Mrs White gave music lessons at a
school. She had a good voice, {{U}} (36) {{/U}}some of her high notes
sounded like a door that{{U}} (37) {{/U}}oiling. Mrs White knew her{{U}}
(38) {{/U}}well, and took every{{U}} (39) {{/U}}she could find
to practise these high notes. As she{{U}} (40) {{/U}}a small house, she
could not practise{{U}} (41) {{/U}}disturbing the rest of the family. So
she usually went for long walks {{U}} (42) {{/U}}the country road. But{{U}}
(43) {{/U}}she heard a car or a person{{U}} (44) {{/U}}along
the road, she stopped practising. She did not want to be heard, {{U}} (45)
{{/U}}she was very shy. One afternoon, a fast open car came up behind her so{{U}} (46) {{/U}}and so fast that she did not hear it {{U}} (47) {{/U}}it was only a few yards from her. She A. sound B. strength C. weakness D. music [名词解释]企业年金
A. 80% B. 85% C. 90% D. 95% [多选题]28.重大危险源的评价应以单元为评价对象。下列评价对象中,可以划分为同一个单元进行评价的有( )。
A.同一堤坝内的全部储罐 B.同一厂房内的装置 C.散设在地上的管道 D.同一楼层的全部设备系统 E.分布于不同楼层介质相连的设备系统 [单选题]ZD6系列电动转辙机的速动片与启动片的间隙为()
A.0.4~2mm B.0.5~2mm C.0.6~2mm D.0.8~2mm [判断题]DF4型机车柴油机曲轴输出端与主发电机之间是通过刚性联轴节相连接。
A.电缆本体故障 B.电缆附件故障 C.充油电缆信号故障 D.施工原因故障 [多选题] 精馏塔的塔压控制方法有( )。
A.塔顶气相送出量 B.塔顶冷凝器的冷剂液面 C.塔顶冷剂的量 D.塔顶气体排放火炬 [填空题]
Downing Street is the most exclusive street in Britain, not
because it only has three houses along its short{{U}} (26) {{/U}}, nor
particularly because of its location between Whitehall and St. James’s Park, but
because its only residents are{{U}} (27) {{/U}}from the elected
Numbers 10 and 11 Downing Street arc the{{U}} (28) {{/U}}London residences of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer—the First and Second Lords of the Treasury. Numbers 9 and 12 are the offices of their key{{U}} (29) {{/U}}and colleagues in Government. The location has been{{U}} (30) {{/U}}for centuries, of course, as even before modern government the{{U}} (31) {{/U}}was close to Westminster Abbey and later Whitehall Palace. But it was Sir George Downing who made the most of its{{U}} (32) {{/U}}and built the street of houses that bears his name. In his later{{U}} (33) {{/U}}as a property speculator and de [填空题]线路维修应按照“ () ”的原则,根据线路状态的变化规律,合理安排养护与维修。
[单选题]置换时间是根据排污水中含盐量是否小于( )来确定的。
A.0.015 B.0.005 C.0.01 D.0.02 [单项选择]《城市区域环境振动标准》(GB 10070—88)规定的环境噪声标准值适用于( )。
A. 连续发生的稳态振动 B. 冲击振动 C. 无规则振动 D. 以上所有振动形式 [单项选择]小儿短小手术()。
A. 骶管阻滞 B. 蛛网膜下腔麻醉 C. 局部麻醉+基础麻醉 D. 气管插管全麻 E. 局部麻醉 [单项选择]同伴交往的显著特点是()
A. 地位和角色的平等 B. 没有利益关系 C. 年龄相差小 D. 性格、兴趣相投 [判断题]新军事变革将变集结式作战保障为聚集式作战保障。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一位海关检查员认为,他在特殊工作经历中培养了一种特殊的技能,即能够准确地判定一个人是否在欺骗他。他的根据是,在海关通道执行公务时,短短的几句对话就能使他确定对方是否可疑;而在他认为可疑的人身上,无一例外地都查出了违禁物品。以下哪项如果为真,能削弱上述海关检查员的论证
Ⅰ.在他认为不可疑而未经检查的人关人员中,有人无意地携带了违禁物品。 Ⅱ.在他认为不可疑而未经检查的人关人员中,有人有意地携带了违禁物品。 Ⅲ.在他认为可疑并查出违禁物品的人关人员中,有人是无意地携带了违禁物品。 A. 只有Ⅰ和Ⅲ。 B. 只有Ⅰ和Ⅱ。 C. 只有Ⅱ和Ⅲ。 D. Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ。 [多选题]有下列情形之一的,公民应当出示居民身份证证明身份: 。 ( )
A.常住户口登记项目变更 B.兵役登记 C.婚姻登记 D.收养登记 [单项选择]补偿性余额是指银行要求借款人在银行中保持按贷款限额或实际借用额的一定百分比计算的最低存款余额,该百分比是()。
A. 5%~10% B. 10%~15% C. 20%~30% D. 10%~20% [填空题]数据监控:值班人员通过SCADA系统实时监控和分析运行参数,以判断工艺流程和设备状态是否正常,处于站场控制方式的站场值班人员负责该站()监控。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交