连 C. 牡丹皮 D. 银柴胡 E. 地骨皮 我来回答: 提交