Most of us think we know the kind of
kid who becomes a killer, and most of the time we’re right. Boys{{U}} (31)
{{/U}}about 85% of all youth murderers, and in those cases about 90% fall
within a pattern{{U}} (32) {{/U}}the line from bad parenting and bad{{U}}
(33) {{/U}}to murder is usually clear. Their lives start with abuse,
neglect and{{U}} (34) {{/U}}deprivation at home. Add the effects of
poverty and drug, and it is not{{U}} (35) {{/U}}that in a violent
society like ours,{{U}} (36) {{/U}}children become deadly
teens. {{U}} (37) {{/U}}what about the other 10% of kids who kill: the boys who have{{U}} (38) {{/U}}parents and a A. aroused B. raised C. flourished D. whipped [单项选择]《原机启微》的作者是:
A. 杨继洲 B. 徐春甫 C. 龚信 D. 李梃 E. 倪维德 [判断题]离心泵在小流量区工作易产生气蚀.( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]社会是不断发展进步的,先秦时就有胡服骑射了,你们为什么还要退回去?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]智能型电度表 PWH, 通过采集原边低压电流互感器 TA2 和高压电压互感器 TV1 提供的电流和电压信号来实现机车牵引、再生电能的计量。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当丝条断头时,加弹机探丝器立刻发出一个信号给()使之动作。
A. 传感器 B. 第一罗拉 C. 切丝器 D. 兔子头 [单选题]对于AAA级,AA级业务,故障受理省(或总部)应在故障恢复后的()分钟内通过工单的方式反馈故障处理结果。( )
A.15 B.20 C.25 D.30 [单项选择]乳癌腋窝淋巴结分组解剖标志为( )
A. 胸小肌 B. 胸大肌 C. 肋间内肌 D. 肋间外肌 E. 背阔肌 [多选题]工作终结报告的方法有()。
A.邮件许可 B.当面许可 C.电话许可 D.视频许可 E./ F./ [单项选择]()年,我国正式实施国家“学生饮用奶计划”,这是党中央、国务院对青少年营养、健康的关怀,是利国利民之举。
A. 1998 B. 1999 C. 2000 [多项选择]女性36岁,腹部膨隆半年,腹部可触及巨大包块,边界清楚,无压痛。你的诊断依据是那些()?
A. CT增强扫描见右肾积水 B. 盆腔见一巨大不均匀肿块占据整个盆腔,肿块中央密度减低。 C. 中年妇女伴盆腔包块 D. 腹膜后淋巴结肿大 E. 病变浸润椎体 [填空题]
A good translator is by definition bilingual. The opposite is not (1) true, however. A born and bred bilingual will still need two (2) to become a translator: first, the skills and experience necessary for (3); second, knowledge of the field in which he or she will (4). The skills and experience for translation include the ability to write (5) in the target language, the ability to read and understand the (6) language material thoroughly, and the ability to work with the latest (7) and communication hardware and software. Does a born and bred bilingual (8) a better translator than someone who learned language B later in (9) There is no definite answer, but the following issues are important (10), a born and bred bilingual often suffers from not truly knowing (11) language well enough to translate, with some even suffering from what (12) known as a lingualism, a state in which a person lacks (13) full, fluent command of any language. Second, born and bred bilinguals (14) don&rsquo [单项选择]骨筋膜室综合征可造成骨筋膜室容量减少,压力升高,肌肉神经的血供障碍;一般认为可出现神经功能异常者是()。
A. 缺血30秒 B. 缺血2-4h C. 缺血12-24h D. 缺血2-4小时 E. 缺血2天后 [多项选择]人民法院的履行到期债务通知,可以以下列哪些方式送达
A. 公告送达 B. 邮寄送达 C. 直接送达 D. 委托送达 [单选题]A-E-F-001 5 2 4
图中所示标志为( )。 A.公里标 B.半公里标 C.曲线标 D.桥梁标 [单项选择]()均可用瞳距仪来测量。
A. 单眼瞳距 B. 双眼瞳距 C. 远用瞳距 D. 远用、近用、单眼及双眼瞳距 [单项选择]用方形地砖铺一块正方形地面,四周用不同颜色的地砖加以装饰,用47块不同颜色的砖装饰了这块地面相邻的两边。这块地面一共要用多少块砖
A. 324 B. 576 C. 891 D. 1024 [单选题]真空指示器为()表示空气滤清器应更换滤芯。
A.红色 B.绿色 C.黄色 D.蓝色 [多选题]从火场外向火场主体观察的主要内容有( )。
A.燃烧范围、大致的燃烧终止线 B.火场燃烧破坏程度 C.建筑承重构件的倒塌形式和方向 D.建筑外表面形成的烟熏痕迹和低熔点物体熔化滴落痕迹 E.通向火场的通道、开口部位变化情况 [单选题] 全属于极毒蘑菇的一组是( )。
A.白毒伞、黄白蚁伞、包脚黑裙伞 B.裂皮白环磨、残托斑毒伞、秋盔准伞 C.绿相伞、角鳞灰熟膏、虎掌茵 D.褐鳞小伞、鹿花菌、橙盖鹅膏 我来回答: 提交