Passage 10 In the late 1960’s, many people in North America turned their attention to environmental problems, and new steel-and-glass skyscrapers were widely criticized. Ecologists pointing (1) that a cluster of tall buildings in a city often overburdens public transportation and parking lot (2) Skyscrapers are also enormous (3) , and wasters, of electric power. In one recent year, the addition (4) 17 million square feet of skyscraper office space in New York City raised the (5) daily demand for electricity by 120,000 kilowatts--enough to (6) the entire city of Albany for a day. Glass-walled skyscraper can be especially (7) . The heat Still, people (19) to build skyscrapers for all the reasons that they have always built them--personal ambition and the 20 of o A. intervene B. interfere C. interrupt D. obstacle [单选题]电力机车在有接触网终点的线路上调车时,应控制速度,机车距接触网终点标应有 ( )m 的安全距离。
A.10 B.20 C.30 [单选题]孙某原系光某的女朋友,在光某任法定代表人的某广告公司任职。两人恋爱期间,该公司与孙某签订协议,以孙某名义贷款购买了一辆轿车,公司负担首付和月供,车辆所有权归公司,该车暂由孙某使用。两人恋爱关系终止后,光某多次向孙某要车,但孙某拒不归还。某日,光某趁孙某不注意拔下车钥匙,并将孙某赶下车,孙某报警。关于本案的处理意见错误的是( )。
A.本案不构成抢劫,属于民事纠纷,不归公安机关管辖,双方可以向有管辖权的法院提起民事诉讼 B.本案虽不构成刑事和行政案件,但民警对孙某报警应当及时处理并给予帮助 C.处警民警应当将车辆恢复由孙某占有的状态,否则构成行政不作为 D.处警民警应当告知双方在车辆权属未经法院确认前应维持处警时由光某控制的状态 [单项选择]一般来说,某种生理和心理的需要未得到满足是造成婴幼儿()的原因。
A. 霸道 B. 任性 C. 爱哭 D. 胆小 [单项选择]下列选项不属于蛋白质凝胶现象的是( )。
A. 面团饧放回力 B. 肉馅搅拌上劲 C. 芡汁糊精老化 D. 米饭冷却变硬 [填空题]传染病爆发、流行时,县级以上地方人民政府应当()。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]农村土地流转和土地规模经营贷款要重点支持||和高标准生产基地建设
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]钢支撑提升离开基座()m时应停下检查起重机的稳定性、制动的可靠性、钢支撑的平衡性、绑扎的牢固性、确认无误后,方可起吊。当起重机出现倾覆迹象时,应快速使钢支撑落回基座。
A.0.1 B.0.2 C.0.3 D.0.5 [单选题]工作间断,工作班离开工作地点,若接地线拆除恢复工作前应重新()。
A.重新办理工作票 B.重新许可工作票 C.验电、装设接地线 D.设置围栏 [单选题] 143
关于VRRP报文,以下说法正确的是? A.VRRP使用TCP报文 B.VRRP使用UDP报文 C.VRRP报文的目的地址是224.0.0.18 D.VRRP报文是单播报文 [单项选择] Old Mothers’ Children Have Higher Diabetes (糖尿病) Risk
Children of older mothers run a higher risk of developing insulin-dependent (胰岛素依赖型的) diabetes, the British Medical Journal said. "A strong association was found between increasing maternal (母亲的) age at delivery and risk of (insulin-dependent) diabetes in the child. Risk was highest in firstborn children and decreased progressively with higher birth order," Professor Edwin Gale and colleagues at Southmead Hospital in Bristol said. Diabetes is a serious, incurable, lifelong disease characterized (以......作为特性) by all inability to control the amount of sugar in the blood. Insulin-dependent diabetes, which mainly affects children, is treated by administering the hormone insulin. Gale looked into 1,375 families in the Oxford area where one or more children had diabetes and found that the risk of a child developing insulin-dependent diabetes increased by 25 percent for each five-year band of the mothers age.
The ri
A. the amount of sugar he or she consumes B. the age of the father C. birth order D. the maternal age at delivery [单选题]当年伙食费节余不超过年度伙食费总额的()
A.A、3 B.B、5 C.C、10 D.D、15 [填空题]在运营过程中,发生站台门故障时,按照“先通后复”的原则进行处理,在保证安全的前提下,确保列车正常运行。
基模”( )。 A.成长下限 B.南辕北辙 C.舍本逐末 D.以静制动 [单项选择]在Linux中,更改用户口令的命令是______。
A. pwd B. password C. kouling D. password [单选题]传输系统维护过程中,传输设备单板故障属于 ( )。
A.日常例行维护 B.紧急维护 C.突发性维护 D.周期性例行维护 [判断题]铁路线路分为正线、站线、段管线、岔线、安全线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]A.尖端扭转型室速
A.心房颤动 B.心房扑动 C.心室扑动 D.心室颤动 E.QRS-T波群消失,代之以匀齐的连续的正弦波 [单选题]安装间隔棒时,安全带挂在( )子导线上,后备保护绳挂在整相导线上。
A.A.三根 B.B.一根 C.C.二根 D.D.整相 [单选题]新中国的成立标志着中国人民从此站起来了。关于新中国成立的重大意义,下列阐述不准确的一项是( )。
A.标志着帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义对中国人民的反动统治终结 B.它是继俄国十月革命和第二次世界大战胜利后世界历史中的最重大事件 C.使中国成为一个真正独立自主的国家 D.它表明中国新民主主义革命已经取得了彻底胜利 [单选题]网络互联是计算机网络的第( )阶段。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单项选择]EXCEL 2002中,先将ON改成NO,再将STE改成SET后,单击一次常用工具栏上的“撤消”按钮,则光标处会显示()。
A. ON B. NO C. STE D. SET 我来回答: 提交